920: Five hundred million shots!

Su Ming spoke with a confident look. Guo Xiangqian and Liu Suqing were silent when they saw this. After a while, Guo Xiangqian nodded and said: "Uncle support you! Just say what you need, I will personally approve it!"

Guo Xiangqian thought it clearly. Since Su Ming is so confident, he, the thigh-holding person, naturally has to follow him closely. No matter what the result is, he still has to fight.

Besides, Su Ming has never been a reckless person. He dared to put forward such a plan with absolute certainty.

Seeing Guo Xiangqian agree, Liu Suqing finally nodded and said, "Xiaoming, Auntie also supports you!"

Su Ming said with a smile: "That's all right, Uncle Guo. There are some things that will trouble you at 30."

Guo Xiangqian's main thoughts are still on his official career. The purpose of establishing this industrial park is for his political achievements. As long as he has made achievements, he wants to be promoted in the future becomes very simple.

Hearing Su Ming's words at the moment, Guo Xiangqian smiled and said, "If you need anything, please speak directly. Uncle promised to complete the task-Xiao Qin, come here."

Don't look at Qianqian Guo when he talked to Su Ming amiably, but in front of his hand, it was definitely full of official tone.

Secretary Qin stood outside the door and immediately nodded and walked in when he heard Guo Xiangqian's call. Then respectfully said: "Guo Dao, are you looking for me?"

Guo Xiangqian nodded and said: "You make a record, as long as it is the request made by Su Ming, write down one item without missing, and then you will do it yourself."

Su Ming smiled and shook his head.

Guo Xiangqian was ready to fight a big battle. After all, it's a technology company. There must be a lot of things to do. Who knows that Su Ming is only asking for two requirements. This surprised him. He stayed for a while, and then asked: "You only mention two things. Is the point request so simple?"

Su Ming laughed and said, "Uncle Guo, technology companies are not that complicated.

Guo Xiangqian said with a smile: "Oh, that's good, I thought I had to do a lot of preparatory work.

Su Ming turned his head and said to Secretary Qin: "Secretary Qin, you can write it down with your head. My first request is that the government must provide me with relevant approval procedures.

The second requirement is that the government should provide me with a loan. How about it? Isn't it simple?"

Secretary Qin looked at Su Ming with a smile on his face, and immediately nodded and said: "It's really simple, but I still want to ask you to give a detailed explanation. So that we can get things done quickly and accurately.

Secretary Qin is a very careful person. As long as Su Ming tells the specific rules, he can guarantee that there will be no mistakes. Even if something goes wrong, with Su Ming's testimony, Mr. Guo can't blame him.

Su Ming understood what Secretary Qin meant, and he nodded and said: "The first point is mainly divided into two parts. The first is the company-related administrative approval procedures, and the second is the relevant scientific research equipment purchased by the company. These two points shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Secretary Qin nodded when he heard the words: "These are not problems. What is the payment for Article 2?"

Everyone here knows that this is the most important one. Banks are not so bullish these years and want to borrow from them,

This difficulty is not ordinary. If the loan amount is not too large, Secretary Qin thinks it is okay. If the amount is too large, it will be a bit difficult.

Su Ming laughed and said: "The loan is to buy scientific research equipment, but scientific research equipment is not cheap. According to my estimation, it will cost 500 million yuan.

"What! Five hundred million!!"

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