Gu Yue smiled and shook her head and said:


She put the plate on the table opposite Lin Yu, sat down, and said excitedly:

"Brother Long."

"I think I will do well in this monthly exam!"

"Except for some questions that I can't do, I can do all the rest!"

Gu Yue said, she raised her face slightly, her expression was very proud, and she almost wrote the words "Praise me" on her face.

Lin Yu looked at Gu Yue blankly, blinked, and couldn't figure out what she meant for a while.

Except for the questions that I can't do, of course I can do the rest!

Is there anything to be proud of?

Seeing Lin Yu's confused face, Gu Yue also realized the problem in her words, and she explained:

"What I mean is that except for some extremely difficult questions and some knowledge points that I haven't reviewed yet, I can solve all the other questions I have learned."

"And it's very easy."

"Do you understand?"

"I understand."

Lin Yu finally understood what Gu Yue meant this time. He nodded and said:

"It means that you failed the exam this time."

Listening to Lin Yu's firm words, Gu Yue opened her eyes wide, her pink lips slightly parted, and she looked cute as if she was shocked by you.


"Brother Long."

"I said I did very well in this exam."

"The test questions were easy to do."

"Why did you come to the conclusion that I would fail this exam?"

Gu Yue asked incomprehensibly.

"Isn't this obvious?"

Lin Yu shrugged his shoulders and analyzed:

"You think the questions are simple, so there are only two possibilities."

"Either you are a genius who can familiarize and master all the knowledge points you have learned in less than two months."

"Or all the questions you did are wrong."

"It's like the question on the test paper is to make a mobile phone, and then you find a mobile phone-shaped stone and hand it in, saying that this is too simple."

"Which possibility do you think you are?"

Lin Yu leaned on the dining table in the cafeteria with his forearm, looking at Gu Yue with a smile, as if you can say it yourself.


After Lin Yu said this, the confidence on Gu Yue's face disappeared instantly, and her smile became awkward.

She scratched her cheek with her index finger and said hesitantly:

"I should..."


"It seems..."

"It's not the second one."


Lin Yu said nothing, just continued to look at Gu Yue.

Under the torture of Lin Yu's eyes, Gu Yue's not-so-thick face soon couldn't hold on.

But she didn't deny herself, but smiled, begging and obediently, saying, "I'm so cute, just let me get away with it."

Lin Yu responded with a roll of his eyes, but didn't continue to stare at her with ambiguous meanings.

"By the way, how do you feel this time, Brother Long?"

"Will the exam ranking improve?"

Gu Yue asked curiously.

"I don't know."

While Lin Yu was shoveling rice into his mouth, he said vaguely:

"It should be about the same as last time..."


Because it was just an ordinary monthly exam, the papers were all corrected by teachers in the school, so the results came out very quickly.

In the last self-study class, the report card with the results and class and school rankings had been printed and distributed. As one of the homework, they had to take it back for parents to sign.

Lin Yu looked at his ranking on the report card and nodded with satisfaction.

Of course, the class result was undoubtedly the first, and it was also the first without any gold content.

After all, in this super poor student class, if you can pass all the subjects, you are almost guaranteed to be the first.

What makes Lin Yu satisfied is the school ranking.

243rd in the whole school.

Compared with the ranking in the last exam, it has improved a lot.

But not much.

Only a few dozen.

I think my real strength is about this ranking.

I am hovering near the top 200. I guess I need to work hard to get into the top 200.

Is this score enough to get into a first-class university?

It's a bit uncertain.

Lin Yu scratched his head and was a little angry.

Damn it.

My grades in the previous life were hovering around the first-class admission line.

My grades in this life are still hovering around the first-class admission line.

Then didn't I travel through time in vain?

Damn it.

I don't want to work hard anymore.

I want to be kept by a rich woman...

Thinking of this, Lin Yu was suddenly speechless.

It seems that there is a rich woman.

It's right at the school gate.

Young, good-looking and rich.

It's a pity that he has a braindisease.

But she is actually pretty good.

Lin Yu secretly complained with empathy.

After all, she wants to be beaten, not to beat others.

Otherwise, she would find a few people to throw her into a dark room.

Whips, high heels, and steel wool were used one after another.

I really can't stand a few rounds!

Lin Yu understood Qing Mo.

I don't have to worry about her kidnapping me, or using my weakness to threaten me to obey.

To put it bluntly.

She just likes the feeling of being looked down upon by me and being an inferior in front of me.

If she forced herself to do something to me and lost this inferior experience, she might be unhappy.

She may cherish this feeling more than me.

She will definitely not attack me.

Tsk tsk.

Whenever I think of this, Lin Yu can't help shaking his head.

No wonder she can become the heroine in the yellow comics.

It's really not an ordinary pervert...



In a river view flat worth tens of millions, a man in casual clothes frowned, obviously troubled by some troubles that money couldn't solve.

From time to time, he looked anxiously at the screen of the mobile phone on the table.

It seemed that he was waiting for some important news.


During the long wait, the phone rang with a text message alert.

The man grabbed the phone and couldn't wait to open the message to check it.

? ? ?

The man looked at the text message announcing that he was dismissed from all his positions, and for a moment he felt that the sky had fallen.

After forcing himself to calm down, he thought about it for a while and soon figured out who was responsible for this.

She was the only one who could do this, and it could only be her.

Was the matter exposed?

The man looked panicked, and subconsciously wanted to call the woman to explain.

He was not willing to let the duck that had been stuffed into the pressure cooker fly away, nor was he willing to let his years of hard work go to waste.

But before he could dial the number, there was a rapid knock on the door.

The man frowned, wondering who would dare to knock on his door so rudely.

He subconsciously put his eyes on the screen of his mobile phone, looking at the phone number, he felt something was wrong.

The knock outside the door was loud and impolite, leaving the man no choice but to open the door first.

After walking to the door and opening it, the man looked at the familiar men in suits outside the door, and his face suddenly became very exciting.

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