921: Wash the black into white!

"Hi--Xiao Ming, are you kidding me!

"Mr. Su, this amount... it is estimated that the city lord will not be able to borrow it!"

Guo Xiangqian, Liu Suqing and Secretary Qin were all deeply shocked!

What is the concept of five hundred million? This is equivalent to 20% of Sanjiang's fiscal revenue in one year!

By the way, which bank dared to pay 500 million yuan to private companies?

There is no such precedent in China! Even in the relatively developed special economic zones along the coast, it has never happened!

Su Ming saw the terrifying expressions of the three of them, and thought to himself: I bought these things but spent 1.2 billion US dollars.

In addition, the compensation paid by the personnel of the Sukhoi Research Institute has reached 1.3 billion U.S. dollars. If this is converted into RMB, it will be nearly 8 billion. If you know this amount, don't you want to be scared to death?

The reason why Su Ming asks for the payment is to convert the equipment into legal assets through the open operation. In fact, it is equivalent to washing the black into white. Otherwise, where did your equipment come from?

Scientific research equipment is not cheap, and the use of five hundred million is to block everyone's mouth and make a rationalized illusion.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the three people, Su Ming suddenly felt that the Chinese people's ability to bear them is still too poor. This is not to say that the quality of these three people is not good, but it is caused by the environment.

Five hundred million yuan is an amount that many people dare not even think of. In order to gain everyone's support, Su Ming smiled slightly:

"Don't be surprised. I didn't take the money for nothing. Don't bank loans still have interest? I won't let the state-owned assets drain." "

When Secretary Qin heard this, he turned his attention to Guo Qiang. Obviously, this topic is beyond his ability. Guo Xiangqian smiled bitterly when he heard Su Ming's words:

"Xiao Ming, this can't be done with a few promises. You know the domestic environment.

If it is a large state-owned enterprise, a 500 million loan may still be available, but what you are going to do is just a private company. There is no such precedent in China!

Which bank dare to give so much money to a private company?

Guo Xiangqian stopped here when he said that, Su Ming had expected him to say this a long time ago, after thinking about it for a while.

Su Ming said: "Uncle Guo, things are really difficult, but people always think of ways. Can you find a relationship with the bank--"

Guo Xiangqian didn't wait for Su Ming to finish speaking, and even waved his hand: "Xiao Ming, it's not that I don't help. It's really helpless. Even if I go to the old leader, I'm afraid they won't agree to it. The amount is too big!"

Liu Suqing agreed upon hearing the words: "Yes, so much money, who would dare to make a decision?"

Su Ming fell into deep thought again when he heard this. After a while, he said, "What if I can recover the investment within a year? That's not okay?"

Guo Xiangqian sighed when he heard the words: "This is not a guarantee.

Xiao Ming, although I believe you, the banks may not. They don't have much money. Such a large amount is not a joke. To put it (Noma's) is not an exaggeration, I am afraid that this amount can alarm the nephew of the Central Committee.

This is equivalent to completely plugging Su Ming's mouth. Su Ming smiled when he heard the words: "Uncle Guo, otherwise, you can ask the bank for a face-to-face talk. I don't blame you whether it succeeds or not. "

Guo Xiangqian nodded when he heard the words, "This is okay, but-Xiao Ming, you are so familiar with Miss Di Fei'er, you can find her to solve this kind of thing. Why do you want to make a detour?"

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