I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 389 Magellan's Strongest Blow, The Trial Of The Dead! [Please Subscribe! 】

"That's right!!"

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, and said in a flat tone:

"Although among the [New World] pirates, there are as many people who own [Conqueror's Haki] as there are crucian carp in the river..."

"But those who can really bring [Conqueror's Haki] to the [Awakened State]... are pitifully few!!"

Speaking of which,

A look of emotion suddenly appeared on Lin Xiao's face.

"If there is no problem with Whitebeard's body during [Summit War], you can still use [Shock Fruit] and [Conqueror's Haki] at the same time..."

"The ending of that war...I'm afraid it will be a different scene!!"

As the one who killed Whitebeard head-on,

No one knows more about how terrifying Whitebeard is than Lin Xiao.

Even with a decaying and decaying body,

It can still erupt with a terrifying strength far exceeding that of ordinary people.

Whitebeard deserves the title of 【World's Strongest Man】!!

"If this is the case... the outcome of this battle is really hard to guess!!"

Fujitora said with a look of emotion.

"That's right..."

Lin Xiao glanced at the miserable image on the sea below, and said calmly:

"Although in this war, there is a huge disparity in the strength of the two sides..."

"But until the end, the ending is still unpredictable..."

"It's just that it depends on the World government, when is it going to save the trump card for use!!"


The sea below is raging.

From time to time, huge waves of tens of meters were raised on the sea.

Wrecks of warships can be seen everywhere.

The noisy battlefield suddenly became quiet.

tens of thousands of soldiers,

The body looked stiffly at the sea.

many legs,

Already trembling uncontrollably.

There was still a look of horror and inexplicable fear on his face.

Brothers who fought side by side just now,

in the blink of an eye,

then disappeared...

"It's...so scary, to kill five bell generals instantly?~!

"There are more than a dozen warships, which also disappeared in an instant..."

"The boat... the people on the boat are gone, that's nearly 3,000 people... just like that, they were instantly killed!!"

"Is this really as far as humans can go?!"

"It's terrible... [Four Emperors]'s strength is simply beyond what we can handle!!"

The impact of BIG MOM's blow just now was too huge.

Tens of thousands of soldiers stood there with terrified faces,

staring blankly at the sea,

I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time.

If you don't see it with your own eyes,

They would never believe that someone could kill nearly 3,000 people and more than a dozen warships with a single strike.

And the speed is so fast that they don't even have time to react.

Anxiety and anxiety began to pervade everyone's hearts.

But the most demoralizing,

In fact, those five Vice Admirals were instantly killed together.

"You guys..."

at this moment,

A thunderous old voice suddenly sounded.

Commander【Kong】Kong slowly stood up,

His yellow pupils swept across the crowd one by one,

Take in the fear on their faces.

Then he roared in an incomparably majestic voice:

"Haven't you all made up your mind to die for [justice]?!"

"Die for [Justice]?!"

All the soldiers were taken aback.

"This battle will change the pattern and direction of the entire world in the future..."

【Kong】Kong continued: "So even if it is the last soldier...we must not back down!!"

"That's right, for the sake of [justice], we will fight to the death...!!!"

Several Marine Vice Admirals then shouted.

"For [justice]  …


The coalition soldiers seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood,

Immediately the fighting spirit rose.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma... really a group of naive and easy-to-deceive guys!!"

Big Mom stood on the thundercloud and laughed wantonly.

Not far from Magellan,

Then keenly seized this short-lived opportunity,

flapping wings,

Rush towards BIG·MOM standing above the thundercloud.

"Mr. Sakazuki, don't let Kaido have a chance to breathe..."

Magellan roared loudly: "..BIG MOM, let me block it for the time being!!"

Endless venom began to gather towards Magellan's right arm.

But unlike the previous Purple,

this time......

The poison that appeared was the miserable fresh Red.


Like the flower of death blooming suddenly.

Magellan launched a surprise attack,

strong body,

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of BIG MOM.

"[Fist of Poison · Judgment of the Dead]!!!"


Magellan's iron fist hit BIG·MOM's abdomen successfully.

The poison contained in it,

It spreads directly through the skin and inward.


BIG MOM's deafening screams instantly resounded through the sky.

Even if she has a body comparable to steel (Qian Zhao Zhao),

But in the face of such venom,

Still hard to resist!!

"The task of ending Kaido...Leave it to me!!"

Kizaru catches the moment,

Before Akainu and others take action,

Turned into a stream of light,

in the blink of an eye,

Then he appeared directly in front of Kaido.


When it comes to grabbing people's heads and grabbing military merits,

Who can be more professional than Huang Dahunzi?!

"Oh yo yo~~~ Mr. Kaido, I will accept Nini for your life???"

However, when Kizaru's fingertips condensed the dazzling laser light,

The seemingly dying dragon on the ground,

He stood up slowly again.

Just by opening my eyes,

The turbulent killing intent that looks down on all beings,

It swept out again like a monstrous tsunami. .

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