955: Just call Wang Nucai!

"Ayton has obvious racial discrimination, and he keeps using words such as Tuying and lowly to belittle me. Now he dares to be so arrogant!

I want to tell him-this is the celestial dynasty, not the country he is in! Since he looks down on the celestial people so much, I don't think he has to stay in the celestial dynasty, just go back wherever he came from!"

Su Ming spoke righteously and rigorously, embarrassing the celestial man who made the rounds. He stayed for a while before he spoke:

"Mr. Su, everyone is young. Anything can be negotiated. If they are repatriated at 30, this will cause diplomatic disturbances and damage the international image of the celestial dynasty."

Su Ming couldn't help but sneered after hearing this: "It is precisely with your thinking that these foreign talents dare to be so presumptuous in the heavens. Let's see who you have recruited?

Such people can also be called students? I think they are all rubbish eating and drinking!

In the future, let's choose some foreign students with excellent academic performance! At least their character may be better!"

Su Ming accompanied Vivian with Jinniu to go through the formalities of studying abroad in Austria. He knew that the Chinese government gave foreign students very generous treatment, not only reducing tuition and fees.

They also provide them with free board and lodging, and even so-called scholarships.

I think he had problems with his meals at the beginning. Who will take care of him? Although his tuition has been reduced, he is still responsible for his board and lodging.

It's not comparable to these foreign students, rather than wasting money on these scum. Why don't you care more about the poor students in China?

Su Ming's voice was quite domineering, which made the celestial man who had finished the game even more embarrassed. His face was blue and red, and he seemed to have a lot of anger, but he also knew Jason's identity.

So it didn't break out. He took a sigh of relief, calmed his mood, and said:

"Mr. Su, I don't think you are too old, so it seems inappropriate to say that?"

The meaning of this person is very clear: you are just a child.

Su Ming looked at him blankly when he heard this. Then he asked: "Mr., are you from this school? What is your status in the school?"

The man from the celestial dynasty looks more than 40 years old. He is very particular about his dress. He knows that he is an official at a glance. Hearing Su Ming's words, he smiled slightly:

"My name is Wang Decai, and I am the person in charge of the school's external liaison department. I am mainly responsible for staying in consultation with relevant departments of other countries to deal with emergencies."

Su Ming said without a smile: "Your thinking is very problematic. I don't think you are suitable to work in this position.

Wang Decai couldn't help it any more when he heard the words. He directly spoke to Su Ming loudly: "My work is suitable or not, naturally, my leader 957 will judge.

There is no need for you to make irresponsible remarks here! I will make representations with the judiciary in the name of the school!

It's impossible for you to fight a lawsuit! Don't forget that they are all foreigners!"

Facing Wang Decai's roar, Su Ming smiled gracefully, and then suddenly his expression changed: "What's the matter with foreigners? This is the celestial dynasty!

I was wondering, why did your parents name you Wang Decai?"

"I think it's better to call Wang Nucai! It's just like a slave! Jason, this matter will never stop! I will go through the judicial process immediately! I don't believe it anymore. In the heavenly dynasty, the tian dynasty can still be wronged!"

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