924: You deserve to be beaten!

Su Ming and Liu Suqing are both their own people. At this moment, hearing President Xu say such things, the boss Guo Leng smiled and said: "Battle bastard! You should be a junk!!

Afterwards, the waiter standing outside the door heard the tragic noise of President Xu: "It's terrible-biting-Guo Dao hitting someone-oops -"

Then there was a "crash" sound from the private room, and the sound seemed to be that the table was overturned, and the "Nine and Forty-Ninety Zero" staff wanted to go in and persuade her, but the Taurus standing outside the door stopped her and said: "This matter It has nothing to do with you. Don't be nosy. "

The waiter heard the words and thought about it, a big boss and a bank leader were fighting, and it was difficult for anyone to persuade the fight. There was a fuss inside for a while before the door opened.

Liu Suqing, Su Ming, Guo Xiangqian, and Secretary Qin filed out. Looking inside, the tables, chairs, and benches all fell to the ground. The Xu Xingchang crouched in the corner, groaning to himself.

After a few people went out, they turned around and wanted to leave, but Governor Xu shouted inside, "The surname is Guo! Don't want to leave! I'll call the police! I'm going to sue you!

Guo Xiangqian sneered at this, and then said to the waiter: "You go call the police, I want to see what you bastard can do to me!"

The waiter saw the iron-faced gangster Guo, and immediately nodded and ran downstairs. The police were very fast, and they rushed to the scene of the incident within a few minutes.

After inquiring about the situation, the head of Police Officer Chen pulled Guo Xiangqian to a remote place and said: "Guo Dao, why are you making such a big fire?"

Guo Xiangqian snorted coldly when he heard the words, "Do you want to copy me back?"

Officer Chen heard the words and waved his hand again and again: "What are you talking about? How about you cooperate... let's go back and take care of this matter?"

Guo Xiangqian nodded when he heard the words: "It's okay. This matter really needs to be handled properly. If a gangster or gangster can become the president of a bank, you must take this matter seriously! Resolutely crack down on this scum!"

Dao Guo is completely covering the sky in Sanjiang New Area, and even the city government can't get in the manpower. Officer Chen naturally understands who to help. Hearing this, he nodded and said to his opponent: "Bring Governor Xu back!"

After saying this, he turned his head and said to Guo Xiangqian: "Guo Dao, let's go first, can you come by yourself later?"

Guo Xiangqian nodded when he heard the words: "Hey, let's go first, I'll wait for the past. 0"

The police quickly helped Governor Xu to leave. Su Ming then said to Guo Xiangqian: "Uncle Guo, I'm hurting you--

Guo Xiangqian waved his hand and interrupted when he heard the words, "Xiao Ming, don't say that. This bastard should be beaten and nothing is done. It's fine to ask him to eat and drink for nothing, but he shouldn't be so lacking in quality. !"

Su Ming sighed when he heard the words: "I would have known that I wouldn't take a loan. It's really disappointing--Auntie, are you okay?"

Liu Suqing looked pretty good now. She was bullied and someone helped her make her way, and her heart was a lot easier. When she heard this, she smiled slightly and said: "I'm fine, this bastard is really not a thing. I can't make him better than 2.3 later!"

Mr. Guo said with a smile after hearing the words, "I am planning to do the same. Let's have a cup of tea to sober up, and it won't be too late to go to the police station later."

When Guo Xiangqian finished speaking, he went downstairs first. Su Ming originally wanted to leave. Unexpectedly, Liu Suqing grabbed him, and then said to the others: "You go down first, I will talk to Xiao Ming."

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