I, The Well-Known Chinese, Suggest That Ying Jiang Destroy The Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 94: Eagle Sauce, The Speaker Of Capitol Hill Surrenders! Lin Fei Tore Away The Veil Of The C

Williams, who had been abandoned by his capital, admitted defeat to Lin Fei in front of him!

However, the corners of Lin Fei's mouth curled up slightly.

"Speaker Williams, do you want to cooperate?"

What the hell!!!

Lin Fei wanted to cooperate with him?

Williams, who was ready to accept Lin Fei's mockery.

Inside those lifeless eyes!

Suddenly, they burst out with a rare light!

Lin Fei, he …


Speaker Williams, you don't believe me? "

Lin Fei's attitude was very serious!


That's right!

Lin Fei really intended to cooperate with Williams, the Speaker of Capitol Hill!

Prince Alexander's words were a huge blow to Lin Fei!

He had underestimated the ability of JPMorgan Chase!

According to Prince Alexander's reminder.

Lin Fei had already imagined how much trouble he would encounter when he returned to America after this visit!

Not to mention the other capital forces!

Even if only the Hundred Palace made a move, it would be enough for Lin Fei to suffer!

The mid-term elections were approaching!

Lin Fei was naturally not afraid of the Hundred Palace in Florida!

However, Lin Fei wanted to form his own capital family.

Capitol Hill and the Hundred Palace were options that Lin Fei could not avoid!

Which political family did not have a few members of parliament to support them?


A capital family that did not really intervene in the upper echelons of America's politics!

How could they talk about glory and inheritance!

Most of all, most of all, most of all!

Lin Fei was trapped in Florida. In the future, there would be a conflict of interests between Rabbit and America.

He could not interfere at all!

This time, he could come to Big Goose and Williams to confront the Judicial Court!

This was also under the condition that the Hundred Palace did not interfere!

If the officials did not agree!

Lin Fei did not even have the right to visit!

It was precisely because of this that Lin Fei set his sights on Williams, the Speaker of Capitol Hill who still had some value!

He wanted to restrain the Hundred Palace!

Lin Fei had to have the support of Capitol Hill.

"Speaker Williams, I'm sure you know by now that the financier behind you has abandoned you!"

"The mid-term elections are coming soon!

Without me!

Your Williams family has no chance to make a comeback! "

Lin Fei pointed out Williams' predicament!

That's right!

Williams had been abandoned by his capital!

The mid-term elections were the end of his political life!


If he had Lin Fei's help, it would be different!

If Lin Fei still had the backing of capital, then he, Williams, would have a chance to make a comeback!

"You … you're willing to help me?"

Williams was moved by Lin Fei's words!

He was not alone. He carried the glory of the Williams family on his back!

If he loses power!

If that happened, his entire family would be implicated.

Their family's century-old honor would be destroyed in an instant.

It was extremely difficult for a capital family to raise their status!

But if it disintegrated!

That was definitely something that happened in the blink of an eye!

The world of capitalism!

Survival of the fittest!

The cake was only so big!

If a family showed signs of decline, it would soon be attacked by other capitalists.

They had divided up the family's capital cleanly.



No! "Lin Fei shook his finger.

"Mr. Williams, I'm not helping you, but cooperating with you!"

"In Rabbit's words, it's a win-win cooperation!"

Lin Fei's attitude was very sincere!

There wasn't the slightest hint of mockery from the victor!

Williams was a veteran politician and a top boss.

He was actually touched by Lin Fei's words!

He knew that Lin Fei had offended JPMorgan Chase, so he wanted to rope him in!

But Williams knew better.

Even if Lin Fei didn't rope him in, Lin Fei wouldn't encounter too big of a problem.

At least Lin Fei's position as the overlord of Florida was stable!

But he, Williams, was destined to become a cripple!

It was reasonable!

The two of them cooperated!

Williams was the one who took advantage!

Lin Fei was the one who helped him!

But at this time, Lin Fei still chose to use the word "cooperation"!

This made Williams, who was used to talking about profits and not relationships, shocked!

His eyes reddened!


Williams suddenly cursed out loud!

“ Lin Fei!

I, Williams, lost to you, and I'm not wronged at all!

"In the words of you Chinese, you're 'winning people over with virtue'!

I, Williams, am convinced!

I'm convinced, Lin Fei! "

"I swear to you in the name of the Williams family's honor!"

"From today onwards, you are the Williams family's … friend forever!"

Williams's words were powerful and resonating!

In the world of capitalism, where profits were the pursuit!

If there was anything more important, it would be the honor of a capitalist family!

This was the tradition of the aristocrats in Europe and America!

Williams could swear on his family's honor!

It was enough to prove his sincerity at this moment!


Chinese Lin Fei!

I'm honored to be a friend of the Williams family! "

Lin Fei responded with the same solemn tone!

Theoretically speaking …

He and Williams didn't have any irreconcilable feud!

It was just that Williams looked down on Lin Fei and suppressed him many times.

But Lin Fei also made Williams pay a price!


It depended on profits!

There was no such thing as an eternal enemy, only mutual benefits!

The Hundred Palaces helped Lin Fei before, or let him go!

To put it bluntly, it was to let Lin Fei create trouble for Williams!

Then, it would benefit him in the mid-term elections!

Including the Hundred Palaces' Chief Judge Ryan!

He had indeed helped Lin Fei a lot, but was Ryan doing it because he was Lin Fei's friend?

Bullsh * t!

That was because Lin Fei and this Chief Judge Ryan had a very deep bond of interest!

By helping Lin Fei, Ryan was helping himself!

Besides …

Lin Fei suspected that Chief Judge Ryan would be the first to jump out and stab him in the back!

A friend had become an enemy!

He wouldn't want him to do well more than an enemy!

“ Lin Fei!

I apologize to you!

I apologize to you Chinese, to the rabbit! "

"I, Williams, am a frog in a well, arrogant and rude!"

"I want to say!


We are also a truly powerful ethnic group! "

Williams tidied up his clothes!

He bowed respectfully to Lin Fei!

This time's apology!

Although it wasn't as exaggerated as when Lin Fei threatened Williams with death at the Freemasons' banquet!

But the difference in attitude was like heaven and earth!

Even if it was Lin Fei!

They could feel that Williams was a traditional big shot who was strong against rabbits!

It was sincere!

"I accept your apology!"

Lin Fei didn't stand on ceremony this time and accepted Williams' apology!

Discrimination against Chinese!

Discrimination against rabbits!

He should apologize!

Although the conversation between Lin Fei and Williams wasn't heard by the other representatives …

But this bow of Williams'!

Everyone could see it clearly!

This time!

The representatives of the capital all had expressions of disbelief!

In their eyes, Williams was just a tool!

But this was the Speaker of America's Capitol Hill!

On the surface of the world!

He was an overlord politician who stood at the peak of power!

Lin Fei won the lawsuit this time!

It could be said that it had caused great damage to Williams!

Just like that!

Williams actually bowed so respectfully to Lin Fei?

What was going on?

How did Lin Fei do it!

Even the representatives of the capital who had opposed Lin Fei previously were shocked!

Capital could lose!

But capital rarely bowed!

What right did Lin Fei have to make this capitalist politician of Capitol Hill go to such an extent?

Little Princess Elizabeth and Miss Al of Rothschild.

When they saw this scene, they were also shocked.

Killing the enemy!

It didn't necessarily mean that a man was strong!


A man who could conquer the enemy!

He was definitely extraordinarily charming!

Lin Fei!

It was this charismatic man!

The more Princess Elizabeth looked at Lin Fei, the more she liked him!

As a royal princess!

Naturally, it was impossible for her to decide on her own marriage!

But if her partner was Lin Fei, he was so young and handsome!


A charismatic man!

That was not impossible!

Ai 'er was seeing stars!

This was the idol she had her eyes on!

He had the endless charm to make the enemy submit and make the world tremble!

In the crowd!

Only Adam of the Illuminati, Count Dracula of the Skull and Bones Society, and Prince Alexander of the Freemasonry were there.

Looking at Williams who bowed to Lin Fei.

The corners of his mouth curled up as he secretly nodded.

This kid!

He was a talent!


The capital representatives left one after another, and the super luxurious motorcade left the court of justice.

Little Princess Elizabeth was reluctantly taken away by Prince Alexander.

After Ai 'er left Lin Fei's phone number.

She had left!

“ Lin Fei!

I just voted in favor of it!

I have high hopes for you! "

"If you have the chance, you can come to the Skull and Bones Society to take a look!"

The pale-faced Count Dracula left a message and a business card for Lin Fei before he left.

But just as this mysterious representative of the Skull and Bones Society left.

The representative of the Illuminati walked to Lin Fei's side and said with a smile.

“ Lin Fei!

Don't believe these guys who believe in Satan! "

"He voted against it, I saw it!"

As he said that, Adam of the Illuminati handed Lin Fei a picture.

"The Freemasonry and the Illuminati will not be separated!"

"Come to the Illuminati when you have time!"

The most mysterious forces in the world of capital!

Other than the Rothschild, Rockefeller, and JPMorgan Chase.

The Illuminati, the Skull and Bones Society, and the Freemasonry were the most secretive.

Even now.

Not many people knew about the existence of these organizations!

Not to mention knowing the information of these organizations.



Skull and Bones Society … "

"It seems that even if I become the governor of America, have ten billion yuan in funds, and have the support of a state, it is just the tip of the iceberg of this world of capital!"


It's getting more and more interesting! "

The current Lin Fei was no longer a newcomer to politics!

Since he had chosen to walk in the world of capital, he had to unravel the true face of this group of capitalists, layer by layer!

And the first target!

It was the legendary bank that had saved America from three economic crises and controlled the entire Wall Street: JPMorgan Chase!

On the other side!

The officials of Florida knew of Lin Fei's victory!

Everyone was overjoyed!

The state attorney general was drenched in cold sweat!

Lin Fei had won!

That meant that Lin Fei's new hegemon had been recognized by the capitalists!

Then the Buddha Region would be … safe!


The governor is as awesome as ever! "


This is the future of Buddha State!

I told you that the governor would be fine! "


Back then, he was the most anxious!

You still have the nerve to call me that! "


Everyone was the same!

Which one of you isn't anxious? "


F * ck!

You scared me to death!

The direction of public opinion has taken Florida State by surprise, and there are all kinds of rumors slandering the governor on the internet! "

"Even the Hundred Palace has begun to investigate our Buddha State!"

"All the properties under the governor's name are under the surveillance of the Hundred Palace!"

"Even the two mines that the Hundred Palace personally gave to the governor were taken back for not being valid!"

"If the governor hadn't won!

I really don't know what to do! "


Don't say those discouraging words! "

"That's right!

Since the governor has won, I'm sure the Hundred Palace will naturally take action! "

"Buddha State!

It's still the governor's Buddha State! "

"F * ck!

After this, I swear that I will never doubt the governor again! "

"Me too. I really deserve to die. Why did I doubt the governor!"

"Governor Lin Fei is definitely the greatest benefactor of our lives!"

The officials of Buddha State were beaming with smiles!

It could be seen!

Everyone was very happy!

Even the state attorney general revealed a rare smile …

He understood the danger of this incident better than the other officials.

Justice Ryan's sudden backstab!

The blow to the entire Buddha State was undoubtedly fatal!

If Lin Fei lost the support of the capital …

The entire Buddha State, including these officials, would be buried with Lin Fei!

Ring ring ring!

The phone rang!

The state attorney general picked up the phone, "This is the Buddha State Governor's office!

Your Honor Judge Ryan … "

"Yes, yes, yes!


What!! … "

"Okay, I got it!"

The entire call lasted less than 30 seconds!

However, the state attorney general's tone went from calm at the beginning to shock and horror, all the way until it became sad and lonely!

This made all the Fu State officials at the scene confused!

What's going on?

What's going on?

Governor Lin Fei had won. What other problems could there be?

Justice Ryan?

Isn't this big shot Governor Lin Fei's ally?

"Attorney general!

What's wrong! "

"You don't look too good!

What happened! "

A group of Buddha State officials were scratching their hearts and livers.


The state attorney general suddenly sighed and said to all the Buddha State officials present in a low voice.

"The Hundred Palace … will continue to investigate Buddha State!"


Hearing this news!

The officials who were originally ecstatic because of Lin Fei's victory instantly changed their expressions!

Continue to investigate Buddha State … Doesn't that mean the Hundred Palace's actions against Buddha State …

It's still continuing!!!

"Attorney general!


Why is it like this! "

"Didn't Governor Lin Fei win?

Is the Hundred Palace going to war with Governor Lin Fei? "

"This doesn't make sense!

Governor Lin Fei is now a governor with real power!

Is the Hundred Palace crazy? "

"Attorney general!

What did Justice Ryan say?! "

The officials couldn't understand why the Hundred Palace would do this!

Their Governor Lin Fei had a harmonious relationship with the Hundred Palace!

Even if it was a fight with that person from the Capitol Hill!

The Hundred Palace had been secretly helping Governor Lin Fei.

Now that Governor Lin Fei had defeated the Capitol Hill speaker, this was a good thing for the Hundred Palace!

A Capitol Hill without Williams!

In the mid-term elections, the Hundred Palace A faction had no opponents!

What reason did they have to go against Governor Lin Fei!

"Justice Ryan's notice!"

"Someone reported that Buddha State is suspected of stealing national interests, suspected of buying and selling officials, suspected of …"

The state attorney general listed a bunch of serious crimes in one breath!


"The Hundred Palace and the Supreme Court formed a special joint investigation team!"

"And the team leader is Justice Ryan!"

"He called to inform us to prepare information and cooperate with the joint investigation team's investigation.

"If there is a problem!"

"You can go to the Federation Supreme Court to check the relevant announcement information!"


Hearing this, all the Buddha State officials' faces turned pale!

The Federation Supreme Court's Justice Ryan personally led a team to Buddha State to investigate?


To put it bluntly, wasn't the Hundred Palace trying to cripple Buddha State?

The governor wasn't there!

None of them could stop Judge Ryan!

And according to the law!

The Federation Supreme Court did have the power to investigate all the state capitals.

Of course!

It was just an investigation. As for the conviction, more procedures were needed.


They were all officials of various levels. How could they not understand the meaning of an investigation!

Rather than an investigation!

It was better to say that Justice Ryan was representing the officials to count Governor Lin Fei's assets.

Needless to say, the rest of the matter could be guessed!

The governor of a state in America!

Even if he had real power, his independence was restricted by the Hundred Palace.

But he had committed a crime!

The Hundred Palace could still deal with him!

"What should we do!

When will Governor Lin Fei come back? "

"If he doesn't come back, something big will happen to Buddha State!

At the same time.

Lin Fei took a private plane under Williams' arrangement.


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