
Lin Yu smacked his lips, not knowing what to say.

TV dramas are harmful!

Sitting in a black car that is longer than an ordinary car, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone and prepared to play a small game to kill the boring time in the car.

Pixel monsters with simple textures swarmed up, and Lin Yu controlled the protagonist to kill on a vast plain.

When Lin Yu was having fun, Qing Mo suddenly asked:

"How many girlfriends do you have in school?"

? ? ?

Hearing this inexplicable question, three question marks appeared on Lin Yu's head.

After pressing the pause button of the game, he turned his head to look at Qing Mo, who was only wearing light makeup but was still stunningly beautiful. He asked with a hint of doubt in his eyes:


"What girlfriend?"

"How many?"

"I don't have a girlfriend at all."

Qing Mo frowned coldly and asked in a suspicious tone:

"You have paid so much for that girl's sister, and even came to beg me. Isn't she your girlfriend?"

Lin Yu knew that Qing Mo was talking about Tang Manman, and shook his head and said:


"Then why do you help her like this?"

Qing Mo asked in confusion.

Lin Yu lowered his head and tapped the pause button lightly. The game continued. Lin Yu said while playing:

"The things between her and me are complicated, but we are not boyfriend and girlfriend."

Lin Yu was silent for a moment, and added:

"At least not now."

Qing Mo frowned, obviously did not expect to get such an answer.

But she didn't dwell on it, and continued to ask:

"What about her?"


Lin Yu looked up and asked in confusion.

"The second person you walked towards after you left the school gate this afternoon."

Qing Mo asked in a cold and calm voice.

? ? ?

"The second person you walked towards after you walked out of the school gate?"

Lin Yu repeated Qing Mo's question, frowned and began to recall.

Soon, a name came to his mind.

Lin Yu turned his head to look at Qing Mo, only the left corner of his mouth curled up, grinning with a sarcastic smile, and asked with a sense of absurdity:

"You mean Gu Yue?"

"I don't know her name, but you walked towards me after leaving her."

Qing Mo didn't know the name, but still gave a detailed hint.

"That's Gu Yue."

Lin Yu lowered his head to play with his mobile phone, and said nonchalantly:

"She is my younger brother, and has nothing to do with my girlfriend. "

Qing Mo frowned slightly when she heard this. She looked at Lin Yu who was concentrating on the mobile game. After a moment of silence, she finally couldn't help but ask out of curiosity:

"Can't you see that she likes you?"


Lin Yu raised his head and didn't even care about the stupid game on his phone. He turned his head and looked at Qing Mo as if he had heard a very funny joke, and asked again:

"Who do you say likes me?"

Qing Mo frowned, not understanding Lin Yu's exaggerated look, but still whispered the name.

"It's the person you just mentioned."

"Gu Yue."


Lin Yu sneered disdainfully, and after shaking his head with a smile, he continued to lower his head and play with his phone while saying:

"She can't like me."

"I'll tell you this. ”

“Even if the lesbian who came to see you that night likes me, and even the lesbians who like her also like me, the possibility is greater than that she likes me.

“Why are you so sure that she won’t like you?”

Qing Mo asked relentlessly.

“It’s very simple.”

Lin Yu said without raising his head:

“Because she is not you.”

“In a sense, what I did to her before was even more excessive than what I did to you.”

“Unless she is abnormal like you, she can’t like me.”

Lin Yu’s words were firm and did not allow for the slightest doubt.

Although Qing Mo felt that something was wrong, she did not continue to ask, but just murmured to herself:

“You can’t pretend to like someone.”


Lin Yu cursed.

Arriving at the destination and entering the banquet hall, Lin Yu, who had eaten something before leaving, was not in a hurry to eat, but walked around with Qing Mo in a very respectful manner.

After wandering around for a while, Lin Yu was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the people here were quite friendly. There were no people who would jump out to cause trouble like in movies or TV series.

Or was it because Qing Mo's status was too noble, so no one dared to come and show up?Most likely it's the latter.

Lin Yu turned his head to look at the sofa not far away. Seeing the two people whose faces immediately became pleasant after he looked at them, Lin Yu silently had the answer in his heart.

Don't think about those messy things.

Lin Yu prepared to go to eat.

Anyway, I only have the last six months left here.

After I was admitted to the university, I must live in the city where the university is located.

I have no property, no relatives, and no friends who are particularly important to me here. I will definitely not come back in the future.

So whatever.

Who cares what they think of me.

I can't stay for long.

Ignoring the many scrutinizing eyes cast from behind, Lin Yu walked towards the table full of desserts...

Throughout the dinner, Lin Yu's main goal was to eat and drink to his heart's content.

After the dinner, Lin Yu, who had been drinking a lot, refused Qing Mo's offer to take him home, and prepared to take a taxi home to avoid any accidents under the influence of alcohol.

The cold wind on a winter night seemed to have a refreshing effect.

Lin Yu walked on the deserted street, and felt his mind was much clearer.

As he walked, Lin Yu became more sober.

Listening to the ghostly footsteps behind him, Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and felt a little funny.

Still can't escape the traditional clichés?

Isn't this person who is looking for trouble here?

Too lazy to continue playing with them, Lin Yu turned around and looked at the two muscular men wearing black masks and baseball caps. Lin Yu asked directly:

"You two have been following me all the way."

"Is there something wrong?"

The two men didn't seem to realize that they had been discovered a long time ago. When Lin Yu pointed it out, they looked at each other with a little surprise.

After a moment of staring at each other, a fierce look flashed in their eyes. Without saying much, they walked towards Lin Yu aggressively.

Seeing the silent and fierce posture of the two men, the smile on Lin Yu's mouth quickly disappeared.

Things seem a bit complicated.

It seems that these two people don't just want to teach me a lesson and tell me to stay away from so-and-so.

The dog that bites doesn't bark.

This proverb actually It is not only applicable to dogs.

The two men walked quickly in the night, and Lin Yu stood there, neither dodging nor avoiding.

The distance between the two men and Lin Yu quickly narrowed. When the distance was less than one meter, one of the two men stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Yu's shoulder.

The next moment, a very short wail sounded throughout the winter night.

Looking at the man in the baseball cap lying on the ground with his legs clamped together and his hands tightly covering his legs, Lin Yu sighed with regret.

If only Xia Yueshan was here.

This is a rare opportunity, just in time for him to see what a real kick that can cut off one's offspring is!

Turning his attention to the other man in the baseball cap, Lin Yu quickly fought with him.

After a few simple moves, Lin Yu felt a lot of pressure from this guy.

This guy is a real martial artist with hard punches and fierce kicks.

After a few punches and kicks, the original owner's body, which had not been specially trained, began to hurt everywhere.

After gritting his teeth and holding on for a while, Lin Yu keenly seized a flaw and punched down, hitting the vulnerable acupuncture points on the man in the baseball cap.

One hit KO.

Lin Yu gritted his teeth and rubbed his forearm that was hurt by the beating.

Looking at the two people lying in the snow in front of him, Lin Yu called Qingmo without hesitation.

These two martial artists are definitely not ordinary people like the Fire Scorpion Gang or Zimao who can invite them out.

Then there is only one possibility.

I don’t know which big shot is unhappy with my identity as Qingmo’s boyfriend tonight, and he is looking for someone to punish me.

This kind of thing should be left to Qingmo to deal with.

After all, it was caused by her.

Besides, I may not be able to afford to offend people of this level.

The call was quickly connected. After explaining the matter to Qing Mo, Lin Yu ignored the two people lying on the ground, who were still breathing, and strode towards the main road in front to take a taxi home.

Back home.

After taking off clothes, taking a shower, and lying on the bed, Lin Yu lay on the bed, boredly browsing his phone.


A message popped up above the phone, which was a message from Gu Yue.

Lin Yu raised his hand and tapped it to enter the chat interface.

Three good students: Brother Long, do you have time this Sunday?

Three good students: Let's go ice skating?

Three good students: Looking forward to it (☆▽☆)

Looking at Gu Yue's invitation on the phone, Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, and the words that Qing Mo said in the car tonight appeared in his mind.

But it was just a brief thought, and Lin Yu quickly threw away that ridiculous possibilityThinking about his unplanned vacation, Lin Yu agreed without hesitation.

Long Aotian: Okay.

Three good students:

After the little episode, Lin Yu continued to scroll through his phone out of boredom.

Time passed by little by little, and he felt sleepy. Lin Yu put down his phone and prepared to go to bed.

Closing his eyes, Lin Yu emptied his mind and wanted to fall asleep.

Suddenly, Qing Mo's words in the car shrank into a small ball and flashed in Lin Yu's mind.

There were no words or sounds, and only a general meaning remained in Lin Yu's mind.

Gu Yue likes you.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Yu's mouth, thinking that this possibility was not outrageous, that was not even a little bit!

Gu Yue likes me?

How could it be possible...



Lin Yu opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling paint surface with tiny cracks, frowning slightly.


This seems a little wrong...

Recalling Gu Yue's attitude towards him in school, and his abnormal behavior after mentioning Tang Manman several times, and accompanying him to and from school regardless of rain or shine...

No, no!

Lin Yu rubbed his thumbs between his eyebrows, which had been furrowed tightly at some point, and comforted himself by saying:

"Gu Yue waited for me to go to and from school because she was on the way. It's just a kind of school companionship between good friends. This is also very common!"

"No big deal!"

"Don't think about it!"

"Don't think about it..."

Lin Yu closed his eyes again and wanted to sleep.

But some things, once they start, are not so easy to stop.

The more Lin Yu wanted to stop thinking about it, the more things about Gu Yue emerged in his mind.


Lin Yu opened his eyes again after receiving a very important piece of information, and his eyes were wide open!

That's wrong!

Why in the memory of the original owner Huangmao, he didn't meet Gu Yue once in two whole years of going to and from school?


That's right.

Lin Yu remembered that Gu Yue had said before that she was living with her relatives, so she was on the same road as him...

Smacking his lips twice, Lin Yu still felt something was not right.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Baimao.

Long Aotian: Did you sleep?

My heart is forbidden to visit: No, what's the matter?

Long Aotian: Do you know about Gu Yue's family situation?

My heart is forbidden to visit: I don't know.

My heart is forbidden to visit: What's wrong, Brother Long?

My heart is forbidden to visit: Did she offend you again?

My heart is forbidden to visit: What do you want to know? I'll ask someone to help you ask?

Long Aotian: Ask her friends to see if she has been living with her relatives in Qinghe Community in the past half semester.

爷心丿灬No access: OK.

After a moment, looking at the message sent back by Baimao, Lin Yu was dumbfounded and blurted out two words:





"A bunch of waste!!!"

Xu Mingyao, who had just been scolded by her father and issued an expulsion order, threw her phone to the ground fiercely and roared hysterically.

After smashing the phone, she still didn't feel relieved, and picked up everything she could pick up in the bedroom and smashed them all on the ground.

After the madness, she stood in a messy bedroom with her bare white feet, her plump chest heaving up and down, her eyes were angry, and she looked like she was not relieved enough.

Soon, as if she remembered something, her pure black eyes lit up, picked up the car keys next to the bed and walked out.

After speeding all the way, Xu Mingyao soon arrived at her secret base.

After using her own fingerprint to open the fingerprint lock, Xu Mingyao could not wait to open the door and enter.

In the warm living room, a graceful black-haired girl sat on a yoga mat with her legs split into two, her hands clasped together and bent down, her figure looked unusually soft.

Opposite the girl, a yoga video was playing on the large TV embedded in the wall. The yoga instructor on the screen and the girl were doing exactly the same movements. Even in a careful comparison, the yoga teacher on TV was even worse than the girl.

When doing some difficult movements, she was far less relaxed and agile than the girl.

The sound of the door opening startled the girl. She maintained the difficult yoga posture and slightly tilted her head to look at the door.

When she saw the red-haired girl with long hair as red as blood, there was no surprise in her lively eyes, as if she had gotten used to her breaking into her life without saying hello.

She stopped her yoga movements, sat on the yoga mat in a duck-like posture, and looked at the red-haired girl obediently.

In the past, she would go up to the red-haired girl when she saw her.But not today, because the red-haired girl has already pounced on her...


"Taozi, come back to school with me tomorrow."

After the madness, the red-haired girl hugged her from behind and said softly.

"So early?"

The girl asked with a little hoarseness in her soft and light voice.


The red-haired girl nodded and said no more.

The black-haired girl also tacitly stopped asking. She stretched out her bruised and swollen arm, gently pulled over the white quilt, and gently covered herself and the red-haired girl...


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