I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 233 Annihilation, Despair, Why Kill My Crew! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"That's right, they did die at the hands of these people!"

"But Luffy, you are not one of the culprits who killed them!"

Nami's voice also became a little sharper because of anger,

Looking at Luffy with indifference and disgust, he continued:

"If you hadn't insisted on going your own way, those who refused to listen to persuasion had to come here to find Robin, Sanji, Brook, Franky, they wouldn't have died..."

After all,

Nami ignored Luffy with a gloomy expression,

Turning to look at Lin Xiao,

Like a brave man who dies generously,

With a sad face, he said:

"Let them go, I will stay in peace!"

"Whether it's charting, sailing, or anything else... I'm at your disposal!"

tut tut!

She really deserves to be the most unrestrained woman in the pirate world.

You listen to what this says.

No matter what, let you get married?!

"Damn little bitch..."

The empress suddenly looked like a lioness whose territory had been violated,

Baring his canine teeth, 11 glared at Nami viciously.

If it weren't for the retribution of being reluctant to leave Lin Dao,

I'm afraid she went to kick this shameless woman to death in the morning.

How dare you face my old lady,

Openly seduce my adults!

you don't know

Is my family the least resistant to temptation?!

"Why so much hostility!"

Lin Xiao smiled and reached out to press the empress's head,

The latter immediately changed back to the previous well-behaved appearance,

like a kitten,

With a face full of greed, she retracted into his arms again.

"Negotiate terms with me?"

The smile on Lin Xiao's face gradually disappeared, and he snorted expressionlessly:

"Woman, don't you think too highly of yourself?!"


Nami is good at drawing nautical charts, sensing weather and navigating,

They all have talents far beyond ordinary people.

It was even once speculated to be the reincarnation of [Uranus], one of the three Ancient Weapons.

Even the Golden Lion in the original book,

They were also amazed by her superb skills.

Rushing to let her be his navigator.

But for Lin Xiao today,

Nami's role can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

De Reiss Rosa has no shortage of navigators.

There is no shortage of draftsmen, either.


You are such a tool person,

How dare you raise conditions with Laozi?!

Maybe it's out of mental cleanliness.

Lin Xiao is very unrestrained for Nami's style of acting,

Even a prostitute who has changed clothes in front of strangers several times,

Not the slightest favor.

As for beauty,

Whether it's the empress, little Shirahoshi, or little purple,

It's all right to crush Nami.

In terms of body shape,

Little Shirahoshi alone is enough to suppress all existences in the Pirate World.

In terms of temperament,

That's not to mention.

Even Momousagi, Betty, Ian, Purple Roland, and Robin are not Nami's match.

all in all,

Lin Xiao is surrounded by beautiful women,

And each has its own merits.

The queen, royal (female), loli, maid......

None of them are the same.

I don't care about Nami's beauty at all.

If it weren't for her outstanding ability to draw charts,

I'm afraid he had already ordered Redfield to kill him.

"Hey hey, little girl who doesn't know how to live or die, don't you really think that you can influence my captain with your little beauty?"

Shiryu is like a fetishist, while playing with [Black Sword Autumn Water], he sneered sinisterly.

The scene that was comparable to the screen of a restricted-rated movie made Nami's face pale with fright, and he staggered and fell back to the ground.


Are these people all demons?

"Quick battle!"

Lin Xiao seemed a little bored with the farce in front of him, and waved to Redfield impatiently.


While the sound fell.

Three crescent-shaped huge sword qi shot out across.

Blast to Usopp, Chopper and Jinbei respectively.




Usopp and Chopper in the monster state have not yet reacted,

It was cut in half by the sword energy.

The bloody storm rose into the sky.

The death conditions of the two are the same as that of [Black Foot] Sanji before.

Only the stronger [Haixia] Jinbei,

While blocking the huge sword energy with armed color,

using the rear impact force,

Turn over and jump into the sea.

in the blink of an eye,

The figure disappeared under the sea surface.


Seeing Usopp being dismembered in front of his own eyes, Nami, whose whole body was stained red by the spray of blood, couldn't bear the excitement of this bloody scene any longer, and fainted after taking a look.

"Damn it, Captain, I made a mistake and let Jinbei escape..."

Redfield's expression turned extremely ugly in an instant, he never expected that Jinbei would leave Luffy behind and run away alone.

To know the other members of the previous Straw Hats,

Even if the strength is far inferior to Jinbei,

Still fighting to the last moment of life.

Somewhat admirable.

But Jinbei's operation,

But it's really a little too much.

"It's okay, I was thinking about letting someone report to that guy Long, so let him go!"

Lin Xiao waved his hand indifferently.

Now his power is established,

There is absolutely no need to keep the dragon as a disaster.

Although the dragon can't make any big waves at all,

But his Devil Fruit ability,

But it is very suitable for sneak attack and destruction.


Lin Xiao is also very fond of this [hurricane fruit].

Between gestures,

can create a terrible storm like a natural disaster,

Thinking about it makes me feel handsome.


Naturally, Lin Xiao will not miss these 167 good opportunities to use Luffy to lure snakes out of their holes!

It's just that even Lin Xiao didn't expect it,

This time not only the dragon was drawn out,

At the same time, a

It is not inferior to [Summit War]'s Epic-level melee.

"Thank you, Captain, for your kindness!"

Redfield let out a long sigh of relief, and then turned his red eyes to look at Luffy who was kneeling on the ground with a dazed expression not far away.

It's finally time to enjoy the last big meal!







"Everyone.....all dead!!!"

Luffy pulled his hair in pain and slammed his head to the ground.


Endless despair.

Uncontrollable memories in his mind,

A picture from the Sabaody Archipelago two years ago.

how he hopes,

this time,

It can also be like last time,

Everyone was just sent flying out.

But the bloody corpse in front of me,

always reminded him,

He lost these companions forever.


"Why, why I have practiced hard for two years, but I still can't save even one companion...!!"

"Lin Dao, you bastard, why did you kill my crew...!!"


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