923: It's you!

He felt that it was rare for people to have such a thick skin. Xu Xingchang knew that the ability to pretend to be confused is absolutely the best in the world.

Su Ming even suspected that this guy had practiced kung fu similar to "golden mask and iron face", otherwise, how could this guy still eat so happily now?

Su Ming nodded to Guo Xiangqian, indicating that he already understood that he could see it.

If I had known this, I should call Di Fei'er. This President Xu couldn't be trusted at all, but since they have already come,

After the few people refused to pick up the payment, Mr. Guo's smile was much less. He felt that his face was a bit embarrassing, and he couldn't help hating Xu Chao.

As an official, where did you get this kind of anger? You Xu Chao is not my leader, so doing this would not treat me as a person, right?

Xu Chao was eating and drinking while chatting.

Liu Suqing is wearing a fiery red dress today. The skirt is a little tight, which makes her figure more attractive. Although she is already a child and mother, her figure is not deviated at all, only Xu Chao's heart is shaken.

Liu Suqing has already understood the current situation, so she is no longer enthusiastic about Xu Chao, and she is not to blame for changing her face too quickly.

This Xu Chao is really too much. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, at least you have to listen to it. You have blocked all the words in one mouth. What is it?

Seeing Xu Chao's hot eyes at this moment. Liu Suqing couldn't sit still a bit, and saw her stand up and said, "I'll go out for a while, some of you slow down."

After saying this, she wanted to go out. Who knows that Xu Chao drank too much wine and couldn't hold it anymore. She stretched out her hand and grabbed her arm, and said with a smile, "Miss Liu. Just have a few drinks with us here!"

This scene was completely unexpected by a few people.Guo Xiangqian, Secretary Qin, and Su Ming were dumbfounded, and Liu Suqing was dumbfounded!

Xu Chao was a little forgetful at the moment, just listening to him continue to say: "Don't worry, I will not treat you badly, if you drink too much. I will drive you home by myself, come and sit down."

Liu Suqing finally came back to her senses, her reaction was quite quick, she saw that she shook off Xu Chao's dirty hands, then gave him a loud slap, and yelled:

"I want you to send it? You don't see what you are!! Shameless!"

Xu Chao got a slap in the face. Drinking suddenly became sober, I saw him covering his face," he stood up and pointed at Liu Suqing and cursed: "XXX! You don't see what you are! You dare to treat me--"

…0 Seeking flowers…

The first three words were quite damaging, and Su Ming immediately became angry. Before Xu Chao could finish speaking, he flicked the empty wine bottle on the table and slammed Xu Chao on the forehead.

Immediately I heard Xu Chao screaming, leaning against the wall with his forehead, and bright red blood flowing straight out of his fingers!


Su Ming hit the people with no fear at all, and only listened to him yelling: "Dog stuff! If you eat and drink, you dare to bully my godmother! I XXXX!"

Su Ming's beating came too suddenly.

Mr. Guo, Secretary Qin and Liu Suqing didn't react a little bit. Governor Xu was beaten and scolded. After screaming, he yelled to Mr. Guo.

"Big Brother Guo! You invited me over today! You are responsible for something like this--don't both of you want to leave! I'll call the police!"

Guo Xiangqian has long been upset. In his opinion, Su Ming and Liu Suqing are much more important than this president Xu. At least he still holds shares in the newly opened factory. again

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