After dinner, Mrs. Evans specially wrapped a piece of cake for Carl in oil paper and told him to eat it after returning home. Carl happily agreed. Mrs. Evans wanted to send Carl off, but Carl declined.

He could go home by himself. After saying goodbye to the Evans family, he embarked on the journey home. Carl walked while happily checking the interface.

Penny had seven hearts, Lily had three hearts, and the Evanses also reached two hearts. It can be said that they had a lot of harvest, especially Lily, because she had a little more than others as a little wizard.

Ah, it is indeed Lily, the little angel. She is so friendly to everyone. Penny is also a good girl. Thinking of some actions of Aunt Penny in the original book, and thinking about his good friend Penny Evans, he still can't connect her with that jealous guy.

Maybe I can change Penny. With me as a lubricant, maybe she will love Lily a little more and won't have to treat her sister with such complicated feelings...

He was planning how to lubricate the relationship between the Evans sisters, but he didn't notice that he was about to bump into someone.

With a snap, Carl collided with someone and fell to the ground. He quickly got up and tried to apologize to the person he knocked down, "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to. I was lost in thought just now..."

He bowed and apologized, but found that there was no sound from the other side. Eh? What's going on? Is he angry? Carl raised his little head and found that the person he knocked down was a black-haired child of the same age as him, wearing a white skirt? His hair was a little long. I don't know if it was a boy or a girl, but judging from his clothes, it was probably a girl? It's just that this girl looks a little anxious, and she is still lying on the ground, with no intention of getting up.

Oh my God! Is this a scam? This is the first time in my two lives that I have encountered such a scam, and it's such a small child. Could it be a professional team of people who were kidnapped and sold to scam? Should I call the police...

But why would this guy scam a nine-year-old child? And the only thing he can pay with is the cake that Mrs. Evans gave him before she left.

Carl stepped forward and pushed the man, "Hey, get up! Stop pretending!" The child still had no intention of getting up. Carl was impatient and wanted to continue pushing the child, but he found that his arms had no flesh, and he could almost be described as skinny. He sniffed and found that his breathing was getting weaker and weaker! Was he forced to scam after being abused? ! This child is too miserable.

Carl had no other choice. He couldn't just leave the child alone. A trace of pity rose in his heart. "Forget it, let's just treat it as a stray cat robbing a cat strip today!"

Karl helped the child to a corner, then resigned himself to taking out a bottle of energy tonic water that he always kept, and poured it into the child's mouth little by little.

I have to say that energy tonic water is really a good thing. As soon as it entered the mouth, the child's face became visibly rosy. Karl poured all the energy tonic water into the child's mouth in one go. The child's eyelashes moved slightly a few times, and then opened his black eyes.

"Finally woke up, are you okay?" Karl stretched out his fingers in front of the man, stretched out four fingers and shook them. "What number is this?"

"If my brain wasn't hit silly by you, I think it should be 4." The child spoke, it was a child's voice, but it was easy to tell that it was a boy by the tone. Oh... It turned out that it was not a lady. Fortunately, I didn't say anything quickly, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Although it is very embarrassing now, and I accidentally knocked someone down, "I didn't mean to do it. I was lost in thought while walking. I'm very sorry." But if you do something wrong, you must admit it.

Carl put his hands together and made a very pious confession, wanting to get the forgiveness of the person in front of him. The man did not accept the apology or refuse, but suddenly froze in place, because he just swallowed the liquid in his mouth again, and then was shocked by the sudden surge of energy.

He originally thought that this was something like sugar water, but that kind of power, sugar water can't do this at all! It's not a Muggle potion, it must be a magic potion! He has a magic potion... After a moment of hesitation, the man pulled Carl's arm with a feeling close to fanaticism, and there was a light in his black eyes. "You are a wizard, right? Is it a magic potion you just gave me?"

Carl was shocked by the man's sudden enthusiasm, and he was also stunned for a moment and let the man pull his arm. Many question marks flashed in his blue eyes.

Why is this guy suddenly like this? Wizard, how does this guy know wizards? The only people around this street who are related to the magical world are Lily and me.Is there Professor Snape? This guy...

Wait, black hair, black eyes, long and short hair, and large maternity clothes! I'm getting closer to the truth, new machine wow, one step and one touch! This guy can't be Professor Snape!

Carl looked carefully at the boy who was pulling him a little fanatically, trying to compare his face with the young Snape in his memory, and then he found... yes! Although some appearances are different, the rest are completely consistent.

Opening the system interface, in addition to his parents, the system also has some characters in the original book. If he is Severus Snape, then there must be some on the system, ah! Sure enough, a Severus logo appeared on the system interface, followed by... half a heart, although it's a little less, but he bumped into him after all. With Professor Snape's temper, it's good not to deduct negative points from him. As for the half heart, it's probably because he knows that he is a wizard, so he adds friendship points?

It's really Professor Snape! Carl's eyes sparkled after noticing this. The two looked at each other, and the little stars kept flashing. Carl quickly reacted after being excited. After all, he had an older soul. " said wizard, is that so?"

Carl coughed and manipulated the small cake wrapped in oil paper in his hand, and the cake immediately floated up. "If that's the case, then as you can see, I am indeed a wizard..."

Little Snape here also became excited immediately. After all, this was his first time to come into contact with people and things related to wizards, except...his mother who loved his alcoholic father.

In order to prove his identity, Snape also floated a small stone around.

"What else can you do? And the potion just now..." Snape quickly broke free from the frenzy. He looked at the floating brown paper bag. He knew it was a bit impolite, but he still said what he wanted to ask. After all, it was a potion. He had only seen it in his mother's book. This time he actually encountered it for real. He must ask more questions...

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