I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 380 The Battle Situation Almost Collapsed, Cp0 Was Afraid Of Being Killed! [Kneeling To Subs

And these years,

The strength of CPO members,

It was directly blown to the sky in the Marine camp.

Some say...

Their strength is comparable to the Admiral of Headquarters.

It is also said...

The best in CPO,

The strength is far beyond the Admiral of Headquarters.

In short...

Regardless of background,

still strength,

CPO members are all Common Marine soldiers can't reach.

But today...

This myth has finally been broken.

"Almost all of them were killed..."

"The CPO is so unbearable in front of [Four Emperors]..."

"The [Strongest Shield] in Legendary actually killed more than half of the people in just a few seconds, this..."

"Is this the true strength of [Four Emperors]?!"

"It's too strong... Kaido's name [the strongest creature in the sea, land and air] is really not for nothing!!"

Many coalition soldiers looked up at Kaido's huge figure in shock.

I was terrified.

CP0 lost too soon, right?

These aces skilled in assassination,

Doesn't it mean that they all have the same strength as Admiral?

How could it be so unbearable?

Endless fear rose in the hearts of the coalition soldiers.

Even such a powerful organization as 620CP0,

all so easily,

Annihilated within seconds.

It is not too much to say that it is a spike.

This battle......

Can they really win?

After that scene just now,

Many soldiers at the scene completely lost confidence in the mysterious organization CPO.

In their view,

This assassination organization that has been touted all the time,

It's just a false name.

On the contrary, 【Four Emperors】,

It is far more terrifying and powerful than the rumors.

the mentality of many people,

at this moment,

Started to break down a little because of fear.

"Hold on, everyone, don't be afraid..."

At this moment, the Marine Vice Admirals in front of the decks of each warship spoke one after another.

"This time, we have an absolute advantage no matter in terms of numbers or high-end combat power..."

"That's right, for the sake of justice"...Go ahead!"

The voice fell.

A Marine Vice Admiral rushed to the big ship of [BIG MOM Pirates] first.

soldiers around,

Inspired by these Vice Admirals,

Immediately restored morale.

follow behind them,

Launched a new round of charge...

at the same time.

above the platform.

The four of Akainu looked at Kaido and BIG MOM with livid faces.

The killing intent is fully present in the pupils.

The burning smell in the air irritated the nerves of the four of them for ten minutes.

Although the CPO is not their subordinate,

But under the eyes of several people,

So many were killed one after another,

don't even think about it,

What will the Five Elders do to them when they go back.


What most people fear,

It is the absolute air supremacy that Kaido just showed.

CPO members are undoubtedly not the masters of 【Moonwalk】.

But even so,

In front of Kaido,

But it still looks so clumsy and ridiculous.


Even if it was just replaced by one of the four of them,

It is absolutely impossible to be like Kaido,

In just a few seconds,

Killed dozens of CPO members one after another.

The difficulty here,

But definitely not ordinary height! (bbag)!

"Damn it, if we can't find a way to lead Kaido and BIG MOM to fight on the platform, even if the four of us attack at the same time, I'm afraid the chances of winning won't be too great...

Akainu said a little annoyed.

Although he can use the high temperature of the magma to fly.

But the sensitivity,

But it can't be compared with Kaido at all.

With the lessons learned from CPO,

Akainu wouldn't take the initiative to fly up to die.

"It's really scary~~~~~"

Kizaru muttered solemnly: "Kaido's attack just now is definitely not as simple as it seems..."

He clearly captured,

When Kaido just used [Dragon Wagging Tail],

The huge dragon tail obviously did not hit the CPO member's body,

But the opponent was instantly blown into a cloud of fog.

Can create such a strange scene,

I am afraid that except 【Conqueror's Haki】winding,

Nothing more.

A trickier ability than [Armament Haki] awakening!

Kaido's mighty,

It has exceeded Kizaru's previous imagination!!

Huang Dahunzi couldn't help but start to feel a little worried.

fight against this enemy,

His [Sparkling fruit]'s speed and elemental advantages,

will be completely gone.


when fighting,

He must also be on guard at all times,

The opponent's terrorist attack entwined with 【Conqueror's Haki】.

It's really tricky~~~

Kizaru sighed helplessly.

The mood suddenly became heavy.

such a dangerous task,

It's really a headache....

The strength of Kaido and BIG MOM,

Kizaru felt deep fear and pressure.

Not just Kizaru,

Magellan and the green bull on the side also had the same idea.

"Damn it, Akainu, why didn't the four of you stop Kaido just now..."

At this moment, a voice full of resentment came from behind the four of Akainu.

a member of the CPO,

With a face full of anger, he roared:

"Do you know how much manpower and material resources the world government needs to spend to train these elites?!"

This man is apparently the ringleader in CP0.

Now seeing that most of the subordinates were killed or injured in the blink of an eye,

unacceptable for a while,

We can only put all the responsibility on Akainu.

the most important is,

He had no idea how he was going to explain it to the Five Elders right now.

The sneak attack plan just now,

It was he who ordered and enacted at his sole discretion.

That is to say,

resulting in the present situation,

He cannot escape guilt.

Thinking of the torture that may be endured next,

He felt a pang of fear. .

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