912: Object? Take money!

"In order to appease them, I decided to give each scientific researcher a compensation of five thousand dollars. Everyone has a share of the money. In addition, each person in the laboratory where the equipment on the list is located gave an extra five thousand dollars. People's resistance should be much smaller.

Su Ming did think of this. The reason why he didn't say it before was because he wanted to see if these people would oppose it. If not, he could save a lot of things.

If he objected, he would take the money. Since coming to Northern Bear Country, Su Ming has really felt the power of money here. Even special forces can buy it with money. What else can't be bought with money?

Now that the living standards of the Northern Bear Country are so poor, he doesn't believe that those scientific researchers will stand up 940 and refuse in the face of such a huge amount of compensation.

However, this will increase the expenditure by more than 100 million U.S. dollars. Suykhov’s way of thinking has obviously not kept up with Su Ming. Hearing this, he said sternly: "Boss, you can save this money, everything. I can run it, you--"

Su Ming didn't wait for Suykhov to finish speaking, and immediately waved his hand: "Suykhov, I want to ask you a question, what is the root of a country?"

Suykhov didn't understand why Su Ming asked this question, and saw him answer: "It's... the people."

Su Ming nodded after hearing this: "You are right. The reason why the North (dacd) Xiong Country has come to where it is today is because the ruling class only considers its own interests to a large extent.

They have ignored the people's demands. What is the people's desire? It is nothing more than a good life. If they can bring benefits to them, they will be grateful.

If you use coercive methods, this will only bury hatred in their hearts, Suikhoff, if you want to achieve a higher status in the future, you must keep this in mind, and you must not ignore the feelings of the people at any time. "

Although Su Ming said so, what he thought was: I didn't do it to reduce unnecessary troubles, otherwise it would be bad if it caused some people's attention.

Suykhov thought for a while after hearing this, and then nodded vigorously: "Thank you, boss, I will definitely remember this. I will call Karlov now and ask him to convey this compensation plan! "

Su Ming looked at Suikhov who was on the phone, and thought to himself: This guy is still too tender, he has tasted the sweetness brought to him by power these days, and he is a little forgetful. If he continues to do this in the future, I am afraid he will also It won't last long.

With money to open the way, most of the personnel of the Sukhoi Research Institute gave up their opposition, but there is still a small group of diehards who are unwilling to compromise, and it is natural to use strong for these people.

Suikhov sent people to arrest all these diehards under Su Ming's instructions, but they were not threatened.

On the contrary, their families received compensation, and Su Ming asked Suykhov to find the families of these diehards as lobbyists. This two-pronged approach would naturally have a very good effect.

Those who have settled the Sukhoi Research Institute must also consider the attention of the people. Suytuifu asked the leadership of the industrial bureau to speak, saying that this transaction was to update the equipment of the research institute.

In this way, the mouths of most people were blocked. According to Su Ming's instructions, the Sukhoi Research Institute reached a strategic agreement with a company called Wendy Technology.

As for how sacred this Wendy Technology company is, no one pays attention at all. Everyone's attention has been attracted by the current situation. Who cares about any technology company?

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