954: You dare to sue me!

Teacher Xu said at the moment: "Did you just say your name is Su Ming?

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, my name is Su Ming."

Teacher Xu looked extremely shocked, and saw her cautiously asking: "Are you the international mathematician Su Ming?"

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, but the name of a great mathematician is a bit too much, ha ha.

Teacher Xu was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words: "It's really you! This is really "nine-five-seven", which is too unexpected!"

Teacher Xu was very excited. As a teacher, she naturally cared most about teaching matters. She saw the news some time ago and knew that Sanjiang had produced an international mathematics master.

At that time, she thought to herself: What if I could have such students! A student like Su Ming is definitely the dream of all teachers. It was at this moment that I saw the legendary Su Ming, and Mr. Xu couldn't restrain himself.

Seeing that she was too excited, Su Ming smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, you don't need to be like this. I am just an ordinary person, nothing special."

Teacher Xu shook his head again and again after hearing the words, "Don't be humble! How can a person like you be ordinary! I didn't expect to meet you here! What a fortunate meeting!"

Teacher Xu was too enthusiastic, and immediately came to shake hands with Su Ming. This surprised Ayton and others. Su Ming just called and spoke with Teacher Xu in Mandarin.

So these people didn't understand very much. At this moment, seeing Teacher Xu, who had always been calm, was so excited, they felt very unbelievable.

Su Ming chatted with Teacher Xu for a while, and Jason called. After Su Ming got on the phone, he heard Jason say: "Mr. Su, I have arrived. Where are you in the building?"

Su Ming didn't expect him to come so quickly. After a while, he said, "I am in the office on the third floor of the red teaching building. There is a big windmill on the roof of this building, Jason, why are you here so soon? ?"

It has never been more than five minutes since Su Ming called him. Jason's speed made Su Ming very different. Jason laughed when he heard the words:

"I live in an apartment not far from the school. Of course it's coming very quickly, Mr. Su, wait a moment and I will be there soon.

After three minutes, Jason brought several foreigners to the office, and there were two celestial people behind him. Jason exchanged greetings with Su Ming.

Then he said to his lawyer: "Tom, now entering the legal process, you ask our client about the situation, and then give your conclusion. 0"

Tom nodded when he heard the words, and then called Su Ming and Vivian to the side and asked them. Within ten minutes, he came to a conclusion. Jason looked at the report he had written, and then turned his head to a few injuries. Said:

"According to the opinions provided by my lawyer, I now formally sue you. Please be prepared to respond!

Ayton was immediately dumbfounded when he heard this, only to see him stunned for a while, and then said loudly: "You dare to sue me! I must make you pay!"

Ayton looked unscrupulous, with an arrogant appearance that did not put Su Ming in his eyes. A man from the celestial dynasty who followed Jason heard these 2.3 words and immediately said, "Mr. Jason, I see this. It doesn't need to be a big fight, right?"

Jason turned to Su Ming and asked, "Su Ming, what's your opinion?"

Su Ming said solemnly after hearing the words: "I don't care how much it costs. I must make it clear. It is a shame for such a scum to stay in school!"

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