"Are you and him just classmates?" Lin Yu asked with a frown. "Yes." Tang Qinqin nodded. Hearing Tang Qinqin's answer, Lin Yu's frowned brows frowned even tighter. Just classmates? That's not right. If they were just ordinary classmates, why did Xia Yueshan bring her here? Why did he call me here? Lin Yu frowned tightly, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He continued to ask: "Do you know why Xia Yueshan asked me to come here?" Tang Qinqin shook her head, still not daring to look over here, and said: "I don't know." "What did he tell you?" "What reason did he use to call you here?" "Why did you come with him?" Lin Yu continued to ask relentlessly. "I..."

Tang Qinqin was silent for a moment, and then said in a somewhat flustered tone:

"He didn't say anything to me, just asked me to come over and tell me something."

"I came..."

Tang Qinqin said, her voice gradually lowered, and she seemed to realize that this statement was a little untenable.

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes, and naturally noticed the loopholes in Tang Qinqin's words.

What a joke?

A girl can come to the hotel alone with a boy with whom she has an average relationship to get a room just because of a word?

You are not so foolish as you, right?

Lin Yu felt something was wrong and was ready to get up and leave here first.

But before he could get up, Lin Yu suddenly thought of another thing.

About Tang Manman's declining grades.

Looking at Tang Qinqin, who was not quite right in everything, Lin Yu thought about it and decided to ask her to see if she knew anything.

After all, she is Tang Manman's sister, and she should know more than himself and Gu Yue.

Although this guy is a little strange, she is still a low threat to him, so there is no need to be too afraid of her.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu sat back on the stool and asked:

"About your sister's declining grades, do you know the reason?"

A trace of surprise flashed across Tang Qinqin's face, as if she didn't expect Lin Yu, the culprit, to ask this question.

She was silent for a moment, then shook her head and said:

"I don't know."

Seeing that Tang Qinqin didn't know this or that, she was still weird.

Lin Yu also lost interest in continuing the conversation with her, and stood up and said:

"Then I'll leave first."

"Didn't Xia Yueshan go shopping?"

"I'll just wait for him at the entrance of the hotel."

As he said that, Lin Yu turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey, don't go!"

Seeing that Lin Yu was about to leave, Tang Qinqin was anxious.

I looked at the time. It had only been a few minutes and I hadn't gotten any evidence yet!

If I let him go like this, there would be no such opportunity in the future!

Although I was shouting now, Lin Yu would be in a lot of trouble.

But if I led people here, things would get out of hand.

I was planning to catch him, not to really destroy him!

Seeing that Lin Yu didn't even have the intention to stop, Tang Qinqin could only speak to keep him:

"Don't you want to know about my sister?"

"I'll tell you!"



Following into the Jiashi Hotel, looking around, and not finding the figure of that person, the man in a long black cotton coat came to the front desk.

Putting down the heavy metal bucket, he looked at the staff at the hotel front desk, squeezed out a not-so-pretty smile, and asked:

"Little brother, was there a man wearing a white cotton coat, with yellow hair and a big back hair coming here just now?"


The young man, who looked a little fat, nodded and said:

"Yes, I have been here."

"What's the matter?"

Hearing that the man was really here, the man's tone suddenly became excited and asked:

"Which room is he in now?"

The hotel front desk looked the man up and down, and out of professionalism, he shook his head and said:

"I can't tell you that."

The smile on Liu Yu's face froze, and he didn't continue to ask, but unzipped his cotton coat and reached into the inside of the cotton coat.

After a moment, he clasped his hands on the front desk and tapped the table with his fingers.

Seeing that the young man's attention was attracted, he slightly separated his index and middle fingers, revealing a corner of the new red banknote that attracted people's attention, and said with a smile:

"Little brother, help me, I have something to ask him."

The slightly fat young man looked at the thick red, and his eyes flashed with obvious excitement.

Almost nothingHesitantly, he stood up quickly, looked around to make sure no one noticed here, then he reached out to cover the man's hand, took the money from the man, and quickly put his hand in his pocket.

Sitting down again, he asked calmly:

"Your brother, right?"


"I'll check the surveillance to help you find it."

The man smiled silently and didn't say much.

"Sixth floor."

"Room 603."

After watching the surveillance for a while, the slightly fat young man looked up and said.


"Thank you."

The man smiled and nodded to thank him. He bent down and picked up the yellow-brown iron bucket at his feet. A sound of liquid flowing and colliding inside the iron bucket sounded, but in the noisy hotel front desk, this not-too-small sound did not attract anyone's attention...


"You said your sister's grades dropped to this level because of me?"

Lin Yu pointed at his nose, with a shocked expression as if he had just realized that there was a ghost in the world.


Tang Qinqin nodded obediently on the surface, secretly cursing Lin Yu for being so good at pretending.

Didn't you carefully plan and cause my sister to become like this?

Are you still pretending here?

Lin Yu naturally didn't know Tang Qinqin's psychological activities, he frowned and thought.

After thinking about it.

Lin Yu still felt that this matter was a bit too ridiculous.

How could it be possible?

He is not a super handsome guy.

Why did Tang Manman, a three-good school beauty who is good at studying, good-looking, and has a good personality, become obsessed with her to this extent?

Because he couldn't even take care of his studies?

Raising his eyes and returning his gaze to Tang Qinqin, Lin Yu asked with great distrust:

"Are you lying to me?"

"I'm not!"

Tang Qinqin was much more confident this time, and said loudly:

"When my sister had a fever a few days ago, she even called your name in her dreams at night!"

"I don't know what kind of magic potion you gave her."

"To make her think about you like this..."

Tang Qinqin muttered softly.


Lin Yu opened his mouth, wanting to refute Tang Qinqin, but didn't know what to say.

Having said that, even though Lin Yu felt that this was unlikely, he couldn't help but believe it.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, Tang Manman's grades seemed to have started to drop sharply after he rejected her confession.

If there were no other reasons.

It seems that only this reason can make sense...

If this is the case, how should he face her in the future?

Lin Yu had a headache.

Continue to hide?

This is obviously inappropriate, right?



What's the smell?

Lin Yu sniffed and frowned.

A few minutes ago, there was a strange smell in the air, like gasoline, but Tang Qinqin was talking about the key point at that time, so Lin Yu didn't care.

Maybe the hotel needs to touch up the paint somewhere?

But now the smell has changed, and it has become a smell that people can't ignore.

It smells...

Like something is burnt!

Lin Yu suddenly stood up and turned his head to look. In just a few seconds, the gap under the door of the hotel room went from normal to white smoke coming out. The white smoke quickly turned black in just a few seconds, and there were even some barely noticeable red flames in the black smoke.

Is this a fire?

Lin Yu was shocked and hurried to the door of the room and pushed it open to see what was happening outside.

The door was opened and the heat wave hit him.

Just as Lin Yu expected.

There is a fire!

And the fire is surprisingly big.

Because the hotel corridor is paved with a thick layer of soundproof carpet, the whole corridor is now burning like a sea of ​​fire.

Not only that, the flames also climbed the walls, doors, and even the ceiling of the corridor, and it seemed to be so big that it was out of control.

Doesn't the fire burn gradually?

How could it be so big all of a sudden?

Lin Yu felt weird, but there was no time to think about it. The most important thing now was to escape from this hotel.

Looking at the flames and billowing black smoke filling the entire corridor, Lin Yu understood that this kind of fire corridor could not be forced into, but there was no time to make more and more proper preparations.

Turning his head to look at Tang Qinqin, whose face was panicking, Lin Yu quickly ran to the bathroom and called Tang Qinqin to follow him.

Enter the bathroom and turn on the shower head.

Lin Yu stood under the shower head, soaking himself with water while pulling the disposable towel from the sink and wetting it under the water.

At this moment, Tang QinTang Qinqin entered the bathroom, Lin Yu took the shower head off the wall and handed it to her, anxiously saying:

"Get yourself wet!"

Tang Qinqin naturally knew that the situation was urgent, she wet herself with the shower head without saying a word, and Lin Yu tore the disposable towel into two pieces.

After everything was ready, Lin Yu grabbed Tang Qinqin's wrist and prepared to take her to the fire scene.


Tang Qinqin suddenly broke free, and Lin Yu let her go, not knowing what she wanted to do suddenly.

Watching Tang Qinqin run to the corner and take out a mobile phone from behind the vegetation in the corner, a question mark popped up in Lin Yu's head.

For a moment, I didn't know where to start complaining.

You still care about the mobile phone at this time?


What do you want to do by putting the mobile phone there?

Looking at Tang Qinqin who ran back to his side again, Lin Yu glared at her unhappily, but he didn't have time to argue with her. Lin Yu pulled her wrist and prepared to force his way out.

The fire in the corridor was almost connected, leaving no chance for people to stop and breathe.

Equally difficult was the poisonous black smoke in the air, which was dazzling and choking. The most important thing was that it blocked the view, and even made it difficult for people to see the green sign of the emergency exit.

It looked extremely dangerous outside the door.

But Lin Yu knew.

He had no other choice.

This was the sixth floor, and jumping out of the window was not much different from committing suicide.

And with such a fierce fire, staying in the room would definitely be a dead end.

This seemingly dangerous road in front of him was already the only way to survive at the moment!

Recalling the scene in the corridor he saw before entering the room, Lin Yu quickly determined which direction to run.

Holding Tang Qinqin's wrist, Lin Yu pulled her and wanted to rush into the sea of ​​fire.

But just after taking a step, Lin Yu felt Tang Qinqin's wrist shrink back, as if she was trying to break free from him again.

Being struggled by Tang Qinqin, Lin Yu's anger rose all of a sudden.

What the hell did you miss?

Is it more important than your life?

Lin Yu turned his head and found that Tang Qinqin did not want to leave him or take anything else.

At this time, her childish face was full of fear, and her eyes looking at him were both embarrassed and apologetic, and also hopeful and begging.

In an instant, Lin Yu understood.

She was not going to take something, but she was afraid of the fire outside and did not dare to force her way out.

At this moment, all kinds of thoughts emerged in Lin Yu's mind, and were rejected by Lin Yu the next moment.

No way.

Tang Qinqin cannot be left here.

No matter what you say, it will not work!

Lin Yu understands Tang Qinqin's fear.

In many cases, the body also has its own consciousness.

In some dangerous situations, even if you know that you can only do this, the body will resist.

Without time to lament that a small trouble had turned into a big one, Lin Yu directly handed the wet towel in his hand to Tang Qinqin, then picked her up horizontally and whispered:

"Cover my mouth!"

Putting the wet and cold handkerchief against his mouth and nose, Lin Yu bent down and resolutely rushed into the fire.

In the billowing black smoke, visibility was so low that it was outrageous.

To make matters worse, Lin Yu couldn't bend down to see the road at all. Aside from Tang Qinqin in his arms, the flames of 20 to 30 centimeters under his feet almost blocked all the free areas under the black smoke.

In the raging fire and black smoke, Lin Yu didn't dare to stop at all.

Feeling the clothes on his body, especially on his calves, getting dryer and hotter, Lin Yu knew that he was now racing against death.

If he was a step slower, he might really die here.

He continued to run forward with big strides.

Lin Yu endured the pain and opened his eyes wide to observe the surroundings.

Whenever there was a place where the black smoke was lighter or thicker, Lin Yu would kick forward to test it, hoping to find the stairs downstairs.

Time passed by minute by minute, and before he found the escape route downstairs, Lin Yu encountered another trouble.

Tang Qinqin in his arms didn't know what was wrong. Lin Yu could clearly feel that her hands covering her mouth and nose became very strong, as if she wanted to suffocate herself.

Lin Yu hated it so much that he wanted to curse.

It's difficult to escape.

There's also a pig teammate around!

If it doesn't work, consider going to another different world to play.

Hate it or not.

But Lin Yu still didn't choose to abandon Tang Qinqin and walk away.

Enduring the thick smoke, fire, weight, and suffocation play, Lin Yu continued to work hard to find a way out.


In a place where the smoke was slightly lighter, Lin Yu raised his foot and kicked, but kicked out.

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