919: a comprehensive plan!

Su Ming said with a smile: "It is true, Mr. Guo, first of all, I would like to thank you for your support to the new enterprise and for giving us such a large piece of land, and secondly...

That piece of land is so big that we can't keep it empty for business owners, right? It's a huge waste for government enterprises and enterprises, so I want to use all the remaining open space. "

That's what Guo Dao was waiting for. He knew that Su Ming was a very capable person in "Nine Forty Zero", and his achievements in mathematics were not necessary,

The most important thing is that he knows the eldest lady of the Mellon Consortium, and the relationship between the two is excellent. If Su Ming has a new investment idea, it is probably not a small business, because he really does not lack money, let alone projects!

I saw Dao Guo laughed and said: "Xiao Ming, your ideas coincide with me! Do you know why I allocated such a large area to you alone?

The purpose is to allow you to have better conditions for development in the future. I know you are a capable person. How about it. Can you tell your uncle about your new investment plan?"

Su Ming heard the words and said: Let me just say, why give us such a big place, co-authored to let me do follow-up development.

Su Ming thought of this and laughed: "Uncle Guo understands me. We really have a tacit understanding! In fact, my new investment has been planned long ago. This is a technology company.

Liu Suqing was stunned when he heard this. He only heard Liu Suqing say: "Xiao Ming, do you want to engage in science and technology? Can this work? We don't have that foundation!"

Mr. Guo also responded similarly. He echoed: "Yes, technology is not something you can do casually, Xiao Ming, you have to think carefully!"

In this era, China is no stranger to the term science and technology, but every time the word is mentioned, Chinese people think of Western developed countries.

As for China, I don't even think about it. It seems that technology is only a patent of Western countries, and has nothing to do with Chinese people.

Su Ming couldn't help but smile when he heard what the two said, and then said: "Don't worry, I have made a complete plan, and even thought out the name of the new company.

When the two saw that Su Ming didn't seem to be joking, they were a little hesitant. Liu Suqing first asked: "Xiao Ming, what is the name of the new company?"

Su Ming smiled slightly, and then solemnly said: "The new company is called "Dream Technology Co., Ltd.". The main business area is high-tech. Whatever makes money is developed!"

Su Ming proposed to establish a Dream Technology Co., Ltd., the main reason is to get those scientific research equipment back to the country through reasonable procedures...

If you propose to build a laboratory, it won't work at all. What will others think? You don't even have a plan for related industries. What do you want to study when you are in a laboratory?

However, it is different to propose to engage in technology companies. For technology companies, scientific research equipment is an indispensable thing. With this reason, those scientific research equipment can enter the country in a justified way.

Guo Xiangqian saw Su Ming's serious appearance, and he stayed for 2.3-minutes before he said: "Xiao Ming, of course I believe you very much, but as your godmother said, scientific research requires a foundation. You think it's true. Is it okay?"

Su Ming said with a smile: "Uncle Guo, do you think I am a person who can do whatever I want? How could I say such a thing if there is no plan for Zhou's consideration?"

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