I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 400 Did The Giver Blew Himself Up? ? ! [Please Subscribe! 】


One but Akainu among the four of them,

If one person is seriously injured,

The battle situation is likely to change as a result.


Akainu is now only the last hope,

All pinned on [Kong] Sora.

And what they're going to do now,

It is to weaken the combat power of Kaido and BIG MOM to the greatest extent.

In order to prepare for the final kill.

"Don't worry, Sakazuki-senpai"

Green Bull nodded heavily, keeping it in mind.

the current situation,

They have long been allowed to make mistakes.

because of a careless,

It is likely to fall into the point of no return.

The four looked at each other,

Then began a new round of offensive.

On the opposite side, Kaido and BIG MOM,

It was obvious that he had been waiting impatiently for a long time.

The Great War broke out!!

"Marshal Sakazuki, they shot again..."

"It seems that the battle above is also very stalemate..."

"Four Emperors VS Admiral, who will be the final winner..."

"Even Marshal Sarkas 113 has personally entered the battle, so there should be no problem dealing with Kaido and BIG MOM..."

"Compared to that, shouldn't we first think about how to get rid of these [Beasts Pirates] guys in front of us..."

The soldiers on the Fang Ping platform began to exclaim again and again.


They were brought back by the battle in front of them.

Although the impressive battle above is very attractive.

But the members of [Beasts Pirates] who are fighting with them below,

Nor is it generally tricky.

All kinds of weird [man-made Devil Fruit] abilities.

It just makes them miserable.

"Jie ha ha ha ha... the strength of your group of Marines is really weak!!"

"After the reinforcements were blocked, have you been frightened and have no courage to fight?!!"

"Hehehe, that's right, these mediocre guys don't deserve to be called elite at all..."

Among the pirates, [Giver] and [True Fighter] began to talk nonsense.

[Heavy Armored Orc Unit] in the front row

It even launched another charge to the Marine soldiers.

Among them...

Almost all of them are crustacean Zoan ability users.

Born with high defense.

Even if it is hit by an ordinary gun,

And it won't hurt at all.

Without 【Armament Haki】,

The soldiers of the Common couldn't hurt them at all.

"Before [Ice Ghost] floods, completely wipe out this group of trash Marines..."

Sasaki ordered with a wave of his big hand.

He is the commander of the [Heavy Armored Orc Troop].

It is also a [Devil Fruit] ability user of [Zoan · Dragon Dragon Fruit · Ancient Species · Triceratops Form].

Possesses a powerful force far beyond ordinary people.

bang bang bang!!!

bang bang bang!!!

If the animal-like collision directly ruined the lives of many Marine soldiers.

And Vice Admiral-level combat power,

But they were all held back by [Six Volleyers] and [True Fighter] cadres.

There is no time to separate yourself.


The expression on the tea dolphin's face became more and more anxious.

he can see it,

Since Quinn turned the tide of battle with [Plague Bomb Ice Ghost],

The situation began to develop to a point that he could not have expected.

Even now he...

He was also dragged here by Jack, a desperate idiot.

There is no way to rush over to break the situation for the soldiers.

"Hmph, who was clamoring to eradicate our [Beasts Pirates] just now?!"

Quinn smoking a cigar,

The fat on the face is shaking (bbaf),

It looks abnormally disgusting and underwhelming.

But on the Fang Ping stage,

Except for the tea dolphin who is fighting with Jack,

No one was his match at all.

And on the Fang Ping stage,

The air force led by Jhin,

Then the rest of the dozen strong CPOs,

All trapped above.

It's like a fight between trapped beasts.

The situation of the whole battlefield,

It has completely moved in a direction that is beneficial to [Beasts Pirates].

"Brother Kaido is the one who will become [One Piece] in the future... How could he be killed by you Marines?!"

Quinn firmly believed in this: "Tea dolphin, no matter how good you are... you can't keep going like this!!"

"And... once [Ice Ghost] successfully infects the soldiers on the opposite side, you will most likely die at the hands of your own people."

"Rather than dying here, why don't you turn to the light... Join us [Beasts Pirates]?!"

Facing Quinn's invitation,

The tea dolphin suddenly felt that he had been greatly insulted,

Roared furiously.


Before he could speak,

Suddenly there were several bangs on the battlefield not far away.



A few 【Givers】 who all fought,

Even without being attacked,

Suddenly "exploded" in front of everyone.


The cadres including Quinn,

There were puzzled looks on their faces.


This is not the first time this has happened.

Since the fight began,

Up to now, nearly a hundred [givers] have "self-destructed".

at first...

Quinn and others haven't paid too much attention.

But as the fighting intensity increases,

The frequency of occurrence has become higher and higher.

And everyone's death conditions are surprisingly consistent,

All are "self-explosion" from the inside out.

The whole body directly turned into a blood mist.

Not even a bone remained.

This couldn't help but make Quinn suspicious.

Could it be that Marine or someone in the ZF of the world is doing something?!

But after searching around,

He didn't notice it at all.

Do not know why.......

The face of a person appeared in Quinn's heart.

Subconsciously looked up to the high sky.


Lin Xiao was looking down at the battlefield below with a playful expression at the moment. .

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