Lin Yu obeyed and bent down slightly, keeping his head at a height similar to Gu Yue's.

Lin Yu's head was right in front of her, but Gu Yue suddenly felt weak.

Looking at Lin Yu who was so close, she couldn't help but dodge her gaze, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lin Yu's eyes were full of dissatisfaction, and seeing Gu Yue was dawdling there, he impatiently urged:

"What are you doing?"

"Hurry up?"

"Waiting for the New Year, right!"

"Hurry, hurry for what!"

Gu Yue stuttered.

Looking at Lin Yu's disdainful look, she suppressed her secret joy, secretly cursed him as an idiot, and slowly put her forehead against him...


"See, I said your hands were cold."

Lin Yu blew his nose with a piece of paper again, threw the paper into the trash can, and said with a disdainful tone.

"It doesn't matter if my hands are cold!"

"Your forehead is hot too!"

"You need to take medicine!"

Gu Yue argued.

"Eat shit!"

"I won't take it!"

Lin Yu was full of disdain.


"You need to take it!"

"I'll buy it for you!"

Gu Yue refused to go along with Lin Yu and strongly asked him to take medicine.

"I won't eat it!"

"I won't eat it even if you buy it for me!"

The two of them walked away while arguing, until they disappeared at the end of the road. Tang Qinqin, who had followed them all the way, walked out from behind the tree with a serious face.

He was actually so close to the bad woman who bullied his sister?

It seems that what Brother Yu Kai said was true.

This Lin Yu is really not a good guy.


I want to tell my sister and let her see the true face of this guy!

Tang Qinqin clenched her fists tightly. She stared at the direction where the two disappeared for a while before turning back and walking towards home...


After class, the boy with short purple hair took out two white discs from the packaging board.

He opened a bottle of mineral water and was about to put the discs into his mouth when a yellow head poked his head over from the side.

"What are you eating?"

"Give me two slices. "

The yellow-haired man shamelessly stretched out his hand to take it.

"Brother Long, this is antipyretic medicine, not milk tablets, you can't eat it."

As the purple-haired man explained, he pushed the back of the packaging board towards the yellow-haired man, motioning him to see clearly what it was.

Unexpectedly, the yellow-haired man didn't appreciate it at all. He grabbed the packaging board, pressed out two white discs, and threw the packaging board back, saying angrily:

"Give me two tablets if I tell you to!"

"Where do you get so much talk?"

As he said that, the yellow-haired man added in a low voice.

"Do you take me as a fool?"

"Can't you see that this is medicine? "

After taking two pills and drinking a big mouthful of water, the yellow-haired boy lay on the table, sniffing his nose and looking at the gray weather outside the window.


Having a cold is really uncomfortable.

After school, Lin Yu, who felt much better after taking two pills, picked up his schoolbag and prepared to go to the supermarket in the city center.

I must buy an electric blanket today, otherwise I will really freeze to death at night.

Putting the shoulder strap of the shoulder bag on his shoulder, Lin Yu left the classroom.

As he took the first step out of the classroom, many eyes with mixed meanings came one after another.

Lin Yu looked at their eyes full of envy and jealousy, and their movements of looking out the window from time to time. Lin Yu knew that it must be that bitch again!

Ignoring those messy eyes, Lin Yu went downstairs with his bag on his back, ready to act according to the original plan.

Go to the supermarket in the city center to buy an electric blanket, and then buy some cold medicine on the way.

As for the M monster at the school gate.

Just like that Friday night, just treat her as air.

Blowing his nose with a paper, Lin Yu went downstairs and left.

Arriving at the school gate, looking at the red supercar blocking the school gate, Lin Yu lowered his head, holding an attitude of "I can't see you, you'd better not see me", and walked along the roadside.

Just when Lin Yu was about to ignore the cool red supercar and leave directly like on Friday, a series of sharp and piercing horns suddenly sounded, making people's ears hurt.

Lin Yu, whose head was a little dizzy due to fever, was frightened by the sudden horn and shivered, and couldn't help but feel a little angry.

He turned his head to look at the red supercar at the school gate, and happened to bump into Qing Mo's cold gaze.

The sharp and piercing car horns continued, as if there was no intention to stop.

Lin Yu's anger burned even more, and he strode over directly.

"Ding~~~!!! "

Walking to the window, the long car horn sound became sharper.

Seeing that Qing Mo still had no intention of stopping,Lin Yu was so angry that he slapped Qing Mo's arm and cursed:

"Stop it!"

Qing Mo didn't react to the blow on her arm. She still looked at Lin Yu with a cold face, as if she was not the one making trouble.

Qing Mo's cold look made Lin Yu even angrier.

Lin Yu felt like a husband being treated coldly by his wife.

Facing his wife with a cold expression, Lin Yu wanted to respond to her cold violence with hot violence!

He was angry, but Lin Yu was no longer the same Lin Yu.

Lin Yu, who had been played with by fate all day, calmly controlled his temper.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, especially when he saw Qing Mo's tightly tightened mouth, as if he was enduring some emotion.

Lin Yu knew that he couldn't get angry.

Otherwise, it would only make this bitch feel better!

Even though he knew that he couldn't do anything, Lin Yu, who was full of anger, still said something honest and honest when he left, without any slander against her.

"You're sick!"

Turning his head, Lin Yu froze in his place.

Looking at the girl walking slowly not far away, Lin Yu frowned, his face full of confusion.

Tang Manman?


Lin Yu quickly rejected this idea.

Although the girl in front of him looked very similar to Tang Manman, she still had a childish look.

She looked only fourteen or fifteen years old, and should be in junior high school. It was impossible for her to be Tang Manman.

After calming down, the more Lin Yu looked at the girl, the less she looked like Tang Manman. Although she looked like Tang Manman in some aspects, such as eyes, or face shape.

But in general, she was more unlike Tang Manman.

She was the type that looked very similar in a trance.

After the trance, she was not very similar.

Because his brain was in a low fever state, Lin Yu stared at the girl unscrupulously for a long time before analyzing this information.

It was not until she walked past him that Lin Yu took his eyes away from her.

He turned to the roadside and prepared to stop a taxi to buy an electric blanket.

When Lin Yu stared at the girl, the girl didn't even look at him, as if she didn't notice him and his unscrupulous gaze at all.

But when Lin Yu retracted his gaze and walked to the roadside, the girl stopped and turned her head to look at him, with a rather disdainful light flashing in her smart eyes.

Hum (¬︿¬☆).

Brother Yu Kai was right.

This Lin Yu is definitely not a good person!

Watching Lin Yu get into a taxi, Tang Qinqin pouted disdainfully, and she stood obediently at the school gate waiting for her sister to finish school.

Prepared to expose the true face of this bad guy Lin Yu after her sister came out.

While waiting, she saw a weird person.

A pretty sister sitting in a sports car, not knowing what happened.

Her eyes were half closed, one hand resting on the forearm of the other arm, taking slow and deep breaths, and her body was shaking slightly.

Is she sick?

I don't know...


Not long after, Tang Manman appeared at the school gate with her schoolbag on her back. Tang Qinqin jumped up to greet her when she saw her.

When she got closer, Tang Qinqin looked at her sister's ugly face. She subconsciously put away the smile on her face and asked softly:

"What's wrong, sister?"

"You seem a little unhappy."


Tang Manman pursed her lips, but finally did not hide it. She said with some difficulty:

"I didn't do well in the test this time..."


Tang Qinqin said dryly, and then changed the subject.

Tang Qinqin knew very well that her sister was never someone who needed others to worry about her studies.

So Tang Qinqin thought that her sister's failure in the test was just an insignificant mistake.

As they walked towards home, they chatted about all sorts of things.

Under her sister's guidance, Tang Manman smiled a little, and finally got rid of the painful emotion of failing the test.

"By the way."


"I saw the Lin Yu you mentioned today~"

Walking on the road, the girl said as if she suddenly remembered something.

When talking about Lin Yu, Tang Manman's smile froze, and then she became much more gloomy.

As for her sister's topic, she didn't even nod her head, but just hummed lightly, as if she didn't want to talk about this topic.

But Tang Qinqin, who was smart and clever in the past, didn't know what happened at this time. She seemed to have lost the ability to read people's expressions all of a sudden, and continued to say in a clear voice:

"I saw him with a girl todayThe children go to school together, and the relationship between the two is very close. "


"By the way."

"What was the name of that girl?"

"I heard Lin Yu call her..."

"Gu Yue."

The two words "Gu Yue" floated into her ears lightly, and Tang Manman's face became even worse, and a little grievance appeared at the end of her eyes.

This time she didn't even have the mood to say "hmm", and just pretended not to hear this sentence.

Tang Qinqin saw that her sister didn't want to continue this topic.

There was no way.

She could only continue talking by herself.

"Gu Yue."


"Gu Yue."

"This name is so familiar."

"I always feel like I've heard it somewhere. "

Tang Qinqin muttered in a daze, she kicked forward lightly, raised her chin and looked up at the sky, pretending to be thinking.

After a while.

Her watery eyes lit up, turned her head to look at her sister, and said in a tone full of surprise:


"Is she the bad guy who bullied you!"

"Brother Yu Kai told me about her!"

"Her name is Gu Yue! "

Tang Manman felt even more wronged this time. She tightened her lips and a hint of red appeared at the corners of her eyes.

She did not answer Tang Qinqin's question, but quickened her pace, looking angry enough to throw her off.

Tang Qinqin would not be thrown off, so she took a few quick steps to catch up with her sister.

Seeing that her sister had no intention of talking to her, Tang Qinqin had a guess in her mind.

My sister probably knew about the affair between Lin Yu and that bad woman a long time ago.

But since my sister already knew, why did she still keep thinking about Lin Yu?

Is it because she is unwilling? Are you willing to face it?

Or is it self-deception?

Or is it some other reason?

Tang Qinqin couldn't figure it out, but it didn't delay her next action.

No matter which one her sister's situation is, as long as she tells the truth and lets her sister know that Lin Yu is not a good person, it will be fine.

If my sister knew that the incident was just a trick he directed and acted, my sister would hate him to death in the future!

Tang Qinqin thought so and continued to show her superb acting skills.

"Sister, why is Lin Yu so close to the person who bullied you?"

"The two of them look like good friends more than good friends."

"Isn't their relationship very bad?"

"I heard from Brother Yu Kai that Lin Yu also beat up the bad guy named Gu Yue."

"How did they become friends now?"

At this point, Tang Qinqin raised her hand to cover her lips, pretending to be suddenly enlightened, and said in surprise:

"Is everything Brother Yu Kai said true? ”

“Is that girl named Gu Yue really someone Lin Yu hired to act?”

“What happened that day was also fake…”

“Tang Qinqin!”

Tang Manman finally couldn’t help it.

She was rarely angry and stopped. She looked at her sister who looked unhappy and said angrily:

“Why are you learning to be like Yu Kai now?”

“Slandering an unfamiliar person for no reason!”

“Do you think it’s right to do this?”

Tang Qinqin shrank her neck in fear of her sister’s unprecedented rage, but she didn’t stop there. Instead, she argued:

“I didn’t do it for no reason.”

“I didn’t slander him.”

“His and Gu Yue’s behavior was strange. I was just making normal inferences!”

“Sister, think about it carefully.”

“The relationship between the two of them is unreasonable.”

“That Gu Yue bullied you, and Lin Yu beat her up for you. ”

”The two of them should have been incompatible.”

”But what about now?”

”They have become good friends.”

”Sister, tell me.”

”Apart from the fact that they knew each other before, is there any other way to explain this situation?”

Tang Manman opened her mouth slightly and was speechless. She didn’t know why Lin Yu was so close to Gu Yue now and they were inseparable every day.

But she at least understood one thing, that is, Lin Yu would never be the kind of person Yu Kai said!

”Qinqin, Lin Yu is not the kind of person you think.”

Tang Manman explained earnestly:

”I have told you before that Lin Yu doesn’t like me.”

”There is no reason to play such a big drama to deceive me.”

”You said that he asked Gu Yue to act in the drama, so why did he do this?”

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