I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 374 The Green Bull Makes A Move, The Power Of The Forest! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Damn it, that despicable bastard BIG MOM actually attacked the Common soldiers directly..."

"Master Vice Admiral, what should we do, that is an attack of [Four Emperors] level..."

"Everyone, don't panic. Marshal Sakazuki and the three Admirals are still here. They will never let the enemy do whatever they want..."

On several warships directly below.

The expressions of Flying Squirrel and the others standing at the forefront of the deck changed drastically in an instant.

on the foreheads of many,

All subconsciously overflowed fine cold sweat.

Although each of them,

They can all catch up before the pillar of fire falls,

Use【Moonwalk】and【Shave】to successfully avoid the attack.

But considering the lives of the soldiers on board,

and adverse effects on the entire war situation,

These Vice Admirals,

No one chooses to back down at this time.


If you really choose to resist this blow,

most of them,

All will be seriously injured.

After all, an attack at the [Four Emperors] level,

Again this elemental attack,

Even if they use【Armament Haki】to resist,

still get hurt.

One is that their 【Armament Haki】has not reached the most advanced level after all.

The second is that although their [Armament Haki] can defend against certain [Devil Fruit] abilities to a certain extent,

But the premise is that the user's 【Armament Haki】strength,

Must surpass each other.

at this point……………

From Doflamingo's and Virgo's battles with Trafalgar Law respectively,

You can see it.

The former will not be cut by Luo's ability.

And the latter...

Then he was directly cut into two paragraphs by Luo,

Cut the mess with a sharp knife.


Whether it is a flying squirrel,

Or several other veteran Vice Admiral,

which one,

Dare to say your own 【Armament Haki】

Will it be stronger than BIG MOM's [Devil Fruit]?

well known,

This old woman's [Soul Soul Fruit] ability,

But it has reached the [Awakening] state.


If you really take this blow hard,

Even if they are lucky enough to survive,

It will definitely be seriously injured.

"[Four Emperors] can have such power with a single blow, and the next battle...is really exciting!`!"

The green bull grinned loudly.

Then move your feet slightly,

He was ready to step forward to block the attack.

But at this moment,

A tall figure stepped on [Moonwalk] and flew into the air.

Facing the great pillar of fire,

Boom down with a punch.


The flames scattered all over the sky in an instant, and Akainu slowly landed on the deck expressionlessly.

"Hmph, so what if the enemy is [Four Emperors]?"

"Flame is just a low-level display of magma after all, it is nothing at all!!"

Akainu glanced at BIG MOM in the sky with disgust, then turned his head, and said to the shocked Marine:

"The enemy is [Four Emperors], even if there is Admiral to resist, you must not take it lightly!!"

"It's Marshal Sakazuki..."

"Long live the Marshal..."

"Master Marshal is right, we must not take it lightly..."

"Yes, this is Kaido's territory after all, and his men will swarm out in large numbers at any time..."

A group of Marine soldiers saw the Akainu exhibition Kamui,

Immediately, morale soared.

"Hahahaha Marshal Sakazuki, you really have incredible power!!"

Maybe the soldiers of Common couldn't see it, but the green bull could see it very clearly just now.

In addition to the upper and lower suppression of the flame by the magma.

In that punch of Akainu,

Also released a large number of 【Armament Haki】.

It really deserves to be called the leader of the top three monsters in the recruit training camp.

Green Bull at this moment,

Only then did I realize the true strength of Sakazuki.

And Huang Dahunzi,

It is not surprising that this has long been the case.

Although he was at that time,

Also known as "Monster".

But whether it is Akainu,

Or Aokiji,

are higher than his talent.


Laofu fruit is most suitable for the work and life of salted fish!

"Green Bull~~It's your turn to make a move, right?"

Kizaru took a deep breath, and said to the green bull in a slightly wretched way:

"If I don't solve the platform problem, I'm afraid I'm the only one who can write about the two of them fighting in the air..."

As soon as I thought that I was going to be one against two again,

And all of them are so dangerous,

Kizaru suddenly felt a little pain

"Hahahaha Senior Polusalino is right, it's really time for me to show it off!!"

The green bull has already leaped high, and under the suspicious eyes of BIG MOM and Kaido, his hands are slammed together in front of him: 1.. The Kingdom of the Forest begins!!"


Ying Green's light burst out from the green bull.

On the deck of the warship below,

Suddenly, countless dense vines and big trees burst out.

Straight Tongtian,

And quickly form an extremely huge platform not far from Kaido and BIG MOM.

at the same time.………….

These trees also continue to spread to the front of the deck.

After touching the mountain wall on the outside of 【Wanokuni】,

Just like a creeper,

Started to climb up the rock like crazy and grow away.

Up to a kilometer.

at last………

In front of the coalition soldiers,

It forms a series of ladders that can be climbed up like "ladders".


"This...(Honor's)...is this the [Devil Fruit] ability of the Admiral Green Bull?!"

"It's terrifying... Is this ability to change the landscape really achievable by humans?"

Allied forces around,

at this moment,

Almost all were shocked by the amazing strength displayed by the green bull.

"The problem of the whereabouts has been solved... [BIG MOM Pirates] is also besieged in the center, we can finally attack freely!!

Even Flying Squirrel and other veteran Vice Admiral,

He couldn't help showing a look of shock on his face.

Although this method will cause the coalition forces to lose their original mobility.

But this battle,

It was originally a siege and annihilation battle.

and if you don't,

The coalition fleet is likely to become a living target in the eyes of Kaido and BIG MOM.

So what Green Bull does,

It can be said to be the best solution at present. .

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