925: The most poisonous woman's heart in the world!

The others, including Jin Niu, all went downstairs. Liu Suqing took Su Ming into the box and said, "Xiao Ming. Auntie wants to make the guy a little miserable. Can you help?"

Su Ming originally wondered what Liu Suqing wanted to say to himself. He couldn't help but smile when he heard this: "Auntie, there is a big brother Guo, this guy is definitely not going to be better, you can rest assured."

Liu Suqing showed a cruel expression upon hearing this, and said: "I'm afraid that this guy said that we are talking in the vernacular, and if there is evidence, he can't get rid of it at all!"

Su Ming curiously asked: "Evidence? Auntie, what evidence do you want?"

Liu Suqing reached out and grabbed Su Ming's palm when he heard the words, and then pressed it on the oil spilled on the ground. Su Ming was puzzled when he saw it, "Auntie. You are

The oil was dirty, Su Ming couldn't figure out why Liu Suqing had to get his palm dirty, Liu Suqing explained:

"Use your palm to put a stamp on me, and then say that the bastard got it when he touched me, how about it. Isn't this good evidence?"

Su Ming couldn't help but shudder when he heard this, and said, "The most poisonous woman's heart in the world" is true!

In order to aggravate the other party’s crimes, such methods were used, but...

Don't you have no palms yourself, why use mine? Isn't it appropriate?

Su Ming thought of this in an instant, and immediately said, "Auntie, you can't do it yourself? I'm a man after all, so it's not good."

Liu Suqing said with a smile when he heard the words, "You are still shy with me. Auntie's palm looks like a woman, but yours is different. Only in this way can it be the most authentic!"

After saying this, she pressed Su Ming's palm and put a slap mark openly, Su Ming had to smile wryly when she saw this.

Liu Suqing turned to look at the palm prints, and looked very satisfied, only to see her continue to say: "Or

Su Ming immediately waved his hand when he heard this, "Just forget it! Auntie, I'm not a kid anymore, how can I be on you... right? Let's go!

When Su Ming finished speaking, he went out first, and Liu Suqing had to give up when he saw it.

Half an hour later, a group of people came to the inspectorate in a Mercedes-Benz, and the wound on Xu's forehead was bandaged.

Seeing a few people coming in, he couldn't help but snorted. Officer Chen, as the person in charge of the case, said directly: "Now that both parties have arrived, if you have anything you can say in person, we will handle it according to the evidence."

Upon hearing this, Xu Xingchang pointed to his forehead and said: "This is the evidence! These people beat me!"

Officer Chen asked, "Why did they beat you? There are 940 reasons for everything that happens, right? Governor Xu, can you tell me something?"

Officer Chen roughly knows the cause of the incident. He said that in fact, he wanted to clearly distinguish the primary and secondary responsibilities. As long as he stands firm, Guo Xiangqian can gain the advantage. After all, the other party is the bank president, not an ordinary person. No way.

President Xu had already thought about a countermeasure, and saw him loudly: "They wanted to find me the payment, but I refused, and they would retaliate against me if they feel that they can't make it through their face!"

Although this reason sounds unreliable, it can barely be passed. Officer Chen frowned slightly when he heard this, and turned his head to ask Guo Xiangqian: "Guo Dao, do you have any comments on what Xu Xuan said?"

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