"Bala, bala..."

Just as the atmosphere at the scene was stagnant, the phone in Kizaru's pocket suddenly rang.

I don't know whether it was out of confidence in his strength or a good mentality.

Kizaru actually did it in front of Rayleigh and all the angels. In front of me, I took out the phone bug

""Moses, Moses..."

Kizaru pressed the black phone bug and said.

But not only did the phone bug not respond.

The phone bug's unique"Bala, bala..." ringtone did not stop either. It was not far behind Kizaru.

Battle. Momomaru silently stood up and shouted:

"Old man, you got the wrong phone number!"

Hearing Zhan Taomaru's reminder,

Kizaru also reacted. After looking at the black phone bug in his hand for a moment, he activated his fruit power and replaced the black anti-eavesdropping phone bug with a real one with lightning speed. The phone bug.

Maybe the ringtone has been ringing for too long.

Or maybe the phone bug itself is tired of Kizaru's idiot attribute.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the phone bug's expression is very wrong.

"Moses Moses...marshal of the Warring States Period…"

"Well, yes, I have found the culprit, okay, good, yes, it is Rayleigh, um, right...what..."

Kizaru turned his back to everyone, and started fighting with the Sengoku on the other side of the phone bug. A secret conversation.

After saying the last word"what", Kizaru's eyes suddenly turned around and fell on the angels suspended in mid-air.

"If, Marshal of the Warring States Period, you are talking about a woman wearing silver armor, with white wings, and holding a red sword, I don’t think I need to look for her."

While speaking,

Kizaru used his index finger and thumb to measure the length of Lingxi's wings out of thin air.

"The thugs you mentioned are on my side now, but it's not clear which one they are."

Kizaru glanced into the distance.

Over there, three second-generation guard-level angels held flaming swords and waved their wings and flew towards him.

Hearing what Kizaru said, this time, it

's the Warring States Period's turn. Confused.

However, as a wise general, Sengoku did not fully understand the meaning of Kizaru's words. But he still read some key information from a few words.

"Kizaru, you mean, there are many more of the same thugs?"

Sengoku asked in a deep voice.

His expression was perfectly reproduced through the phone bug.

And Kizaru, who had no intention of teasing Sengoku, said.

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period, I already have sixteen or nineteen of the thugs you mentioned here. I don’t know if there will be more in the future."

Kizaru's tone is unpredictable.

You could say he is nervous.

His relaxed and wretched appearance really doesn't show any nervousness. You could say he is not nervous, but the vigilance in his eyes has not diminished at all.

"Kizaru, if you hold them back for a while, I will ask Garp and Aoki to support them."

After Warring States finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly without giving Kizaru a chance to say anything.

Kizaru's expression froze.

He put down the phone, looked up at Lingxi and the other angels, and said with a lewd expression.

"It's really scary. Which one of you is the thug who killed the holy family of Roswader?"

Kizaru's tone was relaxed and freehand.

But his eyes could not be disguised like his tone.

As Sengoku mentioned in the phone bug, his combat power was unknown, but he could kill an elite colonel of the headquarters in an instant without any effort. From what the Warring States Period said, it can be seen that these"thugs" in front of them are not simple.

"Thugs, kill the Celestial Dragons? ?"

Hearing Kizaru's words.

Whether it was Rayleigh, the Straw Hats or the half-disabled bears, they all turned their attention to those beautiful figures in the sky.

Even though he was seriously injured, Sanji, who had an undying heart, was even more... His eyes were wary, and his nosebleed couldn't help but flow out.

He looked up at the angels and said with a pig-like look on his face.

"From this angle, youth, ah..."

Before Sanji could finish his words,

Chopper, who had quick eyes and quick hands, rushed forward and blocked the former's mouth with his hoof. He was afraid that Sanji's words would anger the angels.

"If killing a few pigs will make you a so-called thug, then your so-called justice is worse than I imagined."

Angel Leng fell from the sky.

He did not fly in the air like other angels, but fell directly to the ground.

As a veteran angel who has been fighting for thousands of years, Angel Leng can always stick to the front line. In the meantime, not only It's just that Leng is extremely convinced of Kesha's concept of justice.

At the same time, her own desire for fighting is ranked high in the entire Angel Nebula.

How to say... it's very vivid.

Angel Leng waved away the dust and smoke, and slowly stood up , facing Kizaru.

Seeing this scene,

Rayleigh quietly stepped aside. He was not stupid. He did not want to get involved in the upcoming battle.

Not to mention, he just heard Garp. There will be news of support coming later.

Who is Garp?

How could Rayleigh not know.

In fact, Garp's name as"Mad Dog" was first mentioned by Rayleigh.

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