"Little Carl, little Carl, I'm your mom, come and call your mom." Carl looked at his parents beside him and opened his mouth slightly to shout, but he could only make a humming sound at the age of five months.


Oh, Carl can now fully understand English. It's not that he suddenly got the hang of it and made great progress in English within two months to reach the master level, but he found that there was something like a translator in the lower right corner of the Stardew Valley system. As long as he switched the language from the bottom, he could learn English without a teacher.

This may be the best part of this game system. At least he doesn't have to worry about how to learn to speak. If he can't understand English, he may not be able to attend the class. Carl looked at his parents and continued to make a humming sound. He wanted to give some response to Ceci's father and Leah's mother, but the result was as expected and he returned empty-handed.

But it doesn't matter. Even so, the parents are already very satisfied. Leah looked at Carl who uttered syllables from his mouth and said to Ceci in surprise.

"Look, our little Carl is so smart. He's calling mom, right? Honey."

Ceci looked at his wife with loving eyes, trying to tease her a little, "I think he's calling dad."

Liya looked away from her husband, pinched her waist, and said in a very proud tone, "No! Carl and I have been together the longest, so Carl should like me the most!"

"Okay, okay..." Ceci shrugged helplessly. He didn't want to upset his wife. This was not what a gentleman should do. The family battle ended with Leah Coster's victory.

Carl looked at his flirting parents, but was it just because of their affection and pleasant conversation that Carl felt satisfied? In fact, not really. Ceci looked at the information of the characters on the interface board. There were only Ceci and Leah on it, and the others were all gray.

There are several red hearts on the interface, representing the favorability value. It is currently at eight. Not long ago, there were only seven grids of favorability on the interface. After a few days of interaction, the red hearts moved up little by little, and finally reached eight today, which is good news.

Carl has a hunch that if there are more days, Ceci and Leah's favorability will rise to ten sooner or later.

As for other abilities, Carl has not yet explored them. He also tried to ask 0025, but 0025 said that as a shuttle system, if there is no problem of bugs in the game system that needs to be repaired, it can't do anything about other explorations, so Carl can only find out how to use the game system by himself. Three days after the game system was launched, 0025 said that the transmission consumed too much energy and entered a dormant period.

Two months have passed and 0025 has not finished dormancy until now. I don't know when I will hear its voice again. Although it is a bit cold, it is also cute [?].

There is no way. 0025 has helped him a lot since coming to this world. It doesn't know how to use the system, so I can't dismantle it to see if there is an instruction manual.

Besides, 0025 has no entity, so he can't dismantle it.

What should we do? Carl was thinking about something, and Ceci suddenly seemed to have thought of something and got up and left the room.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Ceci saw his wife asking him, but he didn't answer her question, just smiled mysteriously and said.

"You will know later." Then he left the baby room, leaving Leah, who was a little confused, and Carl, who didn't know why.

"Do you know what your father did?" Leah fiddled with Carl's little hand, and Carl shook his head to respond to his mother.

"I don't think you, little guy, know, oh no, you don't understand what I'm saying at all." Leah shook her head.

At this moment, a man pushed the door open with a bouquet of red roses. Leah covered her mouth in surprise and took the red roses. "This is for me. Thank you, but why are you so eager today, Mr. Coster?"

Cesi hugged Leah in his arms, kissed her forehead, and said helplessly, "Today is our wedding anniversary? Have you forgotten it? Mrs. Coster, who has a bad memory."

Thinking of the anniversary, Leah tapped her forehead in annoyance, "Oh, sorry, dear, I actually forgot our wedding anniversary."

"How can I blame you? But you must give me a gift. What do you want to give me?"

Liya thought about it carefully and decided to ask Cesi's opinion, "I don't know, but what do you want? Cufflinks, brooches, or the bow tie you liked not long ago."

Cesi acted very sad and blinked his beautiful eyes, "I am this in your eyes."Are you a materialistic man?"

"This is so sad."

Liya was used to his show-offs. "Okay, what do you want?"

Cessi closed his eyes and pointed at the corner of his lips. Liya understood and kissed him, and then said in a blaming tone. "You may not be a materialistic man, but you must be lustful."

"Only to you." The young couple said some sweet words again. When their conversation was about to go to Akina Mountain, Carl made a cry-like sound to attract the attention of the parents.

This is not the way to the kindergarten. I hope my parents will be nicer to me, a little baby.

"Oh sorry, Carl, we forgot, do you want to drink milk now? "Liya came over, put the rose on the bedside, and touched Carl's little head.

Looking at the roses blooming beside the bed, Carl suddenly had some ideas. Stardew Valley is a farming game, and the rest are additional questions. Since it is related to farming, roses can also be considered, right?

Carl thought about it and wanted to give it a try. He waved his little hand and shouted at the rose next to him. Ceci, who was fiddling with the rose, was a little confused, and then quickly realized what Carl meant.

He picked up a rose and put it in front of Carl. Carl immediately grabbed it, and Ceci immediately took the rose back. There were thorns on it.

"You like roses as much as your mother, but children can't play with this. It's very dangerous."

Ceci shook the rose, and Carl, who missed it, was a little embarrassed and annoyed, holding his little pink fist, bony cheeks, and looking at Ceci angrily.

"Okay, okay, you can take one, but I need to shave off the thorns first. "Seeing that Qidudu was not going to pay attention to his son, Ceci could only yield and carefully shaved a rose and brought it to Carl.

Carl happily grabbed the rose, but the moment he touched the flower, he grabbed nothing again. It was not that Ceci had withdrawn the flower again, but the flower disappeared when it saw Carl.


The sudden supernatural event made Ceci and Leah open their mouths wide, and even Carl couldn't believe it. Is this a magic riot? This shouldn't be the case. Aren't other people's riots all objects floating in the air? Why is it a disappearing spell?

But soon, the interface that jumped on the game system made him understand a little bit. The digital code on it kept jumping, and then turned into a string of words.

[Congratulations on getting the rose. The first time you touch the plant, the system automatically converts it into seeds, which can be planted on the farm.][Novice protection period can convert seeds x5, remaining times: 4]

[Rose seed x1, put in the backpack grid, farm tools stone hoe, stone draft, stone axe, have been put in the backpack. ]

[Watering can, put in the backpack to unlock the system for the first time, get wind parsnip seeds x15]

[Unlock the farm: uncultivated (covered with trees and rocks) with a dilapidated wooden house (upgradeable)]

Is this officially unlocked? Carl touched the screen slightly, and the pixel man dug a hole in the open space, planted the rose seeds in it, and watered it.

That's it..., and Ceci and Leah next to them finally broke free from the shock. Ceci lifted Carl up and looked around with Leah, but did not find the missing rose.

"Dear, where did you buy the rose from? It actually..."

"I don't know, I bought it from the flower shop, the one we usually buy. It's really a ghost, how could it disappear. "

The family was in chaos, and the couple searched for a long time at home, and finally came to the conclusion that the rose really disappeared out of thin air.

"It's terrible..." Ceci hugged Carl and protected Leah with her arms, looking at the bouquet of roses like a thief, but Merlin could see that this was really not a problem with the roses, but a problem with your son and me. Carl's eyes moved, and he was thinking about his own little tricks in his heart.

"Dear, what should we do now? That rose is really strange." Leah looked at the bouquet of roses with some sorrow.

Cesi plucked up his courage, handed his son to his wife, and stepped forward. "Don't worry, dear, keep an eye on Carl, I'll go and see. "

He touched the rose petals slightly, and fortunately nothing strange happened, because Ceci got a little bolder, and when she held the rose completely, nothing unexpected happened.

"It seems to be okay?" Ceci was a little unsure, and Carl decided to give them a hint. After all, he would go to Hogwarts sooner or later, and Ceci's father and Leah's mother would know that he was a little wizard sooner or later.

He believed that with their current eight-star favorability towards him, they would definitely not mind even if they knew that there was something different about him.

CarEr could see that his parents not only loved him very much, but also loved each other very much. They were also kind parents. He believed in them.

"Wow!" Carl made a sound, waving his hands in the air, trying to catch the bouquet of roses in Ceci's arms. Ceci and Leah quickly understood what the little guy meant.

"Dear..." Leah held Leah and moved forward slightly. "What if the rose disappeared not because of the rose but because of my child?"

Ceci thought carefully and found that this was indeed possible. He put a red rose in Carl's hand. The moment it touched Carl, the rose disappeared again.

At this moment, Carl's mind remembered the system sound [Novice protection period can convert seeds x5, remaining times: 3]

Well, case closed, the disappearance of the rose was indeed because of the five-month-old baby in his arms.

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