Lin Yu was extremely surprised and moved his feet carefully. After stepping on a slightly lower and hard place, Lin Yu was so excited that tears were about to fall.

It's here!

This is the escape staircase!

It won't be the room that the old man left the door open!

Holding his last breath, Lin Yu hugged Tang Qinqin and walked downstairs quickly.

As he gradually went downstairs, the black smoke in the air faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But what Lin Yu couldn't understand was why Tang Qinqin was still covering her mouth and nose with her hands?

You really want to suffocate me, don't you?

The black smoke became thinner and thinner, and Lin Yu's last breath was finally used up.

Kneeling directly on his knees at the flat corner of the stairwell, Lin Yu raised his hand to pull off Tang Qinqin's hands that were tightly covering his mouth and nose, and breathed heavily.

Breathing barely clean air, Lin Yu wanted to settle accounts with Tang Qinqin, the little thing, the first time.

Still covering me so hard?

Are you really afraid that I can come out alive?

Looking at Tang Qinqin under him with anger, Lin Yu was stunned.

At this time, Lin Yu realized that Tang Qinqin was not only covering her mouth and nose very hard, but she was also covering her own mouth and nose very hard.

And her face was very wrong.

Under the wet towel, her face was black and red.

The black was the black ash left on her face by the black smoke.

The red was the redness of her face from being unable to breathe.

These two points are still normal.

But apart from these two points, her face was swollen for some reason, even a little purple, her eyes rolled back, and she looked like she was about to suffocate.

More importantly, even though she was already lacking oxygen to this extent, she still covered her mouth and nose with her hands tightly, with such great strength that purple blood vessels burst out of her white and soft little hands.

Is this a spasm?

Lin Yu realized that something was wrong and quickly moved Tang Qinqin's hand away from her mouth and nose.

After moving her hand and the wet towel away, Tang Qinqin's condition did not show any signs of improvement.

She took a deep breath, but did not exhale at all.

Her face was still purple and swollen.

It was as if she had no ability to deliver oxygen into her lungs.

Lin Yu didn't know what happened to Tang Qinqin.

But he could vaguely sense that her current condition might not be entirely caused by the fire.

Without thinking too much, looking at Tang Qinqin's painful appearance, Lin Yu quickly picked her up with one hand, gently covered her mouth and nose with a wet towel to prevent excessive smoke inhalation, and hurried downstairs...


On the crowded street, everyone gathered together, looking at the burning hotel not far away with shining eyes,

This time they really saw the "hot" noise.

In the crowd, a young girl with an extremely outstanding appearance, who could be called a stunning beauty, jumped off the stone platform and prepared to leave contentedly.

Just as the girl was leaving, there were bursts of exclamations and gasps, which aroused the girl's curiosity.

The girl, who thought there was nothing more to see, immediately turned around, stepped back onto the stone platform, and tiptoed to look at the fire scene.

I saw a dark figure holding a person rushing out of the door of the fire hotel. He looked like a madman, and his long hair, whose color could barely be seen, blocked a small part of his left face.

He seemed to be a non-mainstream person.

After rushing out of the fire, the man did not stop at all, and ran desperately with the person in his arms.

After running a distance, the man with a gray-black face stopped briefly, as if he was looking for something.


He raised his foot and rushed in a certain direction again.

He held the girl in his arms and rushed straight to a person who was sitting on a motorcycle and watching the excitement near the fire scene.

The two of them met briefly, and seemed to say something, but also seemed to say nothing.

The dark-skinned man raised his hand and punched the person sitting on the motorcycle. After knocking down the person sitting on the motorcycle, he held the girl in his arms and rode away on the motorcycle.

The girl standing on the stone platform had bright eyes. She completely ignored the guy who got up from the ground and cursed. She kept her eyes on the back of the figure and muttered to herself:

"So handsome..."

"Just like the gangster male protagonist in the movie."

"Unique, cool and handsome!"



Ignoring the traffic lights along the way, Lin Yu turned the throttle of the motorcycle hard.

The cold winter wind mixed with soft snow hit his face hard, and soon blew Lin Yu's yellow hair, which was still a little wet, into stiff ice.

On a road with less traffic, Lin Yu raised his hand and took theHe took off the hairpin that was used to fix the hair from Tang Qinqin's hair and threw it on the snow, leaving it to be buried by the heavy snow.

After paying the 20,000 yuan emergency deposit, Lin Yu, who was almost frozen to death, staggered back to the door of the emergency room.

Sitting tremblingly on the lounge chair against the wall, Lin Yu let his body shiver.

Trying to lift his frozen eyelids, looking at the red light above the door of the emergency room, Lin Yu's mind was in a mess.

What happened today was really weird.

Why did Tang Qinqin have Xia Yueshan's mobile phone in her hand?

What did she want to do by asking herself to go to that hotel in the name of Xia Yueshan?

What did she want to take pictures with the mobile phone hidden in the corner?

What was the matter with that weird fire?

Lin Yu couldn't figure it out.

He didn't have the energy to think so much.

The biting cold along the way and the efforts made to rescue Tang Qinqin almost drained Lin Yu's body.

Fatigue rolled and roared like a tsunami, making Lin Yu unable to open his eyelids even half a centimeter.

Leaning on the warm heater in the hospital, Lin Yu felt unprecedented fatigue.

In a daze, Lin Yu could no longer resist the surging sleepiness, and fell asleep against the wall...



"Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

Wake up!"

Wake up to the unceremonious shoving and calling, Lin Yu opened his eyes in a daze, looking at the fully armed white-coated doctor in front of him, Lin Yu forgot why he was here for a moment.

"Are you a family member of the patient?"

The white-coated doctor asked anxiously.

Listening to the doctor's question, Lin Yu remembered Tang Qinqin in the emergency room and subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but before he could do so, a burst of hurried footsteps sounded from far to near.

Lin Yu turned his head and saw two women who looked at least 70% similar jogging towards here.

Slowly exhaling, Lin Yu forced himself to answer the doctor:

"They are the patient's family members."

While he was talking, Tang's mother and Tang Manman had already run up to him.

Both of them glanced at the dusty Lin Yu, and then turned their attention to the doctor in front of them.

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