I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 381 The Battle Situation Escalates, And All Members Of The Beasts Pirates Join The Battle! [

"Hmph, your stupid behavior...what does it have to do with me?!"

Akainu snorted coldly with disdain on his face: "With the intelligence network organized by your CP...how could it be possible that you don't understand Kaido's abilities?!"

"Knowing that he possesses absolute supremacy in the air in the form of Azure Dragon, he still chooses to make a surprise attack there..."

"Aren't you trying to kill yourself?!~"


The head of the CPO suddenly shouted in a rage-:

"Even if we made a mistake in our plan, if the four of you could have made a move earlier...we wouldn't have suffered so many casualties!!"

"When I go back...... I will definitely report what happened today to the five adults truthfully!!"

"up to you......"

Akainu snorted coldly with disapproval:

"It's just that, in the next battle, if you trash disturb us..."

"I'll kill you first!!"


Rebuke Guoguo's threat!!

Akainu's nickname [Marine's No. 1 Gangster] is not for nothing.

"You... damn!!"

The head of the CPO did not expect Akainu to be so brave,

Although full of anger,

But he dared not show it at all.

If he was killed on the spot by this idiot,

That would be so worthless.

looking down,

The leader of CP0 and [Kong] who was sitting on the main ship looked at each other.

The latter remained expressionless.

Doesn't seem to care about the killing.

Even if the CPO has a conclusion in mind,

All the world government needs is the final "victory".

No matter how many lives are sacrificed right now,

It doesn't matter either.

Without any choice,

He could only greet all of Akainu's close female relatives secretly in his heart.

And so it is.

Although before the war,

Five Elders once told Akainu the importance of CPO members.

But the order [Kong] Sora got was,

this battle,

at all costs,

The final victory must be won.


Only after half of the CPO has been killed in seconds,

Still sitting on the chair so calmly.

He is the general manager of this operation,


It is an overall victory on the entire battlefield.

for victory,

Sometimes it is necessary to suffer some tragic losses.

"Akainu, sooner or later, Laozi will make you regret what you did today..."

The head of the CPO retreated back with vicious eyes.

At that time, the target was locked on the other pirates of [Beasts Pirates].

Can't beat Kaido,

Then use these little people to vent your anger!!


In the sky, Kaido looked at the CPO members who hid behind the four of Akainu and laughed loudly: "What a disappointment..."

"I can't imagine that the eagle dog raised by Celestial Dragons is so useless, it can't even do it to help Laozi!!"

"Brother Kaido, leave the remaining people to us!!"

Jhin roared down with a group of [Blessers] with the ability to fly,

Launched an attack on the remaining CPO members below.

If placed before,

Jhin would never make such a reckless move.

After all, with the strength of 【Giver】,

Not a match for CPO members at all.

Even with two enemies,

There is no advantage at all.

But now it's different.

There are only a dozen or so members left in the CPO,

On his side, there are hundreds of [Blessers] with the ability to fly.

Absolute superiority in numbers,

Sufficient to make up for the imbalance in combat power.


He will also do it himself.

"Damn it, you dare to underestimate us......"

The members of the CPO suddenly became furious.

Dang even fought on the platform with the 【Givers】.

And the Akainu four,

He didn't pay attention to the battle behind him.

His gaze was still fixed on Kaido and BIG MOM in mid-air.

"Brother Kaido, we are here too..."

ask for flowers...

Several tall and strong figures suddenly jumped down from the [Wanokuni] waterfall.


The whole platform suddenly trembled.

Then see [Plague] Quinn and [Drought] Jack,

With the five members of 【Six Sons of the Sky】,

Appeared in front of everyone.

"Marine, you guys are really brave!!"

Jack directly ignored the identities of Akainu and Admiral,

He said arrogantly:

"It is indeed our carelessness that allowed you to invade the waters near [Wanokuni]..."

"However...you don't even think you can get closer to Brother Kaido!!"


"Today, Laozi is going to tear you bunch of Marine bastards...to pieces!!"

Jack in the original book,

But in front of Fujitora, Sengoku, Tsuru and other top fighters,

Hanhan who dared to take the pirate ship close to let others beat him up.

So now say something like this,

Naturally, there is nothing surprising.


The four of Akainu didn't even look him in the eye.

Even if Jack's identity is 【Big Kanban】,

And there is a bounty of more than one billion.

But in the hearts of the four Akainu,

But Jack is a stinky brother who can be obliterated at any time.

Naturally disdain to waste time on him.

"Quinn, Jack...you two take it up and down to support Linlin's sons!!

Kaido glanced at the members of the [BIG MOM Pirates] who were struggling below,

Said with a smile:

"Laozi hasn't looked forward to fighting like this for a long time..."

"No one can bother us!!"


Quinn and Jack immediately took out the phone bug,

Notify the pirates under his command,

Starting from the extremely hidden underground dark port below [Wanokuni],

Launch a sneak attack on the coalition forces.


Quinn and Jack took the five members of [Six Volleys],

Jump towards the bottom together. .

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