I, The Well-Known Chinese, Suggest That Ying Jiang Destroy The Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 70 Official Platforms Of Various Countries! The Governor Is So Mad 【Subscription】

Florida's Lieutenant Governor!

Lin Fei!

Two tags!

It completely … exploded on the Internet!!

# Shocking!

Florida's new Lieutenant Governor's induction speech, on a whim, pulled out a weeping willow and fainted, sent to the hospital for emergency treatment!

# It's rumored that Florida's new Lieutenant Governor is the environmental spokesperson, Lin Fei! #

# Florida doesn't raise idle people!

The Lieutenant Governor pulled out a weeping willow and vomited blood and was hospitalized! #

# You can be broke, but you can't be broke!

Florida's Lieutenant Governor descended from the sky!

The performance failed! #

Under such fanatical popularity.

The news of Lin Fei becoming Florida's Lieutenant Governor couldn't be hidden anymore.

And the story he told before about being ostracized in the workplace was also exposed.

More importantly!

Lin Fei relied on this popular move!

He completely became the perfect Lieutenant Governor in the hearts of the people of Florida!

Damn it!

The entire America!

You can't find a politician more compatible with Florida!

Even the Florida State Secretary who broke a rock on his chest back then couldn't compare to Lin Fei's shock to the people of Florida!

This Lieutenant Governor!

He was simply too good at performing!

Not only did he go to the hospital!

He even made Florida reach the top of the world's trending list again!

Even in the public opinion on the Internet.

Lin Fei was about to become the fifth War God of Florida who was as famous as the other four War Gods of Florida!

But obviously!

Lin Fei's identity and status were much higher than the other four!

For a moment!

The whole world knew about Fo State and that weird deputy governor of Fo State!

The heated discussions on the Internet were endless!

I'm dying of laughter ~ It's really a case of how different people are raised in different places!

— Hahahaha ~ A Lieutenant Governor's induction speech performed f * cking pulling out a weeping willow?

Is it poisonous?

I'm willing to call him the fifth War God of Florida!

Awesome ~ This Lieutenant Governor Lin is even more awesome than the Vengeful Flame who was burned to ashes and posted on his circle of friends ~

It must be an illusion ~ This is definitely not Mr. Lin Fei!

— How could Mr. Lin Fei do such a thing?

Is this still the Mr. Lin Fei I know?

— The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, who scolded the representatives of various countries at the environmental protection conference, ended up in Florida … Mr. Lin Fei pulled out a weeping willow?

And vomited blood and fainted?

I can't accept it!

— Damn Florida people, what did you do to our Mr. Lin Fei!!!

Could this be Mr. Lin Fei's true personality?

Exposed in the Buddha State?

— — No way!

Is our spokesperson for environmental protection a performer at heart?

I've seen the live video. So many people were scared silly by Mr. Lin Fei. They really thought that Mr. Lin Fei could uproot a weeping willow!

I saw it too ~ I'm so happy!

Hahaha ~ I have reason to suspect that Mr. Lin Fei did it on purpose!

— — Right!

Mr. Lin Fei said that Capitol Hill would take revenge on them. Was that true?

"It's possible!"

Otherwise, why would Mr. Lin Fei be transferred out of the Hundred Palace?

"Damn it!"

Those damned politicians!

Releasing environmental protection patents for free was clearly a contribution to mankind. How dare they!

— — I want to go to Florida to support Mr. Lin Fei!

— — Right!

I will go too. I support Mr. Lin Fei to be the Governor of Florida!

— — I'm from Florida, and I support him too. Mr. Lin Fei is simply the most perfect governor that God has given to Florida. I like him so much!

Along with the ferment on the Internet.

The video of Lin Fei's performance was shared by more and more netizens.

At the same time, there were more and more people!

They began to pay attention to Lin Fei!

They were not environmentalists, nor were they some Virgin Mary organization.

This group of people was purely curious!

This news was simply too f * cking explosive!

A world-class Internet celebrity, the spokesperson of the environmental protection world, a former Hundred Palace high official, and the current Deputy Governor of Florida.

With so many halos of identity superimposed together.

In the end, he vomited blood and fainted after uprooting a willow tree.

This was the first day of the president's appointment. What was the difference between going naked on a national matter?


This news spread to the official level of various countries around the world.

When the big shots of the Hundred Palace heard this news, their faces turned green!

Da Mao's diplomatic spokesperson was even more awesome. He specially held a press conference to praise Lin Fei's "marquis" behavior!

Rabbit's Ministry of Foreign Affairs was even more cooperative!

They specially promoted "Water Margin" and "Dream of the Red Chamber" to the world's media at the diplomatic press conference!

The other East Asian countries also expressed their stance.

They praised Lin Fei, the Deputy Governor of Florida, for being too brave!

Good fellow!

With the cooperation of the official media of various countries.

What was originally an international gossip news had suddenly risen to international political news.

In the end!

The statements of various countries forced the Hundred Palace's spokesperson to clarify!

He explained the local customs of Florida.

He also expressed his praise for Lin Fei's behavior.

He said that Lin Fei represented the new spirit of the younger generation of America's freedom, unyielding, and individuality!

With the support of the Hundred Palace!

Lin Fei was even more awesome now.

He had become the spiritual idol of the younger generation!

All the young people of America began to imitate Lin Fei!

A large number of videos of people uprooting weeping willows appeared on the Internet.

Not only that!

There were even some famous strongmen of America who participated. They even started an Internet celebrity relay challenge!

For a moment!

All sorts of celebrities, Internet celebrities, well-known experts, even scientists and scholars.

They all participated in this full-scale willow tree uprooting activity.

The people of the Buddha State fully displayed their local characteristics.

The willow tree that Lin Fei had uprooted was specially surrounded.

It even became an Internet celebrity checkpoint.

Anyone who wanted to uproot the tree could do it. One dollar per attempt!

All the proceeds would be donated to the hospitalized Lin Fei!

Did you think that this money was for Lin Fei's hospitalization fees?


This money was for Lin Fei to buy protein powder!

The people of Florida firmly believed that it wasn't that Lin Fei couldn't uproot this willow tree. He just lacked muscles.

In the end!

Lin Fei was hospitalized for less than a day.

He had only received three tons of protein powder!

Not three pounds!

It was a full three tons!!!

In the ward!

Lin Fei looked at the mountain of protein powder and turned to look at the police chief in silence!

F * ck!

This group of Florida weirdos.

Did they plan to let their lieutenant governor perform uprooting weeping willows after he was discharged from the hospital?

"Ahem, Lieutenant Governor Lin, this is the love that the people of Florida have for you!"

The police chief was also very flustered!

When he saw Lin Fei vomit blood, he was so scared that he almost peed his pants!

Fortunately, Lin Fei was fine.

Not only was he fine!

Lin Fei could be considered to have become famous in one battle.

Not only did he conquer the people of Florida present, but he also had the help of the officials of various countries.

He had become a synonym for the courage and character of young people!

The Attorney General of Florida was also in the ward. He was once the secretary of Justice Ryan.

Now, he naturally formed a political alliance with Lin Fei.

"Lieutenant Governor Lin, you're popular. Now, all kinds of celebrities on the Internet are challenging you to uproot weeping willows!"

"And many people in Florida are starting to support you to be the governor!"

"The induction speech this time was too successful!"

The Attorney General excitedly reported the situation to Lin Fei.

He had thought that it would be difficult for Lin Fei to integrate into Florida.

Who would have thought that Lin Fei's trick could push his popularity to such a high level?

The police chief at the side also echoed and said to Lin Fei with a smile.

"Lieutenant Governor Lin, you might not know."

"On the night of your induction speech, more than 20 hundred-year-old willows were transplanted at the entrance of Governor George's villa overnight!"

"We caught the criminal suspect!"

"He said that Governor George should step down and make you the governor if he can't uproot these willows!

Hahaha! "

"And many young people in Florida are already supporting you to be the governor online!"

Hearing the police chief's words.

Lin Fei laughed!

Good guy!

Originally, he wanted to integrate into Florida and not be ostracized by this group of weirdos. He wanted to build a good foundation of the masses.

Now, it was great!

Not only did he integrate, but he also became a weirdo among weirdos in Florida!

As a new media tycoon in his previous life.

Performance work was for Lin Fei!

Wasn't that like Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts — a piece of cake?

"Deputy Governor Lin, you've made a very good start on your journey to the office.

"But …"

The state attorney general sorted out his words and said to Lin Fei euphemistically.

"But the governor needs to be elected!"

"You are very popular now, and the support for you among the young people is also very high!"

"But it is definitely not enough to be the governor!"

"After all, the governor is a figure with real power. Moreover, you have just arrived and have no political achievements!"

"I suggest that Lieutenant Governor Lin can use the current popularity to do some practical things and bring real benefits to the people of Florida."

"In this way!"

"Your probability of becoming the governor in the mid-term election will be very high!"

Listening to the state attorney general's words!

Lin Fei nodded.

He understood this logic.

Popularity and popularity were illusory!

The top celebrities of Hollywood were popular enough, but other than the bodybuilder Arnold, no one could become the governor or politician.

And Arnold became the governor!

Most of the reason was because his wife was a descendant of the traditional political faction, the Ken family.

It was Ken who had a big hole in his brain!

This family was a huge monster in the political circle of America!

Therefore, he wanted to obtain the real power of the governor!

The first was to have enough background!

This was enough for Lin Fei, who was a Freemason and had the Chief Justice of the Union as a political ally.

And the second point.

It was to have the ability to show off.

No matter how strange the people of Florida were, they would not let a guy who only knew how to uproot a weeping willow be their governor.

Back then, the secretary of state conquered the people of Florida with his chest.

But he was a genuine master's degree from Jianqiao University, Harvard MBI.

His ability was off the charts!

"Deputy Governor Lin, our Fu Zhou is one of the strongest states in the United States."

"Our main income comes from tourism and the real estate industry!"

"In Florida, there are more than 1,200 kilometers of high-quality coastline, and the cost of living is not high."

"The most important thing is that there is no inheritance tax in Florida!"

"Therefore, many rich people in the world buy real estate in Florida!"

The state attorney general analyzed the situation of Florida for Lin Fei.

"At present, the real estate industry in Florida is more targeted at the rich people!"

"But the tourism industry involves many ordinary people in Florida, so I suggest!"

"Lieutenant Governor Lin can start with the tourism industry. You are a world-class Internet celebrity, so you have a great advantage in this regard.

"If you can make Florida's tourism industry go further!"

"For the mid-term election, I think that even if George has the support of that person on Capitol Hill and Party B, he is no match for you!"

The police chief at the side listened.

He nodded repeatedly.

Florida was different from other states.

The people of this state were not the base of any faction!

They could support Faction A's candidate or Faction B's George.


They could even support a dog!

He wanted to be elected in this state!

He had to have some ability!

There really wasn't. The people of Florida thought that it wouldn't matter if they chose a dog to be their governor!

"Go through the discharge procedures immediately and arrange a meeting with the Lieutenant Governor to discuss politics!"

Lin Fei also understood that pure performance would only bring popularity.


He had already made a full set of arrangements.

The rabbit ancestor had said it before!

As an official ~ Share joy with the people ~

With the support of the masses, would he still have to worry about not being able to achieve political results?

At the same time …

Governor George and his subordinates looked at the 20-odd towering trees at the entrance of George Town.

His face was purple and green!


George slapped the door frame.


Which bastard dug up the lawn in front of my door and planted trees?! "

"Are those people at the police station f * cking useless?"

He was mad with anger!

He was the brother-in-law of the Speaker of Congress and the governor of Florida.

He could no longer maintain his smiling face!

Who knew!

When he woke up, dozens of f * cking trees had been planted in front of his house!

If you want to plant trees, then plant trees. Why the f * ck did you dig up my lawn?

Even the sewers were f * cking blocked!

The toilet in Governor George's house was still f * cking blocked!

The other officials wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to look at the furious governor.

They were so stifled that their bodies were trembling.

"That f * cking weirdo!"

Lin Fei's uprooting of weeping willows went viral all over the world. It even became international political news.

It attracted the comments of other countries' officials.

Of course, he received the news of such a big matter.

He looked at the online challenge of uprooting 243 trees because of Lin Fei.

There was also a large group of young people leaving messages for Lin Fei to be the governor.

George's facial features contorted!

He hated it!


"The foreign ministries of other countries are helping Lin Fei!"

"This group of weirdos in Florida are also f * cking supporting Lin Fei!"

"Is there something wrong with these people?"

At this moment, George was somewhat regretful. Why did he arrange such an induction speech for Lin Fei?

Now it was great!

He didn't use the backup plan he had set up. Instead, it made Lin Fei's popularity soar in Florida.

He became the soul idol of the young people in Florida.

If this trend continued.

Wouldn't he be ousted by Lin Fei in the governor's mid-term election?

"Governor George, you don't have to be too angry!"

"Although Lin Fei has temporarily gained the recognition of the people of Florida, but …"

The chief financial officer of Florida said with a smile.

"But the election doesn't rely on popularity alone!"

"The novelty of the young people has passed. Lin Fei can't get any practical benefits."

"As long as we let Lin Fei sit in the position of Lieutenant Governor obediently, we won't achieve anything."

"He can't pose a threat to you!"

"If you want to be governor, you need to have achievements!"

As the chief financial officer of a state.

Caesar didn't fall under the jurisdiction of the governor.

The chief financial officers of each state in America were directly connected to the Ministry of Finance of America!

From another perspective.

Caesar's authority was sometimes even greater than Governor George's.


Caesar, you must cut off Lin Fei's economy! "

George calmed down.

As long as Lin Fei's funds couldn't come in, he could only be an idle official in Florida.

Make political achievements?


Dream on!


Contact the Capitol! "

"Execute the arrest plan for Rabbit's 5G executive as soon as possible!"

"I want Lin Fei to lose his reputation and be completely finished!"

George revealed a tyrannical expression.

Lin Fei's methods were somewhat beyond his expectations. The support of the foreign ministries of various countries for Lin Fei made George very angry.

Even uprooting Lin Fei's tree!

It was worth those countries holding a press conference!

Especially Rabbit, Damao, and that group of East Asian countries.

Weren't they clearly standing on Lin Fei's side?

Where would he put his face as the Governor of Florida!

"Don't worry, Governor George."

"According to the news from the Capitol!"

"That woman has already entered the country!"

After receiving this reply.

George finally revealed a trace of a smile.

That was great!

As long as he made a move on that woman!

He could rely on the family operation of the Davis Senate.

Not only could he make Rabbit suffer losses, but he could also force Lin Fei into a desperate situation.


Lin Fei didn't have that ability.

No saving!

He, Lin Fei, was a two-faced person!

His image collapsed and his reputation was shattered!

What did Lin Fei have to fight with him, George?

Could it be that he was just a lieutenant governor with no real power?

Just as George was feeling smug.


A message came from the governor's secretary.

"Not good!

Your Excellency! "

"Latest news, Lieutenant Governor Lin has been discharged from the hospital.

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