After sniffing, Lin Yu looked at the wardrobe with the door closed, his eyes gradually blurred, and a graceful figure appeared in his mind.

Tang's mother.

She is not right.

Lin Yu always felt that something was wrong with the appearance of Tang's mother's plot.

According to normal logic, if a yellow comic book is not a combination of several unrelated short yellow comics, then their appearance should exist in order.

For example, the white beast, or some other house guard.

These well-known yellow comic books have a time sequence.

For example, who you meet first, then who you meet next, and then who appears together...

But the yellow comic book that I am traveling through now is not right in terms of the time sequence.

If I look at the plot of the book in my memory.

I will first meet the first female lead Tang Manman, then the second female lead Xia Muzhu, then the third female lead Qing Mo, and finally the unknown fourth loli female lead.

There is no plot of Tang's mother in it.

Including the happy ending at the end of the book, there is no participation of Tang's mother.

This proves that Tang's mother has no scenes in this single volume.

Even if she will appear later, the timeline of her appearance should be after the four heroines are pregnant.

But in this case, the problem comes.

Why did I trigger the erotic plot with her in the timeline where she will not appear?

This is wrong!

First of all, it is certain that the erotic plot I triggered is definitely not an illusion.

I will never mistake the strange familiarity like a complete puzzle in my life.

Secondly, I am definitely not wrong.

There is absolutely no scene in this book where Tang's mother appears.

And this book definitely has a timeline.

I can prove this point well by meeting the three heroines in the order in the book.


What is the matter with Tang's mother's erotic plot that should not appear in this time period?

There is definitely something wrong, right?

Could it be...




Lin Yu sneezed twice in a row.

The sneeze interrupted his train of thought and made Lin Yu tighten the quilt even more.

"It's so cold!"

Lin Yu rubbed his arms.

The wind outside the window was like a ghost howling, and what made Lin Yu feel even worse was that the rubber strips of this broken window seemed to have aged.

It was leaking!

The back of his head was blown cold!


In the cold, Lin Yu gave in.

He took great willpower to leave the quilt that he had just warmed up.

He got out of bed, put on some warm clothes and pants, and then got into the quilt again, continuing to shiver...


"Brother Long."

"Do you have a cold?"

Gu Yue looked at Lin Yu today for a long time before asking softly.

"Have you caught a cold?"


Lin Yu said with a heavy nasal voice, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and started to blow his nose violently.

You must have caught a cold!

Gu Yue secretly complained, she stretched out her hand to touch Lin Yu's forehead, muttering:

"Come, let me see if your forehead is hot."

Gu Yue's small and slender white hand moved slowly, and a little bit touched Lin Yu's forehead...


"Your hand is so cold!"

The moment Gu Yue's hand touched Lin Yu's head, Lin Yu shuddered and jumped up.

Gu Yue was startled by Lin Yu's reaction. When she reacted, she angrily retorted:


"It's obviously your forehead that is too hot!"


"It's just that your hand is cold!"

Lin Yu said loudly and noisily.

"You're talking nonsense!"

"It's obviously your forehead that's too hot, you have a fever!"

Gu Yue said, unwilling to be outdone.

"Your hands are cold!"

"Your head is hot!"

"That's right, your hands are cold!"

"Your head is hot!"

"Your hands are cold!"

"Your head is hot!"

"You're cold!"

"You're hot!"




The two of them kept walking and arguing for a while, and Gu Yue couldn't hold it anymore.

She stopped in anger, put her hands on her hips and said:


"You said my hands were cold."

"Do you dare to let me test the temperature with your forehead again?"

"My forehead won't be cold again, right?"

Lin Yu's stubborn temper also came up, he also stopped and said loudly:

"Let's try it!"

"It must be your hands that are cold?"

The two looked at each other unhappily, until Gu Yue awkwardly stretched out her hand first, pressed it down lightly and said:

"You, you lower your hand a little bit,It's too high for me to reach!"

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