"Lily! You've eaten too much cake!" Lily stared at the cake from the beginning of the meal.

Penny was the elder sister and she felt that she should set an example for her younger sister, so she didn't eat too much cake. Carl was a pseudo-child, so he didn't eat too much either. The Evans couple looked at the three little balls happily, just took a piece of cake in front of them, and didn't eat much.

Only Lily, who had cream all over her face, said vaguely, "But it's really delicious... Penny, eat more too!"

Penny shook her head like a little adult, stretched out a finger and sighed, "No, if you do that, Lily, you will be as fat as a ball."

"No way!" Lily shouted, with some panic on her face. She sat up suddenly, and the plate flipped over and went to the floor because of the movement of getting up.

"Ah, my cake!" The cake floated up before it was about to land, and then moved up slowly, as if it wanted to return to the table. Lily was using magic to save her little cake.

Except for Lily and Carl, everyone in the room looked at Lily with shocked eyes.

"Oh Lily! You!" Penny yelled. She quickly pulled her arm and gently shook it a few times to signal Lily not to use magic anymore. The Evans couple also stepped forward to block the floating cake.

Lily also realized what she was doing and her smiling face turned pale. She realized that she had done something wrong and immediately revoked the magic. She hoped that Carl didn't see it, otherwise he would be scared. Did I mess up my sister's birthday party? Lily blamed herself in her heart.

But the cake that should have fallen to the ground did not die heroically. Instead, it slowly floated up after falling, and then landed safely on the plate.

"Lily! How could you do this!" Penny felt that Lily was showing off her magic in front of her new friends and was a little angry. This little girl didn't know what she was doing at all. She was worried and angry, and of course there was some jealousy...

"Oh! I didn't!" Lily was completely confused. She obviously didn't use magic anymore, so why did it still happen? This is totally unexplainable...

Mr. Evans was a little embarrassed. He prayed that Carl would be easier to fool. After all, he was a child. He thought about the wording in his heart, "Oh... Carl, actually this is a small magic ritual in our family..."

Mrs. Evans immediately agreed, "Yes, it is a magic ritual. Penny and Lily have to do it every time they have a birthday? They are so naughty, right, dear..."

Lily and Penny also said immediately, "It's magical, right!"

Carl blinked his eyes, and was extremely puzzled in his heart. Others were fine, but Penny, am I so easy to fool in your mind?

"Oh... Actually, is there a possibility that this is magic." Carl's voice was very low, and he raised his hand like a primary school student answering a question.

"There is no such possibility!" The four members of the family answered him in unison. Although they looked a little guilty, they spoke with determination.

"Oh... Is there a possibility that this is really magic?" Carl asked weakly again. Mrs. Evans smiled gently, "How is it possible, Carl? Children have rich imaginations. This is just magic."

Carl was helpless and pointed at the cake with his finger. The cake plate moved up with Carl's movement, and then moved up and down slowly, as if dancing.

The other four people looked at the plate in surprise. They were quite sure that it was not Lily who was controlling it this time. Then, the person who just controlled the cake was Carl, right...

The sight moved to Carl. Carl was a little embarrassed. After slowly putting the plate down, he scratched his head with his hand, and the sound was almost like a mosquito. "Actually, it was me who made the cake float for the second time. You misunderstood Lily."

Lily was the most excited, of course. She immediately jumped off the chair and came to Carl, her eyes shining. "Oh, Carl! You can do magic? It's incredible. I actually met someone who can do magic like me!"

"I thought I was the only one in the world who could do this?" Lily clenched her fist. "What else can you do? I can make flowers bloom and dance on my palms!" Lily explained in detail what she could do. She was very excited. It was the first time she met someone like her. How could she be calm?

The Evans couple were also excited. A child who also knew magic, what a fate, and Penny next to her looked obviously dim.

She originally thought that Carl was the same as her and would be her best friend, but he actually knew magic like Lily. She felt that the distance between them was getting farther...

But she didn't say this feeling in the end, but she was silent.Standing silently behind his parents, the Evans couple watched the interaction between Carl and Lily and forgot about Penny's birthday.

"Oh, what I can do..." Carl clenched his fists, and a flash of light flashed on his hands, and then a bunch of tulips of different colors grew out.

"Oh, beautiful tulips, Carl, can you do it again?" Lily clapped her hands and responded very cooperatively, but Carl shook his head, "Today is not my personal performance, but the birthday of our most lovely and my best friend, Miss Penny. How can I steal the limelight?"

"This bouquet of tulips is my gift to you. How about it, isn't it very beautiful?"

Carl had already noticed Penny's loss. In fact, this bouquet of tulips was originally his gift to Penny. In fact, there should have been more, but the Blue Duke [that is, hydrangea] left was accidentally sold by him. I just didn't expect that this bouquet of flowers as a gift would appear at this time.

Penny didn't immediately step forward to receive it, but stayed where she was, one second, five seconds, ten seconds.

"Penny, don't you like it?" Seeing that Penny didn't move, Carl asked gently, afraid that Penny would hate this gift.

Penny reacted, her eyes regained their brightness, and she immediately took the tulip with her hands, showing a happy smile, "Of course... I like it very much. As your best friend, I am happy no matter what you give me."

"Not to mention that this bouquet of tulips is so beautiful..."

"How about we continue to eat the cake?" Seeing that Penny's mood has improved, Carl immediately took advantage of the opportunity to restore the atmosphere. What a joke, I am the biological son of the ultimate crosstalk actor Cece Coster. I will never allow anyone to be disappointed when I am here. This is my sense of humor!

"I want another piece!" Lily, who had something to say, immediately followed up. Penny held the flowers and looked at Lily who was eager for the cake.

"Lily, if you keep eating, you'll really get fat like a ball."

"How is that possible!" Lily widened her green eyes. Seeing her daughters' conversation, Mrs. Evans also began to chime in, "That's right, Lily, you really need to eat less, otherwise it will be like what Penny said..."

"Mom! You said that to me too!"

"I didn't, don't wrong me, dear!"

Lily didn't believe it, and she pointed her little head at Carl again, "Carl, you're not the same as mom and Penny, are you?" Carl shrank his head and said in a tone of embarrassment, "Lily, I'll tell you the truth. I don't want to make you sad, nor do I want to violate my principles. I'm an honest and good child, so I choose to remain silent..."

Carl's answer was self-evident, and Lily Evans exs did not respond.

The atmosphere completely returned to the beginning, and everyone started the second half of the birthday party with a lot of noise.

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