I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 285 Perona Plays Blackbeard! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"This is a death order directly issued by His Majesty to me. I will never allow the slightest mistake in your safety, teacher!!"

There was a slight smile on the corner of Ain's face, and he answered righteously:

"This order has the highest priority."

when speaking,

In Ain's brown eyes,

It's all admiration and yearning for the man who gave her orders.

And secretly looking forward to it in my heart,

if when,

She can also be like Sister Betty,

I'm lucky to be blessed by His Majesty......


It's not just Ain,

Almost all the young maidens of the Reiss Rosa kingdom,

They are all slandering the [King]'s body.

no way,

Appearance, wealth, strength, fame, and supreme power!!

in this world,

There is no one better than Lindau,

It is more suitable for the image of "Prince Charming" in the hearts of millions of girls.

It's just for Lin Xiao who is surrounded by clouds of beauties.

I want to lose his Dharma eyes,

Just being pretty is not enough.

"I know, His Majesty is still considerate."

Although Zephyr had a helpless wry smile on his face.

But the heart is unusually warm.

Lin Xiao's attention and care for him,

Let this lonely old man who lost his loved one a long time ago,

In this country,

The heavy relatives regained the feeling of "home".

Even 323 Zephyr has never said anything about sworn allegiance to the death.

but in his heart,

but made up his mind early on,

this life,

It is bound to live and die with this young [King].

"Damn it, Jin Guduo, the three of you are really two or five youngsters."

Burgess stared at the three Jingudos in the distance with resentment in his eyes,

They didn't follow orders to shoot Death Song,

many issues have been addressed,

Burgess immediately gritted his teeth and muttered:

"After this battle is over, it's time to get rid of you white bastards."

But before the words were finished,

Sige's pitch-black fist smashed down head-on.

"Damn it, you are really hard to deal with, you dead ghost!"

Burgess rushed to meet him with the same gesture.


When fists meet,

A thunderous explosion rose into the sky.

Fierce (bbci) waves of air and terrifying aftermath raged out instantly.

Even the ground of the pier,

They all trembled slightly.

at the same time.

the other side.

At this moment, Blackbeard couldn't care about the situation of three captains killed in a row by his subordinates.

Both he and the dragon raised their vigilance,

Constantly searching for Perona's whereabouts.

However, even if the dragon is full of knowledge and firepower,

But still no response.


But Perona's silver bell-like laughter could be clearly heard in their ears.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you looking for me?"

Perona's figure seemed to appear out of thin air,

Suddenly stood in front of Blackbeard.

Only this time,

Her figure has returned to normal human size.

"It's not titan, is this her original body?"

A line of cold sweat subconsciously ran across Long's forehead.

The other party's ability to appear and disappear,

It really made him feel a little afraid.

But before he and Blackbeard could react,

Under Blackbeard's horrified eyes, Perona actually

put her hands,

It directly penetrated into the opponent's moon chest.

"Uh ah ah ah....I was impaled by my hand, how could this happen!!"

"Stop, stop quickly, are you going to kill Laozi?!"

Blackbeard was frightened and his body stiffened immediately, and he screamed in horror.

He was really scared.

What is the ability of this little girl in front of me?

Why so cruel?

"That's right, I promised that handsome guy that I would kill you guys~"

Perona said with a smile: "And you will die soon, because...my hand will directly crush your heart!!"


"Bastard, let go, you will really die..."

"Laozi doesn't want to die here!!"

"I can give you as much treasure as you want, let it go quickly..."

Blackbeard howled in panic, regardless of the image of 【Four Emperors】.

"That can't be done."

Perona suddenly pretended to be impotent, and said in a cold voice: "You are in pain...die!!"


"Idiot, she's scaring you."

Just when Blackbeard was about to be frightened into autism by Perona, the slightly disdainful voice of the dragon suddenly came from behind him.

crucial moment,

In the entire Blackbeard pirate group, only Dragon has an online IQ.

Longyan looked at Perona fearfully,

He pointed at Blackbeard's Yuexiong and snorted coldly: "It's as long as Teach, take a closer look, there is no trauma there.

"If she really has the ability to crush your heart, I'm afraid you would have died the moment she pierced your body with her hands.

"So... I guess it's not her real body."

"Or in other words, this little girl's ability cannot be manifested in a materialized form!!"

After Long finished speaking,

Blackbeard immediately reacted from the state of panic,

Start checking your injuries.

"Tch, I didn't expect that His Majesty Lin Xiao really hit the mark."

"You are indeed much smarter than this fat black man."

Perona pouted her small beak, and flew into the sky like a light bird,

Then put a small waist,

Pointing at the dragon with an extremely displeased face, he said:

"That's right, my ability is indeed able to penetrate all objects, but it cannot touch entities."


"Damn it, you dare to play Laozi?!"

Perona has not finished speaking,

It was interrupted directly by Blackbeard's furious growl.

Blackbeard's bloodshot eyes widened,

The face was full of rage after being teased.

Laozi is a majestic [Four Emperors].

There is no dignity being played here.

Blackbeard's mentality is somewhat broken at the moment.


Wasn't it agreed that it was from the Harvest Bureau?

How come here after,

How has everything changed?

If this gets out,

How will you let Laozi mess around in New World in the future?


A golden light burst out suddenly behind Blackbeard,

At the same time, his stature instantly soared to a terrifying height of nearly a hundred meters.

Obviously, the ability of [Great Buddha Fruit] was activated.


It is different from the gentle and peaceful Gold Buddha light shining all over Sengoku's body after transformation.

After Blackbeard grows bigger,

The black mist produced by the Dark Fruit still enveloped the Buddha.

the whole person looks,

It's like a ferocious demon exuding black air all over its body. .

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