"What do you think, Lily?" Penny turned to look at Lily next to her. Lily also looked tangled before answering for a long while, "Well... I don't know either."

Sirius, who was standing by, looked at his best friend who had messed up everything so stupidly, and felt that the sky was falling.

Although he just wanted to get himself out, he still wanted to help James at this moment, otherwise he would wail from midnight to dawn in the dormitory when he returned to school, and then play it like a loudspeaker in a loop during class, condemning his inaction and losing the happiness that was within his reach.

"Carl, James and I flew for more than an hour to play with you. Why don't you let us in first?" Sirius familiarly pulled James out of the bushes next to him, and shook a few times to shake off the leaves on James' body.

"Okay, you guys come in first, change your clothes, and treat your wounds. I don't know if you would think we were child abusers..." Looking at the embarrassed James and Sirius, Carl had to invite them in first.

James had no sense of crisis, or even if he saw the sense of crisis, he didn't care. He believed that with his outstanding personality charm, he would definitely win the favor of his future sister-in-law.

Come on, he is James Potter, who would not like him? James was very confident about this, and he had a kind of beauty that didn't care about the lives of others.

And in Lily's description, her sister was a...

gentle and kind, with a good personality and good grades. According to Lily's description, she was almost a girl with all advantages.

James believed that in just three minutes, he would be able to please his future sister-in-law.

Hehehe, hehe, hehe... James acted off guard, and with his embarrassed clothes, it became even more strange.

Even Sirius next to him half covered his eyes, as if he wanted to avoid the fact that he knew James and was his best friend.

"James, stop immersing yourself in your fantasy world. If you continue to be so embarrassed, stay five meters away from me next time we go out together!" Sirius pulled James over and forcibly interrupted James's happy fantasy time.

"Ahem." James also restrained his emotions at this moment and began to greet Penny over there politely, "Hello sister, I am your sister's classmate. My name is James Potter. I live in a village in Godric's Hollow. I have a little money. Maybe you don't know much about it, but my family..." James began to talk about his family background and various situations, and he almost found a loudspeaker to shout that he was a super reliable guy.

Then James raised one hand to shake hands with Penny to express his friendship.

"Oh... I know..." Penny has a good memory. He can remember the small details of many things very well, so he naturally remembered Lily's evaluation of a classmate named Potter in the first grade two years ago.

He was a fussy, noisy, and prank-loving boy who looked careless, arrogant, and narcissistic. According to Lily's description, he was a boy with flaws all over his body.

She thought Lily was too serious at the time and asked her to get along well with her classmates, but now it seems...

What Lily said was still conservative...

"Hello... Mr. Potter...", but James raised his hand enthusiastically to shake hands. Out of politeness, Penny couldn't refuse, so she also raised her hand and shook it slightly.


Her hand was thrown away by James. James saw that she was serious and a little resolute, but from time to time he glanced at Lily next to him with his peripheral vision, and from time to time he showed a sweet expression of a young man in love. Penny felt that she might have touched on some truth.

Oh... I understand, no wonder he was so enthusiastic about her when they first met.

But Penny was not surprised. Lily had been very popular since she was a child. The little boys who pursued Lily could line up from Carl's house to her own house. After all, Lily was cute and good at studying. This was just one of them.


Looking at James' silly smile, Penny always felt that he was unreliable, especially since he had just destroyed a large melon field for some unknown reason, and then crushed the blueberry tree she had worked so hard to water. You know, Carl was not at home, and she was the one who took care of these plants. Carl's house was so far away from hers, and God knows how much energy she had spent!

For the dead melons and blueberries, she would not agree to this marriage.

"That sister..." James looked at Penny over there with a flattering expression. Penny would not really care about the guy who was one year younger than her, but she did not want to establish a relationship with James, especially... This guy really called her sister. Lily had not called her sister a few times, which was really difficult for this guy.

"NoMr. Potter, since you are Lily's friend, you can just call me by my name like Lily does. "

James's confidence naturally made him think that these were goodwill signals from Penny, so he agreed immediately, "Okay, no problem."

Sirius was outside the mountain and could see the whole picture of the mountain clearly. It was obvious that James' series of actions just now made his future sister-in-law very dissatisfied, but did James' confidence make him think that he made others angry? No, James would only feel happy that he was so good, how could anyone not like him?

"Is he always like this?" Penny glanced at Lily and asked, of course, she was asking about James' mental state.

"Yes, I have always been like this! ", James thought that Penny was asking about his feelings for Lily, so he answered sincerely.

This sincerity often helped James a lot, but sometimes it also unconsciously dug a lot of deep pits for James, and even left him a lot of dirt...

Oh... Sirius sighed, and didn't plan to save his friend who jumped off the cliff. After all, it's hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words, and it's hard to persuade the heart to sprint in the opposite direction with good assists...

But where is Carl? At this time, he should dig some deep pits for James as usual. After all, they just turned his yard into a battlefield, and it would probably take a long time to repair. According to Carl's little thoughts of secretly taking revenge, he would probably follow James' words and add fuel to the fire...

At this time, Carl, who didn't know where to go, walked down the stairs, holding a few clothes in his left hand and a medicine box in his right hand.

"You should apply the medicine now. Although it can't be compared with the things in the magic world, it will hurt if it is not handled properly. ", Carl said, then he raised the medicine box and shook it.

Sirius looked at the medicine box in Carl's hand, feeling a little bit like judging a gentleman by his own mean heart. Although Carl was sometimes very narrow-minded, he was still very reliable at this time...

I actually misunderstood him, it's really wrong...

And Sever, who was still reading a book next to him, finally raised his eyes when he saw Carl coming. His eyes swept over the medicine box and clothes that Carl was holding. His lips pursed up, seeming to be a little upturned, but mostly it was a feeling of indulging the cat to push the cup on the table.

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