I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 388 The Power Of Haki Hits Marine Hard! [Please Subscribe! 】

"No, that Slash Wave is falling towards us..."

"Run away, even Admiral has to dodge the attack, if he is hit, he will die without a place to die..."

Vice Admiral, please help..."

Under Fang Ping the Marine soldiers on the platform,

Suddenly fell into chaos.

The Vice Admirals who were originally standing on the deck in charge of directing the battle,

After seeing this attack fall,

Their faces also changed drastically.

Even if these people...

Without exception, they are all elite Vice Admirals in Marine.

But in the face of this level of attack,

But no different from the surrounding soldiers,

Still looks so humble and powerless.

Only in the battlefield,

Only then can they truly appreciate the huge gap between them and [Four Emperors].

Don't talk about joining the war...

Even if you get close, you may be killed in seconds.

Now only to face the aftermath,

The lack of strength of these people was fully revealed.


11 They never thought that BIG MOM and Kaido would be so powerful.

Even if facing four Marine Admirals at the same time,

Still did not lose the wind.

This kind of strength is really terrifying...

No wonder before that,

The Crane Staff Committee solemnly emphasized to them,

The horrors of the members who belonged to the [Rocks Pirates] in the past.

Staff Officer Crane said before,

definitely not an exaggeration,

grow others' ambitions,

Destroy your prestige.

These veteran Vice Admiral even feel,

BIG MOM and Kaido are more dangerous and terrifying than rumored.

But now is not the time to think too much about it.

Because of the dazzling slash in the sky,

is getting closer,

And began to zoom in rapidly in the field of vision of all the Vice Admirals.

Swish Swish Swish...!!!

this time,

The group of Vice Admirals did not continue to hold their ground.

Instead, they used [Moonwalk] and [Shave] to avoid.


Even Marshal Sakazuki, the【Number One Gangster in Marine】did not dare to take the attack,

They are a group of "miscellaneous fish"

Why dare to stop?

Is it necessary to rely on the so-called "justice" to let it dissipate by itself?!


Big Mom's slash was too fast.

so that when it falls,

Several Vice Admirals didn't escape its effect in time.

Dazzling rays of light and scorching flames strike at the same time,

In an instant, these Vice Admirals and thousands of Marine soldiers were enveloped in it.


Accompanied by an extremely terrifying loud noise.

Go down to a certain area on the Fang Ping platform,

In an instant, a huge gap was blasted out.

at the same time......

There are more than a dozen warships near Taiwan,

also in an instant,

turned into flying dust,

Wreckage strewn across the sea....

And all the soldiers on the warship,

Without exception,

All of them were wiped out under this terrifying force.

most of them,

even before death,

There was not even a sound of wailing and begging for mercy.


BIG·MOM's slash is accompanied by [Conqueror's Haki] black thunder,

Suddenly, it exploded on the sea below.

The sea will be hard,

A huge Uzumaki several hundred meters was blasted out by this blow.


Sea water splashed up.

scattered down.

The whole scene was as shocking as a landslide.

A low and loud bang went away.

And the aftermath of this blow,

Then quickly spread to the four directions.

The sea surface of the entire sea area suddenly became turbulent.

coalition ships,

Also swinging back and forth in such waves.

It looks like it could be overturned at any moment.

"Your Majesty, this is what you said before...... [Conqueror's Haki] can produce the effect after reaching [Awakening]?!"

Above the sky, Fujitora, who has been covering the audience with a powerful [Observation Haki], asked with lingering fear.

BIG MOM this knife,

Far exceeded his previous expectations.

Not only killed five Marine Vice Admirals instantly,

and nearly 3,000 Marine elites,

At the same time, a dozen warships were destroyed.


It's even worse than Fujitora's "Gravity Meteor".

The key is,

After winding 【Conqueror's Haki】,

Unusual Marine Vice Admiral,

In the face of this kind of power, there is no power to fight back at all.

Killing in seconds is not something unacceptable!!

Even Fujitora himself,

When faced with this blow from BIG·MOM,

Also totally powerless.

No wonder the four of Akainu ran away in such a panic just now.

The five unlucky Marine Vice Admiral below,

is the best example.

Kill in one hit!!

This can definitely be said to be the Naval Headquarters ever,

The biggest loss ever.

However, even if the news spreads,

I am afraid not many people in the sea will believe it, 647

The majestic Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral,

It will be instantly killed by [Four Emperors].


The result is really astonishing!!

To know....…

Among the five Marine Vice Admirals who were just killed in seconds,

But there are two of them are the powerful veteran Vice Admiral.

But who dares to imagine,

How humiliating would they die!!

Fujitora has already made a comparison between Vice AdmiralBIG·MOM and the red-haired [Conqueror's Haki].

Although the redhead can also use the attack with 【Conqueror's Haki】,

But compared to BIG MOM's【Twisting】,

After all, it was still a little short of heat.

Even if the red hair is known as the strongest user of [Conqueror's Haki] after Roger,

But compared to BIG MOM and Kaido,

After all, his age is still "young".

Even if you are talented,

It is impossible to understand and use 【Conqueror's Haki】beyond veteran fritters like BIG MOM and Kaido.


The talents of BIG MOM and Kaido are not inferior to red hair.

BIG·MOM from the age of five,

It is the existence of the so-called "monster".

redheads compared to

Not worth mentioning at all!!!.

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