The world spun around, and his eyes were dark. All he could see were flashing lights and overturned cars. Finally, police cars and ambulances came roaring, but he couldn't wait that long. He closed his eyes tiredly, fell on the road, and never woke up again.

"It's not bad to die like this, at least it doesn't hurt..."

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a white scene in front of him. He opened his mouth to speak, but found that he couldn't make a sound, and in a trance he heard the cry of a baby.


Wait, this seems to be his own voice. He opened his mouth again and tried to speak, but the baby's cry became louder.

"Look, dear, our child is so healthy..."

He vaguely felt that someone was saying something next to him. It was a male voice. He picked him up and gave him a pacifier with milk. After he finished eating, he gently put him down, kissed him, and put him in the cradle.

After careful identification, he found that the man was not speaking Chinese, but English.

So he was reincarnated and reborn in the UK or the US? Isn't this right? Who wants to frame me? Second Battalion Commander, you want to frame me, right?

Forget about reincarnation, but you don't give me Meng Po soup. Forget about not giving me compensation for Meng Po soup. At least you can provide a translation mod. How can I live like this?

I don't want to think about it. I'm still a baby now, right? At least I don't need to become proficient in English in the next three to five years. I can still hold on. It's better to sleep first, but what he cares about is his eyes. He can't see anything in the vast white. Isn't he blind?

Time passed in a flash. About a hundred days passed. His eyes gradually saw. He thought that the vast white not long ago was probably because the eyesight of young children was not fully developed.

Observing everything around him, he was an orphan in his previous life, and now he has his own parents, although he can't fully understand what they say at present.

The blonde and blue-eyed woman is probably her mother. She is well dressed and is a writer named Leah Coster. She has to do some odd chores while completing the manuscript. She is very good at managing the household. She has a strong personality but is a very good mother. She is always gentle when facing herself.

The black-haired and black-eyed man should be his father. He is a very easy-going man named Cece Coster. He always kisses his wife before going to work. He is particularly fond of his son and comes to accompany him for at least an hour every day, even if he is exhausted from work.

His name is Carlos Coster, but his parents like to call him Carl, which is probably a nickname for British people.

This is a happy family. Thinking about his life in the last life when he was thrown into an orphanage by his parents early,... Now it is probably Carl. He thinks that having a happy family in this life may be God's compensation for him.

Today is another peaceful day. Father Ceci went to work early. After kissing the foreheads of his beautiful wife and lovely son, mother Leah made a cup of coffee and wrote something next to Carl's baby cradle.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully rebinding. No. 0025, I wish you a happy life.] Carl, who was watching Leah working, was about to close his eyes and sleep for a while when a cold voice came into his brain. Although he could not see anything else, Carl still turned left and right to try to find where that thing was.

[Host does not need to look for it. 0025 is in your mind and does not exist in reality.]

Carl felt a little scared. According to his many years of experience reading online articles, this kind of system with a cold voice, no witty words, and no cuteness is generally not a good thing. They will not only enslave the host to do tasks, but also threaten to wipe them out. Thinking of this, Carl's three-point fear in his heart became seven-point. It is said to be a system and a host, but isn't it just a human trafficker and an innocent young woman who was abducted?

[Host, please do not slander 0025. 0025 is from the regular Spacetime Administration. It is only because the spacetime where the host is located has collapsed and thus affected the host, so under the approval of the main system, 0025 was sent to protect the host's soul into the small world, and try to give the host a happy and complete life while the memory exists. ]

[As for why it appeared now, after traveling through the spacetime tunnel, the system entered a short dormant period, and only slightly regained consciousness this morning. ]

[Host, please rest assured that the Spacetime Administration is a normal organization, so it will not pimp or do illegal work or threaten the personal safety of normal free people. All our regulations are stamped by the central government. ]

Listening to 0025's words, Carl's heart settled down a little. After all, he was dead and everything was over.No, except this life, he really has nothing else good.

He didn't want to go back to reality, after all, his previous life was not happy, and here the Costers took good care of him, and he completely regarded them as his parents.

So being hit by a car and reincarnated in this world is actually a good thing for Carl. Thinking of this, Carl decided to talk to 0025 to get more information.

[0025, can you hear what I'm saying in my heart?]

Just as Carl was about to say something, 0025 seemed to have understood it immediately and made supplementary explanations in a timely manner.

[Yes, host, but if the host doesn't want to, you can unilaterally block 0025. At present, the system has just entered a short dormancy due to the time travel. After about 30 minutes, 0025 will pull an electronic horizontal screen in front of the host, which will have basic option controls. ]

[Although the system control is generally based on the power of thought, considering that the host is a novice, 0025 has equipped the host with a simpler and more convenient control panel. ]

[Well... thank you. ] Carl stuttered a little, because 0025 had answered almost all his questions before he said anything.

But he suddenly thought of something very important. 0025 said this is a small world, which small world is it? When you first come to another world, you are always a little flustered.

[Then 0025, where is this? The small world you are talking about...]

0025 said [According to the information, the host is in a small world derived from a work called "Harry Potter" in the host's original world. The host was born in an ordinary human family, but we provided the host's body with wizard abilities, which means that you are a little wizard. ]

[……] Carl fell into silence for a while, 0025 was a little strange, logically speaking, before this time, the host would fall into ecstasy because of such novel things, but Carl didn't seem satisfied.

[Host, you don't seem to be very happy, is there something wrong? ]

[0025 Ah, what year is it now?]

[According to the information provided by the system buoy, it is 1960 in the Gregorian calendar, host. ]

Carl's expression became more serious, but now he was just a baby so his serious expression looked funny.

[You said you would give me a happy and complete life, right?]

[Yes, host.]

[Then you traveled to the timeline before the war, when I was still a Muggle wizard. Do you know what would happen if I was caught by Voldemort?]

[You don't know! Because you only care about yourself!] After the conversation just now, Carl relaxed a lot. He was not the type of person who had deep hatred and hatred. He even had a bit of a quip because 0025 was not scary.

0025 fell into silence. Carl shouted a few words symbolically but 0025 never responded. He began to panic. Just when he wanted to call 0025 again, 0025 spoke first.

[I'm sorry, host. I just checked the timeline and found that the main system has a flaw, so I put you into an unsafe time and space. To compensate you, we will equip you with a game system to try to ensure your quality of life and survival rate. ]

Ahem, that's not necessary, Carl thought in his heart. After all, he didn't particularly dislike entering this timeline. Although it was a bit dangerous, at least he could catch up with the timeline of the parent generation, right?

Soft Lily, and young S-Teacher, oh--S-Barasi.

[If the host doesn't need 0025, you can request to withdraw the system. ] 0025 said again, of course it was not threatening, 0025 was not equipped with this kind of emotional processor.

Obviously it was reading Carl's thoughts again, Carl was not annoyed. Anyway, after 30 minutes, he would probably be able to block 0025 freely, so it wouldn't be a big deal to let it listen for 30 minutes.

As for the auxiliary game system, of course it was! But is there any reason not to eat the meat that was delivered to your mouth?

Thinking of the game system, Carl couldn't help but think of a mobile game based on Harry Potter that he had created in the real world before his death. He didn't play the pig farm mobile game very often, but he had heard about it. There was Azkaban for everyone, Sniff blocking the melon, and all kinds of weird and magical operations. If his game system was bound to this, wouldn't he be invincible? At least he wouldn't have to worry about being cursed and restarted in a minute.

Wow, the country of Sri Lanka, thinking of this, Carl, who was still a toddler, showed an expression of planning again. Leah's mother, who was working next to him, looked at her cute little son's smile [?] and smiled happily.[Understand that the game system will bind to the host together with the auxiliary interface in twenty minutes. ]

Hey, have I been talking to 0025 for so long? As expected, young children have poor physical energy. Carl yawned and thought about taking a nap for twenty minutes, and then checking his game system in twenty minutes.

[Ding, the game system has been bound, and the interface update is complete. Please check it. ]

The system sound woke up Carl who was sleeping soundly. He listened to the system prompt and turned over. He saw a clear blue icon floating in the white sky, which was very technological.

[Wow, although it was expected, it was still amazing. This interface is really technological. ]

[Yes, host, please check the game system. If you have any other questions, you can consult 0025. ]

Carl's chubby little hands slid around empty-handed. To ordinary people, this was just a toddler entertaining himself, but in front of Carl, a blue cursor flashed by. Because it was all in Chinese, it was easy to read. Carl skimmed through it and roughly understood the function of the system panel. Then he turned off 0025's mind-reading ability. Seeing the icon of the game auxiliary system, Carl was a little excited and wanted to see what game system he had obtained.

He excitedly opened the panel, a halo flashed across, and a chicken suddenly appeared on the interface. Carl clicked on the chicken uncertainly, and the chicken made a familiar sound effect with a cluck, and then a few lines of text slowly rose.

It said [Stardew Valley].

... Carl fell into an unprecedented silence. Even if it was not the Dragon Aotian system that killed everything, he would accept it. A game system that assisted magic would be fine. What's the matter with a farming system?

Let him cook for Voldemort to save his life, or let him grow crops to get rich and surrender to the enemy to increase his value, or let him fight Voldemort's meteor hammer for Avada? Wouldn't ranged physical attacks be completely defeated by Lao Fu's magic attacks? So is it too late to surrender to the enemy now?

Oh, I'm a Muggle wizard, hehe, the last way out is gone, so bad. :)

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