Listen to what Reilly has to say.

Kizaru's mouth couldn't help but curl up. after all.

If Straw Hat Luffy hadn't been connected, he would have killed him long ago.

How could it be your turn, a bad old man, to come out and save the future of Nalaoshizihai? but.

Although that's what I thought in my heart.

But Kizaru wouldn't say that.

"Hey, that won't work. After all, the order I got was to arrest the thugs who beat up the Tianlong people."

Kizaru said angrily.

At the same time, the golden light condensed on his feet again, and he was ready to continue attacking.

Rayleigh saw this.

He also wanted to accompany Kizaru through this cutscene, and instantly attached the weapon-colored saber. He took out his sheath and slashed towards Kizaru's head. A fight between strong men was about to break out.

During the"battle" between Rayleigh and Kizaru, Robin used the power of the flower fruit to pull Zoro to his side.

"Everyone, hurry up..."

Just as Robin was about to tell his friends to run, a huge creature appeared out of nowhere and blocked Robin directly.

Robin slowly raised his head.

When she saw the appearance of the huge creature, she Everyone is feeling bad

"And, pacifist!!"

If it was just now,

Robin and the others would never be frightened by pacifists.

But after experiencing Kizaru's baptism, let alone pacifists.

If any admiral came to them, they would all be killed.

And just As Robin's heart became heavier and heavier, the pacifist in front of him spoke again.

"If you want to travel, where would you like to go?"

Hearing the"pacifist" speak,

Robin raised his drooped head again. He was a little surprised.

But when he saw a giant hand with cute flesh pads patting him, he originally raised it because of the accident. My heart fell heavily again

"Am I going to die?"

Robin asked herself questions in her mind.

In her mind, all the past came to mind.

In this short period of time, Robin recalled a lot.

And in the end, her memories were fixed on Judiciary Island, when she was most desperate. , Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji appeared in front of him.

Robin closed his eyes.

Two tears flowed from his eyes.

However... he only heard a"boom".

Robin only felt that he was in front of him. A hurricane hit, and the pain and silence she imagined did not appear.

Instead, she felt as if the giant creature in front of her was... knocked away?

Was it Luffy or Sanji?

This was the question in Robin's mind.

With that With this question, Robin couldn't wait to open her eyes.

However, what she saw was not what she imagined.

Silver-white armor, long golden shawl hair, and a pair of white wings that were fully extended to at least three meters, made Robin It feels extremely strange.

Is this an angel?

But it seems different from what I have seen before.

Look to the side.

The"pacifist" who had just asked me the question has been knocked out and hit the trunk of the mangrove tree. On the body, there are constant arc flashes on the body

"You, who are you."

Robin couldn't help asking.

Hearing her question.

The angel in front of her spoke.

"Child, will you talk to me again?"

Angel Lingxi looked at Robin. His eyes opened the eyes of insight without Robin noticing, and then quickly closed them.

All of Robin's information was read by Lingxi in an instant.

Although he was in a different place , world.

And there is no network.

But the Eye of Insight can still take effect. With He Xi's upgrade, the Eye of Insight can read the information of this world based on the stars of this world.

Information on the Internet can be eliminated.

The data on the star can be saved forever.

This is also a change made to avoid some troubles.

It is not easy to do this.

The most basic point is to have a void engine as the main engine. The carrier is equivalent to the host.

When Angel Zhixin confirmed that he would participate in the mission,

He Xi took the initiative to bypass the corresponding procedures and turn on the void engine.

As for Yan, according to Kesha's wishes, she still needs to grow.

The void engine was turned on prematurely..Not a good thing for her

"Yes, yes, I have seen the angels on Angel Island, but you seem to be different from them."

Lingxi didn't care at all about Robin's words. For them, how can those guys on Angel Island who have no power to tie a chicken and live in hiding on the empty island deserve to be called angels.

But facing Luo Bin's curiosity.

Lingxi did not shy away from answering anything.

He spoke directly.

"My name is Lingxi, the angel Lingxi. Queen Kesha has personally appointed me as a high-level guardian angel, a true angel."

Ling Xi said.

The wings behind her shook. As she waved, she was carried flying into the air.

Only then did Robin notice.

At some point, the battle between Rayleigh and Kizaru had been suspended.


No. You know when.

In the sky, there are more than ten beautiful figures waving their wings.

Robin's heart deeply remembers Lingxi's words.

"A real angel!!"

The appearance of the angels temporarily stopped the war between Huang and Lei.

By the way, the atmosphere at the scene also solidified a bit.

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