I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 283 Perona: Want To Kill Me? Try It If You Can! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Finally can't bear to show up, see if Laozi doesn't kill you... Nani?!"

The expression on Blackbeard's face was hideous and terrifying like that of a ghost.

The plump figure turned around suddenly,

on the right hand,

It has emerged impressively,

Can suck any Demon fruit power towards own Black Uzumaki.

It was just because of this damned laughter that suddenly sounded,

Burgess they will be in such a critical moment,

He lost his fighting power in an instant.

resulting in the failure of the attack,

gave Zephyr a chance,

Causing massive casualties to the Blackbeard Pirates.


Blackbeard now hated the owner of the voice to death.


when he turned around,

In an instant, he was stunned by the strange scene in front of him.


Behind him and the dragon,

A pure and beautiful girl with a loli face was sitting with her knees hugged.


The girl's figure is really scary.

The red boots on her feet alone,

It is already taller than the usual titan.

if she stands up,

I'm afraid the captain of the 3rd squad under Blackbeard,

11 height 180 meters,

The San Juan Wolf, known as the "Huge Battleship",

In front of her, he can only be regarded as a bad brother.

in this world,

How could there be such a huge female titan?!

"Hey hey hey hey hey, did you just say you were going to kill me?"

Perona's delicate pretty face is full of triumphant smiles after a successful prank,

Very mischievously threatened: "If you can do it, then try it!!"

"What... what's going on here?"

The expression on Blackbeard's face froze instantly,

Endless horror rose from the blood-red pupils,

He even took two steps back involuntarily.

"No...Impossible, it is impossible for such a huge figure to appear here quietly."

"Unless you are... Demon fruit power!!"

As if suddenly figured out something,

Blackbeard slapped his feet,

Once again a stern look appeared on his face,

Gritting his teeth, he roared: "No matter what your ability is, as long as you are Demon fruit power, in front of me, you can only submit to me!!"

"Die to Laozi...Dark Water!!"

How could Blackbeard let Perona disrupt their offense here.

Without the leadership of the group of captains,

A peripheral member of the Blackbeard Pirates,

It's like a group of headless flies rushing around without a clue.

if it goes on,

Not only will the number of casualties continue to rise,

It may also lead to the failure of the entire battle.

This was something Blackbeard would never allow to happen.

this time,

He came to avenge Lin Xiao and loot the Kingdom of De Reissrosa.

If it becomes the initiative to send people's heads,

Wouldn't that make people laugh to death?

in rage,

In the palm of Blackbeard's right hand,

Once again, a group of Black Uzumaki revolving like a windmill emerged.

As long as Perona is Demon fruit power,

There is no way to escape his clutches.


next second.

Blackbeard's face turned pale again.

A terrifying attraction like a black hole,

It has no effect on the "titan family" girl in front of her.


Blackbeard was stunned for a moment.

I even started to have some doubts about life.

Did Laozi guess wrong?

Opposite this huge girl,

Not Demon fruit power??

But yes,

Even if Laozi's Observation Haki level is very low,

Didn't notice her presence.

But it's impossible for that dragon guy to not be able to find out, right?!

His Observation Haki,

Under the blessing of 【Hurricane Fruit】,

But it has reached a rather terrifying existence.

No reason not to feel it.


If she is really a Devil Fruit ability user,

And why is it not affected by 【Dark Fruit】?!

To know,

【Dark Fruit】For the ability users of Devil Fruit,

It's like having absolute law suppression.

Even as strong as that old Whitebeard,

Can't escape it.

Looking across the sea,

I'm afraid that only that bastard Lin Xiao can not be affected at all.

Could it be...

such heterogeneous,

Now there is one more person?

Thinking of this,

Blackbeard shivered instantly.

Even if he racks his brains,

It is absolutely impossible to guess,

The reason why Perona is not affected by 【Dark Fruit】,

entirely because,

She is only in a "spiritual body" state now.

And the ability of 【Dark Fruit】,

To take effect, it must be applied positively to the "body" of Demon fruit power.

"Hey hey hey hey hey..."

Perona covered her mouth and let out a burst of laughter like silver bells. The next second, her huge figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.


"Where... people?!"

"Such a huge figure... actually disappeared in an instant?!"

Is it a space system ability user who can freely transfer positions?!"

This time,

Let alone Blackbeard,

Even Long and Zephyr and others in the distance looked dumbfounded.

After all, Perona was just conquered by Lin Dao on the battlefield,

So Zephyr and others are unclear about her abilities.


In absolute obedience to Lin Xiao,

He didn't doubt the ability and loyalty of the girl in front of him at all.

Now it seems,

The other party's performance is really eye-catching,

It's amazing!

040 "Dead song, don't give those cadres a chance to breathe, do it!!"

With Zephyr's order,

Sige, who had been standing behind him, suddenly looked like a humanoid tyrannosaurus,

He crashed straight into the camp of pirates on the opposite side.


The wailing and screaming sounded one after another.

The stumps and broken arms soared into the sky.

for a while,

The nearly 30,000-strong Blackbeard Pirates,

No one can stop Death Song from advancing.

Even many of them have the black Armament Haki wrapped around their swords and guns.

But in front of Death Song's Ultimate armed color inherited from Garp,

Not worth mentioning at all.

There is no possibility of breaking the defense.

Death song is like a bulldozer moving forward all the way,

in the blink of an eye,

They rushed to the front of Burgess and others surrounded by layers of pirates.

At this time, this group of extremely evil people,

Still haven't completely got rid of the negative emotions brought by [Negative Specter].

One by one still kneeling on the ground.

Didn't even realize that death was coming.


Death Song slammed down an incomparably tyrannical punch,

While directly blasting the two pirates standing in front of him,

Also the younger brother of Caribou, the captain of the 5th team on the opposite side [mixed hair],

The head of [Blood Spurt] Cribb with a reward of 190 million Berry was blown together.

Blood immediately splashed like a fountain. .

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