"Oh, you also know justice?"

Kizaru seemed to be doing things as usual and asked Leng?

"Which one are you asking?"

The angel glanced at Kizaru coldly.

"Is it true justice, or the twisted justice of your navy?"

If Akainu were here.

Hearing this, he would definitely start a fight.

But unfortunately, the one standing here is Kizaru.

That flexible justice.

Even if it is not justice, Kizaru will not care.

After all.

His definition of himself is just a part-time worker who clocks in to work every day.

"Hearing what you said, I'm curious, what is true justice?"

Kizaru wanted to stall for time.

After all, it is not his character to fight an uncertain battle.

And Kizaru never expected it. As soon as he said these words,

Angel Leng raised the flaming sword in his hand, Said to Kizaru

"Since you want to know what justice is, let me explain it to you!"

"All available!"

Angel Leng's words had just finished.

All the angels flying in the air clenched their flaming swords and were ready to go.

When Kizaru didn't know what these people were going to do, Angel Leng spoke again.

"On behalf of justice, burn them!"


The wings behind the angels shook. The speed of the angels who were originally hanging in the air exploded in an instant, and they shot out in all directions.

Soon, bursts of explosions and tremors of the earth came over.

Through seeing and hearing Haki.

Kizaru, Although Rayleigh could not capture the movements of angels, he could sense the destruction of buildings and the disappearance of lives.

Navy, pirates, human traffickers, etc.

The targets that the angels targeted through the eyes of insight had nowhere to hide.

With insight, Eyes are on.

Their attacks kill all sins with precision.

Just like the difference between the Straw Hats and the Mouse Colonel.

There are not all evil people in the navy.

Not all pirates are evil people.

What's more,

Luffy... He is a person of great luck.

He was first excluded from the attack target by Noah.

The will of the world is a dead thing.

It is like a program derived from the origin of the world.

Even if the origin of the world is assimilated or even absorbed, it will not There is no action.

Because in its own setting, there is no program that says someone will take action on the will of the world and the origin of the world.

This is also related to the level of the world itself.

Just like the world of One Piece.

In the world No matter how strong the navy and pirates are, they cannot be strong enough to affect the origin of the world.

Therefore, the will of the world derived from the origin of the world will not have a corresponding established level in the basic setting. And if it is the kind of prehistoric world.

If you want to get in touch with the origin of the world, you must first pass a few journals.

Just the three realms of heaven, earth, and people derived from the rules.

Any one of them will blow your ashes away, not to mention that there are many levels behind.

And in the will of the world Among the procedures.

People with great luck are protected by the world.

If Luffy is killed now, then the will of the world will inevitably riot.

Is the title of"Child of the World" a joke to you?

When the situation has developed to this point, even if Kizaru No matter how flexible he was, he couldn't stay any longer.

He looked at Angel Leng and said

"It's so scary. This beautiful lady, I'm curious about where you come from. Are you planning to fight against the world government?"

As soon as the mantra was said,

Kizaru's expression became serious.

The angel sneered coldly.

Looking at the yellow-skinned monkey in front of him, he said coldly:


"This word does not exist in the dictionary of our angels. We are here just to burn away the filth in the world.

Your world government just happens to be the biggest mess among all the filth.

According to the information I have obtained.

You, Porosalino, Admiral, codenamed Kizaru, are not an innocent person either.

A lot of civilians and slaves died in your hands."

Angel Leng's pupils turned white, adding a bit of sanctity to his whole person.

I don't know if it is standard for angels. When Angel Leng said this, his voice directly turned into omnidirectional surround sound.

What does it mean?

Just like now, Angel Leng spread her wings and slowly rose into the sky. Although she was in front of everyone, her voice seemed to come from all directions. She was a high-ranking group.

It was full of oppression.

Seeing this scene, there was another one in Noah's little notebook. A few more lines of fine print

"Okay, I've already said what needs to be said."


"I, Angel Leng, will uphold the will of Holy Kesha and cleanse you of the sins of your past!"

Angel Leng knows that pure physical attacks will not have any effect.

But she wants to kill the Kizaru in front of her.

With the flaming sword, she can still do it.

However, what makes her upset is.

Angel Yan did not agree with her directly killing Kizaru.

After all,

Angel Yan had said it from the beginning.

The so-called Devil Fruit would be a very good research material in the Angel Nebula in the future.

In addition to dedicating manpower to collect it everywhere.

Angel Yan also plans to use Zhixin's void engine to try to strip away the Devil Fruit energy from the body of the esper and bring it back to Angel Nebula... ps: Brothers, please give me data. As long as the data is good enough, the author will definitely continue to get excited!

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