At the school gate, the pretty girl stood on tiptoe and looked at the end of the road. She stopped standing on tiptoe and looked at the end of the road until the two people separated at the fork in the street and disappeared. Instead, she stood there and fell into deep thought.

The person next to Lin Yu looked so familiar...

I seemed to have seen him somewhere.

And recently!

Tang Qinqin frowned her thin and long eyebrows, and after thinking for a while, she came up with a more reliable answer.

He should be a student of No. 14 Middle School.

I should have seen him in school.

What is his relationship with Lin Yu?

The two people seem to have a good relationship...

Thinking of this, Tang Qinqin's black and white beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

He and Lin Yu have such a good relationship.

Then he should have Lin Yu's contact information, right?


Tang Qinqin bit her lower lip, smiling ostentatiously and proudly.

Stinky Lin Yu!

Even if you hide from me, I can still get your contact information!


What excuse should I find to get Lin Yu's contact information from that boy...

While Tang Qinqin was making plans, Tang Manman had already appeared at the school gate. She was carrying a schoolbag, and her eyes were filled with deep disappointment and fatigue.

It seemed that today was not her best exam day.

Tang Qinqin quickly found her sister at the school gate, and she didn't care about the half-thought-of plan. She happily greeted her.

When she walked to her sister, Tang Qinqin showed her true colors. She considerately took off the heavy schoolbag from her sister's shoulders, smiled and hugged her in her arms and said:

"Sister, you must have had a hard time taking the exam today?"

"Come, I'll help you carry the schoolbag."

"Let me do it."

Tang Manman frowned slightly. After all, she couldn't bear to let her sister who had just recovered from a serious illness carry such a heavy thing.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Tang Qinqin hugged her schoolbag tightly and said with a smile:

"It's not heavy."

As she spoke, Tang Qinqin's smile became cunning, her beautiful peach blossom eyes curved into an arc with ill intentions, and she said with a smile:

"Sister, you see I am so sensible."

"Big shopping this weekend..."


"I guess you are embarrassed to be stingy, sister?"

Tang Qinqin's witty words, which were mostly joking, not only did not make Tang Manman laugh, but her face became worse, as if she was poked in a sore spot.

Her reaction was seen by Tang Qinqin, and she no longer had the heart to joke, restrained her smile, and asked with concern:

"Sister, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Tang Manman shook her head gently.

"Is it because the questions in this exam are too difficult?"

Tang Qinqin tilted her head slightly and asked with a blink of her eyes.

"Not bad."

Tang Manman smiled reluctantly and said softly.

"That's good."

Tang Qinqin nodded and put her heart at ease.

Although her sister's performance was strange, she never disappointed people in terms of test scores.

Thinking of this, Tang Qinqin became happy again.

I can go shopping for new clothes this weekend.

Great! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ



In the single ward, a man with a pale face like paper was lying on the bed. He turned his head slightly to look at the man in a decent suit beside the bed, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"You mean..."

"I can't win this lawsuit, right?"


The man in the suit nodded and said without disguising:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Liu Yu."

"There are too many evidences and confessions you left in the police station. No one can find them in the evidence. Under such a sufficient and perfect premise, I will help you win this lawsuit. ”

“No one can help.”

“Your only chance of acquittal is to get forgiveness from the victim’s sister and brother.”

“Reconcile with them before the trial.”

“After all, you did not cause actual harm to the victim.”

“If they choose not to pursue it, the court will not sue you.”

“But I talked to them.”

“They don’t seem to want to reconcile with you...”

The man’s voice became smaller and smaller.

Seeing Liu Yu’s hand outside the quilt clenched tightly, the veins on the back of his hand bursting, and he was so angry that he even trembled, he closed his mouth with a tactful look and stopped saying these words that might irritate him.

After a moment of silence, Liu Yu's excitement eased a little. He turned his head to look at the lawyer sitting beside the bed. His pale face was stained blood red by the blood. His eyes were filled with a vicious and crazy look of giving up everything. He asked with heavy breathing:

"Lawyer Zhang, do you have a way to get me out?"

"Just a few days will do."


Lawyer Zhang hesitated and said with an embarrassed look:

"This is not easy to do."

Hearing the lawyer's answer, Liu Yu instantly became excited.

He heard the lawyer's subtext.

It's not easy to do.

It means it can be done!

"Lawyer Zhang."

"As long as you can get me out of here, I will give you half of the insurance compensation..."


At this point, Liu Yu suddenly changed his words, and said with deep hatred in his tone:

"As long as you can get me out, I will give you 90% of the insurance compensation!"

"As long as you can get me out of here!"

As he said, Liu Yu glanced at the tightly closed door of the ward, and whispered with taboo in his eyes:

"But no police can monitor me."


"This is not about money. "

Lawyer Zhang raised his hand and rubbed his chin, trying to wipe away the smile that he couldn't help but raise at the corner of his mouth. He frowned and made a very tangled look. Finally, he sighed heavily and said:


"I see that you are not comfortable staying in the hospital."

"Let's do this."

"I'll try."

"It would be best if it succeeds."

"If it doesn't succeed, don't blame me."

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang!"

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang! "

Liu Yu thanked him repeatedly.


After leaving the ward and nodding to the policeman who was playing with his phone on the bench by the door, Zhang He turned and walked towards the elevator.

He turned his back to the policeman and the ward.

Zhang He finally couldn't help laughing.

It's easy to make money from the legally illiterate...


At noon, as the test papers were collected by the last person in each row and handed over to the invigilator, this monthly exam was over.

After the exam, Lin Yu didn't have the habit of comparing answers with others.

The first person to jump out of the exam Lin Yu rushed to the school cafeteria in high spirits.

The world is big, but eating is the most important thing!

Let's go eat!


Leaving the cafeteria window, Lin Yu carried a large plate full of delicious food, found a seat and started to show off.

When he was eating, a fragrant breeze blew over. Lin Yu looked up with his cheeks puffed up, and saw Gu Yue smiling sweetly, with unconcealed happiness and pride on his face.

Chewing twice quickly, swallowing the food in his mouth, Lin Yu asked curiously:

"Why are you so happy?"

"Won the lottery?"

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