I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 399 Impossible Task, How Strong Is Lin Xiao? ! [Please Subscribe! 】

"If it's just hell..."

Akainu's face was slightly gloomy, but he showed no timidity: "Then I don't know how many times I've been there!!"


"Ma Ma Ma Ma..."

Kaido and BIG MOM on the opposite side looked at the four of Akainu,

A presumptuous and ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Sakazuki, the look in your eyes...is really annoying!!"

"Today is the time to make a break with Marine!!"

"Stop barking there, Kaido!!"

Akainu said viciously: "Thirty-eight years ago, Marine was able to destroy [Rocks Pirates]" 7

"Today...we will be able to wipe out both of your Four Emperors regiments!!"

Akainu finished speaking,

Then subconsciously glanced at Lin Xiao above the sky.

A word of helplessness came to mind.

"As long as that man doesn't make a move, we can definitely do it!"

That's right.

Although Kaido and BIG MOM are very tricky.

But Marine and the world ZF are not without chance of winning.


[Kong] empty hand below,

There is always a trump card that has not been dispatched.

That's why Akainu is so calm.

But if Lin Xiao joins the battle,

Things will turn around in an instant.

And it is developing in a direction that is extremely unfavorable to the coalition forces.

Until then......

Even Akainu,

I don't know how tragic it will end in the end.


two years ago,

Such a scene was once played out before Akainu's eyes.

Recalling the scene of that day,

Akainu until now,

I still have lingering fears.

Even if he is a strong [general emperor level].

But in front of the huge Sea Kings with a body size of more than 5000 meters,

Still small to humble.

that terrifying power,

It is simply beyond the reach of human beings....

"Senior Polusalino...... Did Lin Xiao really defeat these two monsters, Kaido and Big Mom? w"!"

Before the official action, Lu Sheng suddenly said such a sentence out of thin air.

green bull before that,

greatest wish,

He just wanted to fight Lin Xiao, who was hailed as "the strongest emperor" by the world.


There shouldn't be much difference between the two.

Even if there is a certain gap,

He can also rely on the powerful ability of [Mu Mu Guo],

make up for these gaps.


Just after fighting Kaido,

Green Bull suddenly realized,

He may have overestimated his strength before...

Even if they gather the strength of four people,

It also failed to mortally wound Kaido in the previous attack.

Even break the defense,

It's hard to do.

This shows how strong Kaido's defense is.

The green bull has some doubts,

Can Lin Xiao really defeat a "monster" like Kaido by himself?!

How strong is this guy?!

"Uh... Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, the news from the intelligence department is indeed like this~~~~~"

Kizaru's old face twitched, his expression was extremely ugly.

"Now is not a good time to talk about this, we have to find a way to separate the two of them...."

Magellan interrupted with serious eyes.

He doesn't dare to be careless or negligent in the slightest now.


It's really going to kill people.

Although his venom is extremely ferocious.

But [Physical Arts] and close combat,

But it is his absolute shortcoming.

Especially when encountering people like Kaido and BIG·MOM,

The "monster" that can effectively block the invasion of toxins only by piff.

Magellan's [Poisonous Fruit] seems a bit tasteless.


Magellan is still very confident in himself.

Because he hasn't done his trick yet.

However, due to terrain constraints,

If you use the strongest [Poison Giant Soldier Judgment of Hell],

It is likely to affect the Akainu trio.

Even if the three of Akainu all have strong strength,

Once touched,

It will also be instantly corroded and spread by toxins.

until death.

That's why Magellan initially,

There is no fundamental reason for this trick.

"In this case……………"

The green bull turned his attention to BIG MOM, and said loudly: My ability should be able to resist her lightning attack very well...."

"This ugly old woman, leave it to me to deal with it!!"

talking room,

He has already opened [Observation Haki] to the maximum.

Directly locked on to BIG MOM who was standing on top of the thunder cloud.

"Then let the old man help you~~~~~"

Kizaru clasped his hands together,

A burst of dazzling light erupted from the palm of his hand.


He pulled out a lightsaber condensed from photons from his palm.

【Amazon Cloud Sword】!!

Kizaru's wretched old face was full of seriousness.

Holding 【Amazon Cloud Sword】,

His gaze is lingering.

this earnest attitude,

Even Akainu on the side was surprised.

Oh shit.

Polusalino the bastard.

Sure enough, during [Summit War], the water was deliberately released.

"Well, Kaido will be handed over to the two of us to deal with it (get it)......"

Akainu nodded, and then calmly analyzed: "It is extremely risky for the four of us to fight separately.

"Because if one side is defeated, the other two are likely to face a situation where Kaido and BIG MOM are attacking at the same time..."

"So please act cautiously, and don't try to be brave! Servant!"

"As long as we can greatly consume Kaido and BIG MOM... Kongshuai will definitely take action to eliminate them at the most appropriate time!!"

Although Akainu is tough and reckless.

But the more wars,

His mind became clearer.

After previous battles,

He has clearly realized that

With the strength of the four of them,

Want to kill Kaido and BIG MOM directly,

Almost an impossible task. .

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