Carl put down his clothes, picked up the medicine box, flipped through it, took out the disinfectant, and then told James and Sirius, "Go rinse it with clean water first, there is mud on it, it is definitely not okay to apply it directly."

Rinsing is still very simple. James and Sirius observed the structure of Carl's house when they were in the Room of Requirement. At this moment, they easily touched the place with the faucet and wiped the wound clean.

Carl squinted at the bottle of medicine to distinguish what the two bottles of medicine are, but the handwriting on it was a little blurred. Which bottle is alcohol and which bottle is iodine...

But fortunately, although the handwriting is gone, iodine is brown, and it can be distinguished by opening it. Carl opened both bottles of liquid and successfully found iodine. He put the bottle of alcohol on the table and planned to hand it to Sirius over there.

"Just dip a little with a cotton swab and apply it. Although it's just ordinary disinfection, your parents will probably take care of it for you when you go home."

But just when Carl handed the bottle to Sirius and taught him to follow suit and apply iodine, James, who didn't know what he was thinking, also picked up the bottle of alcohol next to him and applied it to the wound with a cotton swab.

When Lily wanted to stop him, it was too late.

The ending was obvious. James almost threw away the alcohol cotton swab and began to mask his pain, but because the girl he liked was beside him, James couldn't pull down his old face to wail after all. He slowly picked up a clean cotton swab and continued to fight.

James fought, stood up, and wore a mask of pain, but he didn't cry out in pain, although his aggrieved and forbearing appearance could make bystanders feel the pain in person.

Even Sirius, who didn't know the degree of pain of this behavior, was stunned for a moment. He looked at the medicine bottle in his hand uncertainly, and then looked at Carl next to him.

Is this revenge?

Not sure, take another look.

This action stunned the people around for a while, and even made Penny look at him with new eyes.

Directly using alcohol to touch the wound, that is a very pure alcohol, it will hurt like hell...

As expected of you, James, you are so scary...

James touched it for a while, and finally wanted to rest for a while because of the pain.

He looked up and saw that everyone around him was looking at him with strange eyes, so James looked at them with doubtful eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, James, what are you doing?" Carl finally came back to his senses first. He asked uncertainly, what was James's brain circuit like this, why did he touch the alcohol directly, and didn't it hurt a lot? Even if you didn't know at first, you should have thrown away the cotton swab when you felt the pain!

"Didn't you ask us to wipe it?" James tilted his head, his big eyes full of doubts. In James's opinion, although it hurts a little, maybe it's normal? After all, the Muggle world is different from the magic world. If Lily applied the medicine like this when she was injured before, what if I cried out in pain.

"Does it hurt? But we all apply it like this?"

"I didn't expect you to be afraid of pain, James. It's hard to imagine..."

If Lily said that, wouldn't it be the end? I would leave him with an impression of an unreliable, pain-afraid coward.

Then it will develop to.

"Lily, I like you!"

"But I don't want to be with a coward who cries out in pain when applying medicine. Goodbye, I'm going to find someone more reliable."

Don't do that kind of thing!!! If I don't want to, I will continue to fight. Maybe this thing is used like this?

Fight it, it hurts! Pain mask! Thinking of Lily, no, keep fighting, it hurts even more! Keep on fighting with the pain mask... infinite loop.

This is James's entire mental journey just now.

"I'm talking about Sirius's bottle. Since there's only one bottle, I'm going to give it to Sirius first, and then give it to you..." Carl said. He really didn't want to retaliate against them by applying the ointment. The revenge procedure was still to come. Why did James set up the revenge procedure himself and then bump into it himself?

This is a good question.

"Then why did you open this bottle too..." James stared at Carl, always feeling that he had suffered a lot unintentionally.

"That's because the handwriting was a little blurred. I opened it to see which bottle was iodine, and then I forgot to close it. Ah... You probably don't know what iodine is. Anyway, it's for disinfection, and..."

"It doesn't hurt." Carl didn't want to, but he said the last word murderously. After all, Sirius would apply it later, and James would definitely know.

James blinked, "So you Muggles won't use this painful thing to apply to wounds?"

Carl nodded, he always feltI feel a little guilty, after all, it was he who brought this thing out.

"So, Lily can't do it either?" James looked at Lily who was sitting next to him, and Lily nodded helplessly.

James asked again, but he didn't ask at this moment, because Sever still answered him, "To be precise, only you can..."

James Potter, the biggest crisis in his life, he seemed to have done something very stupid because of information asymmetry! ! !

Although he is no longer a coward, he has been completely labeled as an idiot. What should I do! This can be completely covered up as:

"Lily, I like you!"

"James... I... But I don't want to be with a fool, it will be hereditary, I'm going to find a smart person, bye."

Ah ah ah - help -

James was in a dilemma. Just when he was struggling on how to act smarter, Lily patted his shoulder gently.

"Does it still hurt? Poor James, it's all Carl's fault. Since it's not the medicine bottle for you, you should have closed it properly... He has done this more than once or twice..." Lily looked at James, who was holding his head as if he was about to cry out in pain, and gently patted his head.

"Lily..." James's head rarely turned. He remembered how Carl usually urged Lily to teach him a lesson when he did something wrong, and he began to cry and groan.

"It's all Carl's fault. He bullied me. How could he do this! He's too much!!!" James didn't speak very fluently at first, but after speaking, he almost learned to show weakness without a teacher, and continued to speak.

"Yes, yes, it's too much..." Lily also habitually continued to speak. Although the condemner and the condemned were reversed, Lily didn't feel anything wrong.

And Carl next to him, Carl next to him...

I like a sentence that most time travelers like.


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