I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 375 Crazy, Kaido Wants 1V4 (Part 1)? ? ? [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Swish Swish Swish...!!!

Four figures appeared on the top platform.

It was Akainu and the three Admirals.

After Green Bull successfully created a "ladder" to climb to the top of 【Wanokuni】,

the next thing,

The Vice Admirals on the warship took over.

How many of them,

This trip is specifically to deal with the two [Four Emperors] Kaido and BIG MOM.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma... Marine is so stupid!"

"Knowing that both Kaido and I have the ability to control fire, how dare you build such a wooden platform in front of us?!"

Big Mom laughed ferociously, then stared at the pupils the size of copper bells, and roared: "My mother will burn these platforms now..."

"Wait a minute Linlin..."

Kaido suddenly stopped BIG MOM,

Then take human form,

leap onto the platform,

Said with great interest:

"Don't you think this battle is very interesting?"

"How long has it been since we haven't encountered a comparable opponent?!"

"I'd like to see... what kind of abilities do these guys who are called the highest combat power in Marine have?!"

"You bastard, you really die hard... 897."

BIG·MOM looked at the excited look on Kaido's face and reminded him with displeasure:

"Don't look, that guy Whitebeard fell into the hands of these guys!!"

"Maybe... Maybe they can really kill you!!"


Kaido laughed wildly indifferently: "If that's the case, I really have to thank them. After all, I've been begging to die for so long, but I still haven't been able to do so!!"

"But...don't forget, that old guy Whitebeard was already sick before he joined the war."

"Laozi is completely different from his state at that time..."

Kaido paused for a moment,

Intentionally or unintentionally, he glanced at Lin Xiao at the top and said:

"Besides...the ones who really killed Whitebeard were not them...but that kid!!"


"If you want to kill as much as you want, of course you should choose a spacious place!!!"

What Kaido said (bbbg) was extremely arrogant.

But four people including Akainu,

But no one refuted it.

It's not because I dare not...

Instead, because,

Everything people say is true.

Kaido has an extremely tough Constitution,

He was executed 40 times without injury.

During the execution of the sentence,

Even the equipment for his execution will be damaged due to its hard body surface.

It is precisely because of this,

He will be called "the undead monster" by the world.

In the original book……….

Kaido was completely drunk,

Being driven by Luffy in third gear and fourth gear, outputting with full force one after another,

It's just the degree of sobering up.


He even took Luffy away with a sentence of "What kind of king are you going to be?"

the huge gap between the two,

It can be seen that it is general.


Although Kaido has a very strong defense,

But it's not indestructible either.

Kozuki Oden once used 【Armament Haki】,

Before the Kaido moon,

Two huge indelible scars were left behind.

In the original book, the Red Sheath Nine Heroes who entered together with Luffy and others in [Flame Sacrifice],

Also after using Emission(【Armament Haki】),

Deals a little damage to Kaido.

But that's all.


Even if facing four Admirals of [general level] at the same time,

Kaido remained unafraid.

"Yo yo eh~~~~~~[Four Emperors] is really scary~~~~

Kizaru's obscene voice came again,

I saw him pinching his chin,

He said with a serious face:

"However, as an Admiral, it's really annoying to be underestimated like this!!"

"Hahahaha Senior Polusalino, when the fight really starts, don't hold me back!!"

The green bull laughed out loud.

"Hey, hey, hey...you should respect the old man if you are nice, okay?!"

Kizaru said with a bitter face.

"Everyone, after we start fighting, please distance yourself from me..."

Magellan said with a serious face: "My poison has always been indistinguishable from the enemy, if it is affected, it may be very troublesome!!"

"Do it!!"

Akainu spoke last.

As always, simple and clear.

The conversation fell.

The figures of the four attacked Kaido as fast as lightning.

"Come on, that's it..."

Kaido didn't dodge or evade,

Standing still with a huge mace,

Roared loudly:

“Enjoy Laozi as much as you want!!”


Akainu was furious instantly,

The right arm turned into hot lava,

Blast to Kaido's face as fast as lightning.

"【Dark Hound】!!!"

In the original work,

He relied on his tricks,

Just knocked off half of Whitebeard's face.

The power should not be underestimated.


The scorching lava dog punch hit Kaido's right cheek directly.

There was a scorching sound of "Zizi" immediately.

Kaido's mountain-like body,

He was thrown backwards by a punch.

at the same time.

"Speed ​​is power...Mr. Kaido, have you ever been kicked by light?!"

Kizaru's figure instantly turned into a streamer,

Appeared above Kaido,

the shining right foot,

It hit Kaido's face without hesitation.

"【Light Speed ​​Kick】!!!"


Kaido was blasted directly onto the thick platform this time.

The ground trembled violently,

Immediately aroused sawdust all over the sky!

However, the attack did not end there...

"【Poisonous Dragon】!!!"

Three ferocious dragons with corrosive venom appeared behind Magellan,

After Kizaru backed away,

They swarmed towards the place where Kaido fell. .

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