I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 284: Death Song's Violent Crushing! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Sige, who doesn't talk too much, raises his hand and hits another heavy punch.

On the opposite side, Tao Huzi, the captain of Team 9 who had just recovered a little bit of sanity, had no time to react.

The head is as Cribb was before,

It was smashed directly by a punch.


Red White's brains spurted out from the neck immediately.

a moment later,

The headless corpse fell to the ground.

"Bastard, stop him quickly, you bastards..."

Burgess suppressed the negative emotions constantly surging in his heart, and roared with a ferocious expression: "As long as you persevere [Laozi] can fully recover... You guys are going to fucking put Tuzi on the top!!"

"That's right, we can't let that bastard continue to act recklessly, we are the Blackbeard Pirates!!"

"Yes, brothers, let's go up together and kill him..."

"Don't be afraid, he is only alone..."

The pirates around suddenly looked like wild dogs going crazy.

Howling one by one,

Do not flock to death song.


overwhelming numbers,

But it did not bring them the slightest hope of victory.


Ants are destined to be unable to shake elephants.

At this moment the full state of death song,

Just as Shinigami came to life,

With its powerful Armament Haki,

punch a kid,

Surrounded by tens of thousands of pirates,

Impressively staged a killing feast.

"You useless trash, get the hell out of here!!"

Behind the crowd suddenly came the annoyed growl of Team 5 Captain [Damp Hair] Caribou,

Then I saw him break through the crowd,

He rushed straight towards Death Song.

"Bastard, how dare you kill Laozi's beloved younger brother."

Caribou's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and roared, "Laozi will definitely bury you alive today..."

"Forbidden Swamp!!"

While the voice fell,

A large amount of mud suddenly emerged from his body,

And quickly gathered on the ground into a swamp that could swallow any object.

Swish Swish Swish

The area of ​​the swamp continued to spread outwards.

"Ah, Brother Caribou, we haven't escaped yet...  

"Captain, save me, my body is about to sink..."

"Stop, those are all my own..."

Blinded by rage, Cariboo didn't distinguish between friend and foe,

After the Devil Fruit ability is activated,

It was as if he wanted to devour everything in front of him before he would give up.

"Swamp Machine Gun!!"

Caribou directly ignored the wailing of the crowd, and stuck out a machine gun from Yuexiong's mouth,

without further ado,

Then he frantically scanned towards the dead song on the opposite side.

Yet despite the rain of bullets,

But it can't penetrate the high-level Armament Haki attached to Death Song at all.


The figure of Death Song came in a flash.

punch down,

Caribou's head suddenly split apart like a watermelon.

the power gap between people,

It is simply not what a Logia Devil Fruit can make up for.


Seeing this, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates gasped.

just a few breaths away,

There's a guy with a big hole in front of this month,

He killed three captains in a row.

The big pirate with a bounty of 200 million is in front of him,

He couldn't even survive a move.

Is this fucking human?!

Simply a monster.


He is a monster who came back from the dead!

"Weihahaha, little ones, get out of the way for Laozi!!"

Burgess's wanton laughter echoed through the crowd.

Then his burly figure walked out swaggeringly.

His face has long since lost the look of kneeling and shutting himself up.

I didn't feel sorry or sad for the three captains who died in a row.

After all these guys,

They are all young people who can be recruited at any time.

As long as this battle can kill Lin Dao,

Blackbeard's reputation will surely resound across the sea.

Until then,

What kind of strong people do they want to recruit?

Why bother with these rubbish.

"Don't fucking underestimate the enemy, this kid has the strength of that old Garp..."

Burgess pauses,

Stretch out your finger to the dead song on the opposite side,

He said to the other captains who followed behind him:

"If you don't want to die, kill him with Laozi!!"

While the voice fell,

His whole body instantly turned into shining diamonds,

He slammed into the dead song on the opposite side.

"Sparkling Collision!!"

"Spring Sniper!!"

Team 8 Captain [Hyena] Bellamy followed closely behind.

Quincoudo, on the contrary,


[Sword of Fire] Fossa, the three former captains of the Whitebeard Pirates,

Unbearable expressions appeared on their faces.

After all, they used to be good brothers with ".. Ace".

Now even though things have long changed,

But whenever I see that familiar face,

They still couldn't face each other with swords.

If daddy Whitebeard is alive,

Presumably he shouldn't allow us to take action on Brother "Ace"?!

The three looked at each other,

Afterwards, beyond the already entangled Death Song, Burgess and Bellamy,

He rushed directly towards Zephyr who was further back.

They knew that they were definitely not Lin Xiao's opponents.


As long as we can kill a few more cadres under Lin Xiao,

To them,

It can also be regarded as revenge for Papa Whitebeard and all the dead brothers.

"Hey, isn't this from the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Zephyr showed a look of excitement on his face, grinned and said:

"Little ghosts, can you finally take a shot at me, old man?!"

"Since His Majesty has come, there is no need for the old man to continue to sit in the town, and now I can finally go to the field to exercise my body!!"


The [Smasher] prosthesis made of seastone on Zephyr's right arm,

Bursts of white smoke suddenly spewed out.

next second,

His burly figure rushed towards the three of Jin Guduo directly.

"Teacher, we are here to help you! Zero!"

Two figures rushed out from the battle formation like shadows.

It is indeed the two disciples of Zephyr,

[Fruit of Regression] Aen the Ability,

And Binz, the ability user of [Growing Fruit].

"Tch, don't you two brats come and cause trouble for this old man."

After Zephyr blasted the oncoming [Buffalo] Atmos with a punch,

Looking displeasurely at the two disciples who helped him share the other two captains, he said:

"No matter how much the old man regresses, it is still more than enough to take care of these two or three cats and dogs. You make the old man very embarrassed!!".

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