I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 232 I Stay, Let Them Go! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Swish Swish Swish————!!

While Zoro's figure swept forward in mid-air,

Wrapped in his hands are two jet-black armed swords,

like a windmill,

Spinning rapidly in front of him.


With each character falling,

His aura,

They will climb up one section crazily again.

Faintly broke the [Sword Hero] realm,

The trend of rushing to the list of "Great Swordsman".

Outbursts of overwhelming sword energy,

If there is substance.

The cyan streamer that is as sharp as a blade,

It began to surge around his body non-stop.

Finally, accompanied by the slashing of three [black knives],

Instantly transformed into a blue giant sword,

With the posture of opening the sky,

Facing Redfield, he slashed down heavily.

this trick,

It can be said that during Zoro's two years of hard work,

The strongest move created.

In the original work,

"Three Zero Three" he even used this move to cut the stone titan several times larger than the island into two halves.

Its power is self-evident.

"Well, it's not bad, I already have the work and frugality you shared with Fu!"

Facing the attack, Redfield showed some appreciation on his face.

Although Zoro's blow was massive,

but in his eyes,

Such fancy tricks,

In fact, it is of no use at all.

According to Redfield,

Often the simplest and most direct killing move,

In order to burst out the most powerful energy.

at this point,

In fact, from Master Zoro Hawkeye,

Then you can see a Madara.

His fight with Redfield back then,

Both of them used the simplest and sharpest chopping and stabbing from beginning to end,

But every move and style,

the energy released,

But enough to shake the sky and the sea.

It's just that Zoro's age seems to be around twenty years old.

at this age,

To have such comprehension and【Sword Intent】,

It is rare.

No wonder such a cold fellow as Hawkeye,

Will be willing to take him as an apprentice.

It is indeed a good seedling with unlimited future.


Such a person cannot submit to his own captain, His Excellency,

Redfield felt somewhat pity.

But thinking of Lin Dao,

The love of material that rose from the bottom of his heart was relieved.

After all, even if Zoro is in Excellent,

It is simply not comparable to the captain of his own who can be called pervert level.

"Boy, whether you can survive this blow from the old man depends on how your fate arranges!"

Redfield slowly raised the umbrella in his hand.


The blood-red [Sword Intent] erupted suddenly,

In an instant between heaven and earth,

It formed a blood-colored spear visible to the naked eye.

next second,

The bloody spear collided heavily with the cyan giant sword.


The surface of the sea near the port boiled like an explosion.

Huge waves blotted out the sun.

That scene was like the end of the world, which made people palpitate.

The violent shock wave and air wave also raged out.


When it was more than ten meters in front of Lin Xiao,

Just like hitting an invisible wall of air,

suddenly exploded,

The smoke cleared.

And the blood-colored long spear and blue-colored giant sword in mid-air,

After a brief collision,

It also collapsed with a bang.

the mist dissipated,

Then two figures appeared.

"Zo... Zoro?!"

Nami let out an exclamation subconsciously, but then tightly covered his mouth.

Warm tears rolled down again, and despair welled up in my heart.


Usopp was so frightened by the scene opposite that he collapsed to the ground, his face full of horror, and he kept stepping back with hands and feet.


In addition to fear and despair,

In the hearts of the remaining members of the Straw Hat Pirates,

There is nothing else.

the center of the collision.

Redfield still stood there with his usual expression.

And the figure of Zoro,

He had already knelt down powerlessly on the ground.

However, he still leaned on the ground with the two knives in his hand and gritted his teeth to hold on.

Stubborn do not want to fall to the ground.

However, a lot of blood,

But from his right shoulder pierced by the umbrella,

It kept gushing out.

in the blink of an eye,

A puddle of blood gathered under his body.

"That's right, I was able to avoid the position of my heart at the last moment..."

A little appreciation flashed in Redfield's bloodshot eyes, and he nodded slightly: "Little brat, you have won yourself a chance to survive!"

"You...you are less there..."

Zoro panted heavily, and wanted to refute the other party with a few words.

But before he finished speaking,

The [Third Generation Ghost] held in the right hand unexpectedly "clicked" and shattered.

lost balance,

His body hit the ground heavily,

Passed out directly.

"Nimma, it's a good thing I didn't hurt Laozi's [Autumn Water], otherwise I will definitely turn against you!!"

Seeing this, Shiryu jumped up and grabbed 【Black Knife Autumn Water】with a greedy expression on his face, holding it in his hand and raving about it..

Tsk tsk tsk, look, this national treasure-level famous knife is different.

This feeling!

This forge!

This texture!

This weight!

Laozi starts today,

It's no longer the "weak" [Human Slayer] Shiryu of the Rain.

It's "[Slayer] Max Version" Shiryu of the Rain.

Bullet you stinky brother,

Waiting for the day when Laozi gets the [Huangquan Fruit],

It's the day when I turn over and beat you up!!

After Shiryu thought about it darkly in his heart,

He respectfully held up 【He Dao Yi Wen】,

Trot all the way to the front of Lin Dao.

that flattering gesture,

I almost threw up Bullet and others.


In order to flatter His Majesty, this grandson,

I really don't want any face.

But having said that...

Why did Laozi miss such a good opportunity just now?

Damn, I'm so sorry!!


Two heart-piercing shouts came from two different directions.

Luffy crawled out of the ruins again,

and Chopper in monster form standing on the Thousand Suns,

At the same time, the flames of grief and anger were lit in the eyes.

But just as they were about to make a dash for Redfield,

When avenging a dead partner.

A female voice full of sorrow and trembling suddenly sounded.

"Stop hitting!!"

Nami got up slowly, looked at Lin Dao with eyes full of tears, and said with a choked voice: 3.7 "You just said I was useful, didn't you?"

"Okay, I'll stay, but you have to let them out of here!"

"Hey, Nami, what are you talking about!"

Luffy roared in surprise and anger when he heard the words: "You are my crew member, I will never allow you to join other people's..."

"Shut up, Luffy!"

Nami rudely interrupted with disgusted eyes: "Sanji's death...it's all your fault!!"

"Nami...what are you talking about, Sanji and the others...were not all killed by these nasty guys?!"

Luffy took a step back with disbelief on his face.

From Nami's eyes, he actually

I saw an extremely strange indifference and disgust.

What happened to her?

It was obviously Lin Xiao and other bastards who killed them.

Why do you want to wrong me?

this moment,

An inexplicable sense of grievance welled up in Luffy's heart. .

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