I, The Well-Known Chinese, Suggest That Ying Jiang Destroy The Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 93 Lin Fei's Background! ! The Uncrowned King Of Capital - Rothschild! [Go To The Full

[The judicial prosecution has been "successfully" concluded. Rabbit Technology Boss is acquitted!]


Lin Fei … won?

When Big Goose made this announcement!

The whole world fell into a state of confusion!

Especially the politicians from the Hundred Palaces. What the hell is going on?

Big Goose announced Rabbit Technology Boss. Doesn't that mean that Lin Fei has gained the recognition of the capitalists?

But what's with JPMorgan Chase's Young Master?

Lin Fei beat up JPMorgan Chase's Young Master so badly!

He can even gain the recognition of the capitalists?

The president even suspected that there was something wrong with his ears!

This world is too crazy!

The capitalists can be bridesmaids for Chinese people!

Is this the distortion of the capitalists, or the corruption of Wall Street!

At the same time!

Rabbit's Ministry of Foreign Affairs was already prepared to rescue Lin Fei if he failed!

They even booked the press conference in advance!

They were just waiting for Big Goose to announce the results!

Then, Rabbit's Ministry of Foreign Affairs would make a move.

Damn it!

But they waited and waited!

And this was the result they waited for?

Rabbit Tech Boss had been saved!

Then wouldn't all our preparations for this diplomatic press conference be for nothing?!

Spokesperson Brother Jian had already prepared the condemnation lines!

"I'm reporter John Niu. Rabbit representative, do you have anything you want to say at this press conference?!"

"I'm reporter John Niu!

Rabbit representative, what do you think of Big Goose's announcement? "

"I'm reporter John Niu. Rabbit …"


What could Rabbit say?

What could they say!


Of course, they could only grin and watch!


The press conference ended in a strange atmosphere with Rabbit's spokesperson laughing from the beginning to the end!

At the same time!

The public opinion against Lin Fei on the Internet suddenly stopped!

They were stunned!

It wasn't just the netizens who were stunned!

Even the paid posters behind the scenes were stunned!

Rabbit Technology Boss was acquitted!

This meant that Lin Fei had won the prosecution.

And they!

What were they doing?

Especially the power behind the manipulation of public opinion!

They were acting under the orders of the Hundred Palaces' Chief Judge Ryan!

Damn it!

You're the Chief Judge of the Hundred Palaces, and you're telling us to do something to Lin Fei!

They said that Lin Fei offended JPMorgan Chase and was abandoned by the capital!

And the prosecution failed!

Soon, Lin Fei would be faced with a situation where there was no way to retreat!

In the end!

Not only was Lin Fei not abandoned by the capital!

He even won the prosecution!

Who was Lin Fei?

He was the newly crowned overlord of Eagle Sauce!

He was a world-famous werewolf who would seek revenge for the smallest grievance!

Didn't Ryan sell us out?

"What should we do?

Let Lin Fei know that CMM wrote another article to slander him!

We're dead! "

"Back then, David!

The whole family gathered neatly at the airport!

Seventeen bullets were shot in the back. All of them were f * cking suicides! "

"Damn it!

That dog Ryan tricked us! "

"How about … we try to clear our names?"


Wash my ass!

Look at how much the Internet is scolding him!

What's the difference between clearing your name and exposing yourself now?! "

"What should we do?"

CMM wasn't the only one who fell into despair!

Everyone, including Ou Meng's subordinates who were in charge of public opinion, were horrified!

This group of people simply hated the Alliance Chief Judge of the Hundred Palaces to death!

As for Ryan!

The moment he heard the news!

He was so scared that he peed his pants!

Lin Fei was fine!

He was fine even after hitting the young master of JPMorgan Chase!

What kind of terrifying person was standing behind him, escorting him?

Who was the person who deliberately posted this video to mislead the Hundred Palaces?

"Mr. President!

What should we do now?! "

"This isn't the first time we backstabbed Lin Fei!

Will he let the Hundred Palaces off when he comes back? "

"Chief Judge Ryan!

Why didn't you destroy Lin Fei's foundation in Florida? Didn't you guarantee that Lin Fei would take down Florida before he came? "

The Hundred Palaces' A faction's big shots had ugly expressions!

With their status!

Although they weren't afraid of Lin Fei, the overlord of Florida!

But now, Lin Fei provoked JPMorgan Chase. Not only was he fine, but he even won the prosecution!

This meant that there was someone behind Lin Fei!

And the person behind Lin Fei was obviously a top capitalist who was comparable to JPMorgan Chase!

Otherwise, how could Lin Fei win?

Chief Judge Ryan's face darkened as he was questioned by his colleagues.

He looked at the Hundred Palaces' president, who also had an ugly expression.

Ryan said.

"Mr. President, since it's already done!

Let's continue! "


Hearing Chief Judge Ryan's words!

The other Hundred Palaces' big shots were shocked!

What did he mean by done!

Let's continue?

Could it be that Ryan meant … that they were going to fight Lin Fei head-on?

The president also frowned. "Chief Judge Ryan, what do you mean?"

"Mr. President!

My colleagues! "

"Lin Fei won!

But … "

Ryan's eyes were filled with madness and viciousness.

"But everyone, don't forget!"

"It's a fact that Lin Fei beat up the young master of JPMorgan Chase. It's also a fact that he provoked JPMorgan Chase!"

"The mid-term elections are approaching. No matter who's behind Lin Fei!"

"Can it be more important than JPMorgan Chase to the Hundred Palaces?"

Ryan's words made all the A faction's big shots come to a realization!

That's right!

A Wall Street giant like JPMorgan Chase was the foundation to control the final direction of the election!

On the surface, the election was for the various factions to choose candidates and canvass for votes!

But in reality!

No matter how the various factions chose and fought!

There was a big premise!

That was that the plate that could participate in the election was circled by a capital giant like JPMorgan Chase!

No matter if it was the Capitol Hill or the White House!

Without the support of a capital giant like JPMorgan Chase.

Even if you sat on the Capitol Hill and became the president.

You would also be a puppet without any real power.

To put it bluntly!

The president who was not recognized by the capital had to be searched when he went to the toilet in the Hundred Palaces. He was charged on a per-trip basis.


"Everyone, don't be so pessimistic!"

"Lin Fei won!

But that doesn't mean Williams will lose! "

"Lin Fei is just the governor of Florida. Does he dare to take revenge on both our officials and the Capitol Hill factions at the same time?"

"Even if he dares, does he have the ability?"

Chief Judge Ryan calmly analyzed the current situation.

Williams represented the Capitol Hill and the B faction.

Lin Fei and Williams were in a situation where they would fight to the death.

Under such circumstances!

If Lin Fei had another conflict with the Hundred Palaces.

No matter how awesome Lin Fei was, he would not be able to bear the consequences!

Unless he stayed in Florida for the rest of his life!

"What Chief Judge Ryan said makes sense!

We might have overestimated Lin Fei! "

"That's right!

That old fellow Williams is not that easy to deal with! "

"Lin Fei won!

I think Williams is willing to compromise with the Hundred Palaces! "

"Deal with Williams and the next mid-term election!"

"Then there will be no suspense for our A faction in the re-election of the president two years later!"

This group of Hundred Palaces big shots analyzed back and forth!

In the end, they realized that the matter was not as serious as they had imagined.

In fact, Lin Fei defeating Williams was more beneficial to the Hundred Palaces.

The president also smiled!

"Chief Judge Ryan's suggestion is very good!"

"Send someone to contact the Capitol Hill. Ask Williams to come to the Hundred Palaces for a meeting after he returns!"

At the Great Goose Court of Justice!

Williams slumped to the ground with a lonely expression, not knowing what to do!

And around Lin Fei.

He surrounded a group of capital representatives and chatted enthusiastically.

“ Lin Fei!

Is the history of the rabbit that you mentioned really that reliable? "

"Is the Rabbit First Emperor really greater than God?"

"According to what you said, the rabbit is a sentimental person. Then you need to help us obtain some benefits!"

"That's right!

We'll let the rabbit tech boss go. Does the rabbit have something to say? "

"Our family has a batch of high-temperature silicon. You're in charge of getting rid of it for me."

"And your Lin Fei's live broadcast platform. Well done. Our family will talk to you later!"

Although these capital representatives were young, they were not fools.

You've been Lin Fei for so long!

We agreed!

We also helped you save the rabbit tech boss!


It's time for you to repay Lin Fei!

However, in the crowd.

The Rothschild family head's Ai 'er and Princess Elizabeth of the John Bull Royal Family!

Not only did these two women not make any requests of Lin Fei.

Instead, they pulled Lin Fei from left and right!

It was as if they were snatching a toy.

” Lin Fei!

My uncle told me about you. You can come to John Bull and meet my mother! "


I'm your fan! "

"What's the point of John Bull!

Come to our house and have a seat!

Our house is not inferior to the palace! "

The words of two women!

When the other capital representatives heard this, they were a little jealous!

Princess of the Royal Family!

Miss of the Rothschild family!

If a man was fancied by any one of them, it would be like smoke rising from his ancestral grave!

Now, there were two of them in one go!

It was probably not enough even if the ancestral grave was smoking. It would have to be an explosion of the ancestral grave to be able to cultivate a great opportunity!


This time, I've asked my father to help you a lot! "

"My father said that he must let me invite you to our house to have a seat!"

When Ai 'er saw that Lin Fei did not respond, she became anxious!

But his words!

Instantly, the other capital representatives were stunned!

Ai 'er's father?

Wasn't that the current leader of the Rothschild family?

This person's identity!

In the entire world of capital, it could no longer be described as expensive!

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he was the uncrowned king!

Prince Alexander also frowned slightly.

The Rothschild family wanted to invite Lin Fei?

What were they trying to do?


Wu wu! "

The royal princess, Y'lisabet, clearly did not understand the deeper meaning of Ai'er's words.

Feeling wronged, he shook Prince Alexander's arm.


All right!

Got it! "

Prince Alexander looked at the girl and guessed what she was thinking.

He immediately waved at Lin Fei.

“ Lin Fei!

Let's talk in private! "

As the baptizer for Lin Fei to join the Freemasonry, he had also helped Lin Fei when Gentosi made things difficult for him.

Facing Prince Alexander's invitation!

0 … begging for fresh flowers …

Lin Fei naturally wouldn't refuse!

“ Lin Fei!

You're about to die! "


When the two of them arrived at the corner!

Prince Alexander's words were shocking!

Even Lin Fei was shocked!

What kind of joke was this?

I'm only in my twenties, and I'm still very healthy!

Is it because I beat up that little bastard from JPMorgan Chase?


It doesn't matter if you hit the young master of JPMorgan Chase! "

Prince Alexander clearly saw through Lin Fei's thoughts.

"But you should have never, ever hit Morgan Tosi in this place, in this place!"

"Because here!

Morgan Tosi is not only the young master of JPMorgan Chase, but also the representative of JPMorgan Chase's capital! "


You should know that too! "

"JPMorgan Chase is the biggest anti-rabbit group on Wall Street!"

"The values you openly mentioned today will make you completely stand against JPMorgan Chase!"

Prince Alexander patiently explained to Lin Fei.


Your Highness, you mean … "

"JPMorgan Chase will send someone to kill me?"

Lin Fei's expression also became serious!


Send someone to kill you?


Aiyo, what are you thinking, kid? "

Prince Alexander laughed until he was convulsing!

He patted Lin Fei's shoulder and said to him.

"Don't worry!

Not only will JPMorgan Chase not send anyone to kill you, they won't even bother with you! "

"But …"

Prince Alexander's tone changed, and he became serious.

"But after you return to America, your former allies, your former capital friends, and even your base in Florida!"

"They can all become your enemies!"


JPMorgan Chase is a big shot!

It's far more terrifying than you think! "

"At least the Hundred Palace will definitely not let you go!"

After listening to Prince Alexander's words!

Lin Fei suddenly understood!

Angering the Emperor!

Dying at the hands of a wilderness refugee.

His identity was not even in the eyes of JPMorgan Chase!

But JPMorgan Chase was a huge capital empire!

Naturally, there would be refugees coming forward!

To help the Emperor deal with his rebellion!

And this refugee was very likely to be the Hundred Palace!

"Thank you for your advice, Your Highness!"

Lin Fei sincerely thanked him. This old man was scheming and obviously knew the true face of the capital world better than Lin Fei.


"Young man, you're welcome!

Remember to come to John's room when you have time! "

After saying that, Prince Alexander suddenly winked at Lin Fei and asked with a smile.

"How do you feel about Elizabeth?"


Lin Fei had a headache!

After all this time, this old man really brought someone on a blind date!


Pretty good!

The little princess is very beautiful! "

"Well, I suddenly need to pee. Your Highness, I'm sorry, I'll take my leave first!"

After saying that, Lin Fei left as if he was fleeing!

Prince Alexander looked at Lin Fei's back and fell into deep thought.

It seemed that Lin Fei did not have any contact with the Rothschild family.

Then what was the Rothschild family trying to do?

Even if it was the noble Prince of the royal family, the Vice President of the Freemasonry!

Prince Alexander still could not see through the mysterious family that controlled the world's most powerful empire's money printing machine.

On the other side!

Of course, Lin Fei did not go to the toilet!

Instead, he found Williams with a lonely face!

This was the Speaker of Capitol Hill who had single-handedly planned to kidnap the rabbit technology big boss and tried to force a war against the rabbit.

At this moment, Williams was sitting on the ground.

It was as if he had aged by dozens of years since the start of the prosecution!

His backer, the young master of JPMorgan Chase, was beaten by Lin Fei until he knelt on the ground and called for a few hours!

And the capital lawsuit that he had personally planned had also failed miserably.

Williams was very clear.

He was crippled!

Capital did not need the weak!

JPMorgan Chase would not continue to support him as the Speaker.

After the mid-term elections, it would be the end of his career.

Seeing Lin Fei walk over with a smile on his face, Williams had nothing to be afraid of!

"Young man!

You're very powerful! "

Williams was sincerely praising Lin Fei!

In the beginning!

Lin Fei was just an internet celebrity. Even the environmental protection girl controlled by Williams could make Lin Fei feel pressure!

But in a short period of time!

Lin Fei killed the environmental protection girl and absorbed her fans!

He subdued the bureau chief of the CIBA!

He killed the CMM reporter, David Lee!

He even sacrificed dozens of Black Water's security guards as he stepped into the door of the upper class of capital with a bloodthirsty body!

He also made connections between the Four Corners Building, Capitol Hill, and the Hundred Palaces!

He became the Deputy Governor of Florida!

Then, he successfully counterattacked in this position with no real power and overthrew Williams's pig-headed brother-in-law.


Lin Fei, with his identity as the overlord of capital, and under the judgment of the representatives of capital, completed the case!

Just based on a series of experiences!

Even Williams, a traditional overlord of capital who was extremely discriminatory against the Chinese and rabbits!

He was f * cking convinced!

"You win!"

“ Lin Fei!

I, Williams, admit it. The future is yours! "

Williams, who had been abandoned by capital, admitted defeat to Lin Fei in person!

However, Lin Fei smiled slightly.

"Speaker Williams, you want to …"

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