The middle-aged woman stared at Tang Qinqin's white and tender face, which seemed to be able to squeeze out water, and nodded to herself and said:


"You look good too."

"You will definitely be prettier than your sister in the future!"

Tang Qinqin laughed, she was not modest at all, and said with a thick skin:


"I thought so too."

The two were chatting lively, and suddenly there was a crisp sound of the lock cylinder being bounced open. The two looked at the sound and saw that the security door had been opened, and a handsome boy with a slightly decadent temperament appeared at the door.

"Brother Yu Kai!"

Tang Qinqin shouted crisply:


Yu Kai's eyes flashed with a glimmer of surprise, and he subconsciously asked:

"Why are you here?"

"I came to ask you questions I don't know."

Tang Qinqin said with a blink of an eye.

"Ask questions you don't know?"

Yu Kai repeated it, frowning, and subconsciously wanted to ask Tang Qinqin why she didn't ask her sister if she had questions.

But soon, as Tang Qinqin blinked her eyes, Yu Kai reacted, nodded, and said:




"Let's talk in my room."


Tang Qinqin nodded, stood up and said something to Aunt Yu, and then went into the room with Yu Kai.

After entering the room, Tang Qinqin closed the door, smiled and praised Brother Yu Kai for being handsome again, and then she went straight to the point and asked:

"Brother Yu Kai, do you know anything about Lin Yu?"

"Tell me."

When Lin Yu was mentioned, the smile on Yu Kai's face disappeared instantly, and his handsome face became a little distorted because of anger. He didn't even bother to let Tang Qinqin sit down first, and started to scold.

"That Lin Yu is a scoundrel!"

"A scoundrel!"

"A liar!"

"He used dirty tricks to deceive your sister!"

"He, he is not a human being!"

As he cursed, Yu Kai's mind flashed back to the scene in school where Tang Manman was staring at Lin Yu's back in a daze. The more he cursed, the angrier he became, and the louder he cursed.

"He is a beast!"

"A beast!"

"Qinqin, you must help your sister open her eyes and see the true face of that bastard!"

"You can't let your sister be deceived by him again!"


Listening to Yu Kai's curses, Tang Qinqin secretly lowered the credibility of his words in her heart.

Before, I estimated that five out of ten sentences could be believed, but now looking at his appearance, three out of ten sentences can't be believed!

After a while, until Yu Kai ran out of words to curse and was gasping for air, Tang Qinqin seized the opportunity and said weakly in accordance with his heart:

"Brother Yu Kai, I know that Lin Yu is not a good person, and I believe all the things you said."

"But some things are useless if I believe them alone."

"I want my sister to believe them too."


Looking at Yu Kai, whose eyes were red with anger, Tang Qinqin paused and asked carefully:

"Brother Yu Kai, these things you said..."

"Do you have any evidence?"

"Only with definite evidence can I convince my sister and let her see the true face of that bad guy."


At this point, Yu Kai fell silent, but soon he remembered something and said excitedly:

"I have!"

"This Lin Yu is now in school with the little girl who bullied your sister. The relationship is particularly close! "" Qin Qin, "" If they are not a group, how can they go so close? "You are beaten like this, will you still go to school with him?" "It must be that he is too late, right?" "But this little girl?" The show "" Yu Kai's eyes red, vowed to say. Listening to Yu Kai's anger, Tang Qinqin narrowed his eyes slightly and thought carefully. If we only look at the information that Yu Kai has revealed, the guy named Lin Yu seems to be a definite villain.

But is what Yu Kai said necessarily true?

Tang Qinqin thinks it is not necessarily true.

Thinking of this, she looked up at Yu Kai, whose face had turned completely red with anger, and her heart was filled with anxiety.I have a firmer belief.

Yu Kai's words cannot be believed completely.

It can only be used as a reference.

I want to know the truth.

I still have to go and see it myself.

And it is not troublesome to know the truth of the matter, just go to my sister's school and see it.

If that Lin Yu is really close to the person who bullied my sister, then Yu Kai's words should be fine.

After getting the information she wanted, Tang Qinqin followed Yu Kai's wishes and said a lot of bad things about Lin Yu, and then slipped away, waiting for Monday to go to school to find out the truth...





The crowded pedestrian street.

Lin Yu sneezed three times in a row for no reason, and even bent his waist.

After sneezing, Lin Yu straightened up, rubbed his nose with his hands, and felt that the itch came suddenly and violently, and went away without dragging.

It was a bit weird.

And after three sneezes, the nasal cavity did not feel itchy at all.

Feeling something was wrong, Lin Yu looked around vigilantly.

The crowd was bustling, the sky was blue, and everything looked the same as usual.

But Lin Yu didn't think so.

After the unfortunate experience of encountering the third female protagonist that day.

Now Lin Yu felt that everything was wrong.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu decided to go home. As for what daily necessities were missing at home...

It's better to buy some in the store near the rental house.

I won't go to the supermarket.

Damn fate!

You want to trick me again!

I won't fall for your trick!

Lin Yu cursed secretly, he turned around angrily and returned the same way...


Wiping his body with a towel, Lin Yu shivered and got into bed.

It's early winter now, but the rental house is not yet heated.

The north wind howled outside the window, and the chill was chilling.

Lin Yu huddled in the old rental house, a little annoyed that the supermarket downstairs didn't sell electric blankets.


One by one.

Do you still want to make money?

But soon, Lin Yu turned his resentment towards the supermarket into resentment towards fate.

Damn fate!

If you hadn't interfered, I would have gone to a large supermarket to buy an electric blanket today. Why should I suffer the cold here now?

Thinking about it.

Lin Yu felt a little relieved in his heart.

He huddled again, and smiled silently with a very easy satisfaction.

Actually, this is also good.

Just bear a little cold.

It's better than being unlucky all day.

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