Penny led the way in front, and Carl followed behind. In fact, the two families were not far away, but the children walked a little further. After more than ten minutes, they stopped outside a house.

"We are here." Penny stood in front of the house. Although she was relieved a little by Carl's comfort, she was still a little afraid to go forward when she arrived outside the house. She hesitated for a long time and finally said.

"Forget it, Carl, let's go to your house to play..." Carl was a little confused and couldn't understand why Penny said this.

"What's wrong, Penny, why are you like this? You seem to be a little resistant to my going to your house from the beginning. Why is that? Don't you like friends to visit your home?"

"Of course not! Of course not!" Penny was a little flustered, and hurriedly explained that she certainly liked friends to visit her home, but...

The little girl pinched her skirt, "I'm afraid that after you see my sister, you will want to make friends with her more..."

"Why is that?"

Penny looked at it for a long time, and finally said her thoughts all at once, "Because she is beautiful and has a good personality, friends always like to make friends with her and ignore me..."

"You are my best friend, I don't want her to take you away, so I don't want you to meet her."

Carl understood it. The little girl was a little inferior because she had been treated favorably by her parents for a long time and was not as popular as her sister. He hurried forward and patted her on the back.

"What are you thinking about? Oh... I can see that Miss Penny doesn't really trust me. She even unilaterally thinks that I am an unprincipled beautyist. Oh my god, my heart hurts! Oh - I'm going to die -" Carl exaggeratedly covered his heart and pretended to be heartbroken.

Penny knew he was making fun of her again, and laughed out loud, and her mood relaxed a little. "Okay, okay, Carl, of course I believe you, don't be like this, you should get back to normal soon."

"I'm just making you laugh, Penny, why don't you be more confident? Smiling more is much more beautiful than always having a serious face."

"Okay, I will, then let's go into the house first." Penny finally felt relieved. Her little friend stood by her 100%. Thinking of this, she bravely opened the door. Before she could say "I'm back", Penny was sprayed with colorful ribbons by colorful fireworks.

"Happy birthday, Penny!" The whole family said together. Penny stood in a pile of ribbons, a little confused and at a loss, her eyes were full of tears.

"I thought you all forgot..."

"How could it be, dear child, how could we forget? We got up early today and wanted to give you a surprise... Did we mess up?" A tall woman, probably Penny's mother, rubbed Penny's head gently.

Penny hugged her mother and said, "I'm not happy!" Seeing that his presence was getting smaller and smaller, Carl could only cough twice to attract the attention of the family of four.

Penny suddenly remembered the little friend who was left aside by herself. "Oh, Carl, I'm sorry I forgot." Penny left her mother's arms and hurriedly called her little friend into the house.

"Oh, what's your name?" Before the two adults spoke, the little girl with red hair and blue eyes next to them jumped out and asked Carl without any shyness. Carl thought she should be Penny's little sister. She was really beautiful.

"Carlos Coster, this lovely lady, what's your name?" Carl introduced his name out of politeness. Penny was a little wary and pulled the corner of her friend's clothes. Carl gave a relieved expression in return.

"Oh, my name is Lily Evans, Penny's sister! Has my sister ever mentioned me to you?" Lily replied happily.

"Of course, of course, Miss Evans, Penny told me about you, she always said that she has a lively and lovely little sister."

Oh, it turns out to be Lily Evans, a good name, Carl was thinking about something but suddenly realized that something was wrong, wait...

What Lily? Lily Evans.

What Evans, Lily Evans.

What Lily Evans!!! It's Lily Evans! Carl then opened his eyes and looked carefully at the little girl in front of him, red hair, lively and lovely personality, Lily's name, and the same style as the savior, Stoic happy eyes.

Carl couldn't believe it. Lily was next to me. He suddenly remembered that Penny appeared in his favor column, but no one else did. If Penny appeared in it, what about Lily? He opened the favor column with his mind and found that Lily and the Evans couple's names appeared in the column. The Evans coupleA star is shining, and so is Lily.

Although Carl's heart was shaken, he calmed down the next second. But if this Lily is the Lily in the book, then isn't Penny the same?

Carl glanced at Penny, and he couldn't associate her with the Penny in the original book who was irritable, clean, gloomy, jealous of Lily, and abused little Harry.

That complex, contradictory, ridiculous and pathetic, inferior and conceited woman, she was not the same as the Penny he knew.

But... "Penny, you don't seem to tell me what your last name is?" Carl whispered to Penny.

Penny blinked, oh, that's true. "You didn't tell me what your last name is either. Today is the first time I know your last name is Coster."

"Oh, this is definitely not my fault." Yes... They did not tell each other their last names. The two little balls, you are called Penny and I am called Carl, and neither of them asked each other what their last names were.

"It's definitely not my fault." Penny whispered to Carl, and Lily also hurried forward. She didn't want her sister to forget about her because she had a good friend. "Hey Penny, what are you talking about?"

"Oh... it's a secret." Penny was one of the few who stood in the center of the topic. Her friends did not ignore her because of her beautiful sister. She felt a little relieved and straightened her chest.

"Can't you tell me?" Lily continued to ask. She was very lively like a bird.

"I can't tell you. We have our own little secrets." The three children walked in together. Mrs. Evans looked at the children who had a good relationship and smiled.

"Let's cut the cake, Penny, you are the little birthday girl, can you cut the cake for us?" Mrs. Evans took out a delicately decorated cream cake. Penny and Lily were children and naturally couldn't resist the temptation of the cake. They immediately jumped on it. Carl was very reserved.

Mrs. Evans thought he might be shy, so she took the initiative to talk to him. "Your name is Carlos, right? A great name. Penny calls you Carl?"

"Can I call you that, too, dear?" Mrs. Evans was very gentle. Carl thought of Leah and nodded, "Of course, it's my pleasure."

Lily also poked her head out. "Since mom and Penny can call you that, then I can, right? Can I call you Carl?"

Penny looked at Lily who took the initiative to talk to her, and said nothing. Carl nodded, "Sure, Penny and I are good friends, and you are her sister... Oh, then can I call you Lily?"

"Of course!" Lily replied happily. Penny was finally completely relieved by her friend's answer. She took a cake knife in her hand and cut a line on the cake. "Lily, Carl, come and eat cake."

After all, Penny was a child and couldn't cut the cake by herself and then put it on a plate for everyone, so Mrs. Evans assisted her.

After putting cakes on everyone's plates, the happy meal time began.

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