"It's okay, it's okay."

Seeing Tang Manman's unhappy look, Lin Yu quickly touched her head and comforted her:

"If we don't do well in the exam this time, we can work harder next time. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I believe you."

Under Lin Yu's comfort, Tang Manman's face bloomed with a smile again. She raised her face and didn't push away Lin Yu's big hand. Under Lin Yu's big hand, she nodded with a bright light in her eyes.

She looked like a well-behaved person who was easy to coax.


"Go back quickly."

"Don't let your mother worry."

Lin Yu took his hand off Tang Manman's head and said with a smile.

Tang Manman nodded obediently. She looked behind Lin Yu secretly, and then she seemed happier. Her eyes curved into crescents, and she turned and left with a smile.

After watching Tang Manman leave, Lin Yu turned and walked towards Gu Yue.

Lin Yu wanted to continue the previous greeting, but found that Gu Yue's face was not good. Lin Yu's greeting "How did you do in the exam?" also subconsciously turned into another question:

"What's wrong with you?"



Gu Yue had a gloomy face. She was obviously talking to Lin Yu, but she didn't even look at him.

Lin Yu looked at Gu Yue's unhappy look and didn't know what was wrong with her for a while.

But since she didn't say anything, Lin Yu didn't continue to ask, but asked the question he wanted to ask at first:

"How do you feel?"

"Can you get a good score in this exam?"

"How much bonus can you get from your mother?"

Lin Yu asked with a smile on his face.

"I don't know."

Gu Yue still had a cold face, and her tone was cold, angry, and a little bit of grievance that was not easy to detect.

? ? ?

Lin Yu, who was cold-faced, had a question mark on his head.

What's wrong with Gu Yue?

Are you angry?

Talking so aggressively?

Gu Yue was angry, and Lin Yu didn't tolerate her. He also said "If you don't know, forget it" in a bad mood, then Lin Yu rolled his eyes and turned away.

Walking on the new snow that had fallen not long ago, Lin Yu came to the side of the sports car, opened the butterfly door of the sports car naturally, bent down and sat in.

The air conditioner in the car was turned on at 28 degrees, warm as early summer.

But even with such a high temperature, the face of Qing Mo, the co-pilot, could not be relieved at all.

She still looked the same, cold to the point of making people physically uncomfortable.

Before Lin Yu completely closed the car door, Qing Mo, who was sitting in the driver's seat, couldn't wait to speak coldly and sarcastically:

"Busy man."

"You are really busy, aren't you?"

Lin Yu raised his hand to pull down the car door, and didn't hesitate to scold.

"None of your business?"

"Why did you come to me this time?"

"If you have something to say, just say it and if you have something to say, just fart!"

Qing Mo glared at her with her beautiful eyes and her breathing became rapid.

Lin Yu pretended to look at her with disdain as Qing Mo liked, but in his heart, Lin Yu felt that Qing Mo's behavior was a little awkward.

She looked angry, but her behavior was strangely emotional.

She glared with a pair of beautiful cold eyes, but there was lust flowing in her eyes.

She was breathing rapidly and looked like she was angry, but if you look closely, the hot air she exhaled was a little scorching.

It gave people a feeling that she wanted to be angry, but her body got excited without permission.

It made her angry but not angry.

It looked a little weird.

But Lin Yu didn't pay much attention to her weird behavior.

Wasn't the purpose of her supporting him so that he could treat her badly?

If he talked to her nicely, she might scold him in return.

So don't make yourself uncomfortable.

Qing Mo took a deep breath, leaned back against the exquisite backrest of the sports car, and took a deep breath, and said in a cold voice with a little haste:

"Come with me to a dinner party tonight."

"Dinner party?"

"What dinner party?"

Lin Yu frowned and asked.

"An ordinary party dinner, you go to be my new boyfriend."


Lin Yu thought about it, and nodded and agreed very happily.

After all, he took so much money from others, and he didn't have to sell himself. If he was still hesitant to buy an art, it would be a bit unreasonable.


"Come pick me up tonight."

After Lin Yu agreed, he was ready to open the door and get out of the car.

"Don't leave!"

Qing Mo suddenly said in a cold voice.

Lin Yu turned his head to look at him and found that she was not looking at him, but looking straight ahead. It seemed that she turned her head after she noticed that he was looking at her, and slowly said:

"You come with me this afternoon, I wantDress you up."

"Prepare for tonight's dinner."

What is a rich person?

Lin Yu thought he knew a little bit.

For example, he doesn't look at the price when buying things.

He only wants the most expensive things, not the best.

If he is a little richer, he will enter the mall and the store with his nose in the air, just like in movies and TV series.

He waved his hand with great pride and selected dozens of clothes, and then shouted heroically:



"I don't want any of them!"

"Pack up all the rest! "

Although it looks a bit silly.

But it must be said that this behavior can really show a person's financial strength.

But in the few hours with Qing Mo, Lin Yu finally knew what a real rich person is.

Fake rich people spend money like water on shopping malls.

Real rich people have the best clothing team in their manor. After measuring your body shape and weight, they will make it for you!

The people in the clothing team walked away with a bunch of sizes and detailed notes.

Lin Yu touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed.

Thinking back to the scene of being measured by a group of women next to him, Lin Yu still felt a little embarrassed. Uncomfortable.

It seems that I am not used to the feeling of being cared for and served carefully.

But to be honest.

This feeling is not bad!

But it is a little strange.

Lin Yu was a little puzzled.

Why did these women look so scared when they measured my body?

Do I look scary?


It seems that I am not very kind.

Lin Yu still has a little knowledge of his face.

But I can't suddenly go wild and eat them. What are these people afraid of here?

Lin Yu was a little confused.

He couldn't figure out this question, so he didn't think about it.

After all, it's just a small problem, nothing big.

Turning around, Lin Yu went to get the coat he took off from the table, but before he took a few steps, Lin Yu suddenly felt a little cold.

? ? ?

Where did the coldness come from?

Would such a nice villa also leak?

Shrinking his neck, Lin Yu relied on his sixth sense and turned his head to look at the place where the coldness was coming from.

On the soft sofa not far away, Qing Mo sat there with her arms folded across her chest. Her face was as cold as frost, and her cold and beautiful face was even colder at this time. If you look closely, you can even see a trace of murderous intent in her cold eyes.

Seeing her like this, Lin Yu I felt like I understood something.

Turning his head to look at the backs of the costume team leaving, and then turning his head to look at Qingmo's cold eyes following their backs, Lin Yu sniffed and thought that he must have thought too much.

Qingmo's feelings for him were just a deformed physiological need after all.

How could she be jealous of him like a little girl in love?

What's more, it was such an inexplicable jealousy?

In order not to be labeled as a common man, Lin Yu shook his head, threw away those strange thoughts, and then continued to walk to the table in front of him, picked up his clothes and put them on.

"If you have nothing else, I'll leave first."

"Come pick me up when the dinner is held. "

Lin Yu said without turning his head while putting on his clothes.

It's only a little after 1pm now. I don't know how long I have to wait for the dinner to be held. I'd better go back to my small rental house and lie down for a while.

It's strange.

I still have half a year to go before I can become a college student. Why do I want to lie down every day now?

"You can't leave. You still have to try on clothes and shoes, put on some dinner makeup, and know some basic etiquette for the dinner. "

Qing Mo listed many things to do this afternoon, which made Lin Yu feel overwhelmed. He even wanted to quit.

What a hassle!

I need to put on makeup?



Lin Yu frowned, and a bad premonition gradually spread in his heart...


Under Qing Mo's irrefutable order, the makeup artist changed from a delicate and beautiful girl to a male makeup artist who was caught from outside, and he was a bit effeminate.

Lin Yu certainly didn't care about such things.

What he cared about was his face.

Or the makeup on his face.


"Can we continue to paint on top without removing the makeup?"

Lin Yu looked up at the makeup artist who was organizing the makeup tools beside him and asked.


"ThisI'm afraid it won't work."

The makeup artist explained with an embarrassed look:

"The makeup on your face is too rough, you have to remove it and apply a new one, so that it looks natural enough."

Lin Yu smacked his lips helplessly, and finally said in self-abandonment:

"You can do whatever you want!"

The makeup artist got permission and began to gently remove Lin Yu's makeup with makeup remover.

The makeup on her face was wiped off with makeup remover and makeup remover cotton, and Lin Yu's most unbearable side gradually showed in front of everyone...


The veins on his forehead were throbbing, and Lin Yu really couldn't bear it.

Through the mirror, Lin Yu saw the whole process of Qing Mo's face changing.

She looked at this side with a little curiosity at first, and then she seemed to see something very funny. The corners of her mouth twitched, and the cold expression on her face like an iceberg melted instantly, and she almost laughed out loud.

Seemingly aware that he was looking at her, she pursed her red lips, tightened her mouth corners, and tried not to let herself laugh out, and at the same time turned her eyes away, pretending that nothing happened.

But her beautiful eyes seemed to be out of her control, always drifting towards here vaguely.

After a few glances, she couldn't help it anymore, and began to raise her hands to block her bright red lips with her knuckles. The smile on her face became more and more unbearable, as if she would laugh out loud in the next second.

Until now, she raised her hands to cover her face, and her shoulders shook with laughter.

Lin Yu was so angry, but compared to Qing Mo who knew how to hold back, Lin Yu had more important people to settle accounts with at the moment.

Looking up at the sissy makeup artist beside him, Lin Yu asked with murderous intent:


"Can we stop laughing and put on makeup properly?"

"How many times have you done this?"

"If your hands shake again, you have to remove it and put it on again, don't blame me for turning against you!"

"Yes, I'm sorry. "

The makeup artist with a feminine temperament tried hard to hold back her laughter and apologized.

"There's still you!"

Lin Yu looked at the guy in the mirror who was peeking at him and said unhappily:

"Turn around, you're not allowed to look!"


After the difficult makeup was completed, the sky outside was almost half dark.

After changing into a freshly baked suit and expensive leather shoes, Lin Yu stood in front of the full-length mirror, looking at himself in the mirror, and his mood finally improved.

It seems that this afternoon was not in vain!

I still have some looks!

Looking at myself in the mirror, Lin Yu had a vague feeling of unreality.

The boy in the mirror was wearing a straight suit, shiny leather shoes, and a bright and handsome image, looking like a young and wealthy successful person.

But these are easy to say.

What made Lin Yu feel the most torn was the face in the mirror.

Don't say it.

You really don't said.

After the sissy makeup artist's efforts.

The original owner's natural ruffian temperament was well covered, and the only thing left was handsomeness.

He was handsome in a pure way, very much like the school idol in those youth dramas.

However, Lin Yu was still a little uncomfortable. Looking at the handsome face in the mirror, Lin Yu couldn't even find a little bit of the original owner's appearance.

Sure enough.

The easiest way to change a person is to put on makeup and photoshop!

While Lin Yu was observing his appearance, Qing Mo walked slowly and walked into the mirror slowly.

Lin Yu looked at her behind him through the mirror and asked without turning his head:

"How is it?"

Qing Mo's eyes did not fluctuate, but looked more indifferent. Her beautiful cold eyes were a bit boring, and she said calmly:

"It's a bit unlike you."

"I think so too. "

Lin Yu nodded in approval.

After finishing some messy things, it was completely dark. Lin Yu, who had only eaten breakfast, was already starving.

Even though he knew he was going to have a big meal, Lin Yu still couldn't help but asked the servants of Qingmo's family for two small cakes.

Soon, it was time to leave. Qingmo appeared in a white dress, simple, conservative and beautiful.

Looking at her dress, Lin Yu blinked in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Qingmo stopped beside Lin Yu and turned to ask:

"Is there anything wrong with my dress?"

"I thought you would wear some evening dress like those in TV dramas."

Lin Yu looked at Qingmo's evening dress that didn't even show the shoulders, and gestured with his hands and said:

"It's the kind of dress that shows a large back, or something particularly cool. "

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Qing Mo's expressionless face showed a trace of disdain. She sneered and said coldly:

"People like that are generally not qualified to participateAdd a dinner party I can attend.”

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