Just now, the professor thought that Carl only had a vague understanding of the text, and maybe he just happened to translate some key words, so it was unknown whether he arranged them in order.

But now watching him "talk nonsense", Professor Baburin did not feel helpless as if he was looking at a young and fearless young man, but instead felt his heart beating wildly. He had a hunch that this child in front of him might be the kind of genius that would not appear once in hundreds of years.

"Then you tell me about it." Professor Baburin encouraged, looking at Carl with expectant eyes, as if there was light flashing in his eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is probably a fairy tale outline about the god of death and the three brothers. Because the text used is special, it is not very long, and there is nothing else. Because I don't know much about the word order of ancient runes, I haven't been able to arrange these things completely." Carl said, but he quickly added.

"But it's just a matter of time."

"It seems that you have written down everything I said." Professor Baburin was excited, but still maintained his usual kind and gentle appearance.

As for why he was excited, although his life experience was already brilliant enough, if he could teach a future genius, it would definitely add another chapter to his life experience, and perhaps it would be the most brilliant. Moreover, even if it was not for himself, teaching an excellent and smart student would be exciting enough.

"Not all right, but at least most of it." Carl shook his head and nodded. In fact, he wrote it all down, but Carl knew that he was completely cheating on the system. After getting the answer, he reversed the process. Although this was also very difficult, it was definitely easier than others.

He still knew his own weight. Standing on the shoulders of giants and looking down, there was nothing to be proud of. He was just a lucky guy who took advantage of the opportunity.

"I will give you a new piece of kraft paper. You can do some translation on it. It doesn't matter if it is correct or not, as long as you can write it down." Professor Baburin gave Carl a new piece of kraft paper. Carl nodded after receiving it and began to write and draw on it.

Professor Baburin also nodded. He looked at Carl expectantly, and then went to check other students' homework. Of course, other students did not notice the episode here. They just thought that the professor checked Carl's homework. After all, the classroom is really big, and there are really few people here. Everyone sits too scattered.

Carl wrote a paragraph that was almost translated on the kraft paper. How to say it... It's really a bit out of place, but according to the normal rules, it should be written like this. If too much polish is added, the meaning of the expression may be distorted, which is not good.

Carl can polish these words now because he knows the outline of the story clearly, but how can he know the outline in advance and polish it when he finds an ancient document manuscript in the future?

So when the bottle is not full, it is better to write it realistically.

Things are still going smoothly. After all, it comes with a cheater, and there is artificial intelligence next to it, so you can open a small stove at any time. Carl successfully translated an article.

Although the overall translation of the text has a kind of beauty of a mermaid princess who has just learned to walk on the shore, in general, it is still okay if we ignore this beauty.

Hahaha, right? Carl thought optimistically.

Just kidding, I always feel that my translation is not right... Carl thought pessimistically.

After completing this work, Carl looked up and found that the classroom had been empty at some point. Only Professor Baburin was on the podium, holding his glasses with one hand, quietly looking at various documents at hand. At this moment, there was only the sound of Sasha flipping pages in the classroom.

After rubbing the Nanako next to him to relieve stress, he picked up the paper and pen.

"Professor, I've finished it, although it may be a little awkward." Well, it should be extremely awkward, just like I was supposed to make Chinese food but ended up making British food after a long time, that kind of awkward feeling.

"Yes, let me take a look. Don't be nervous. It's great that you can understand it. When I was your age, I was still tortured by the most basic characters." Professor Baburin, who was already very serious, became even more serious at this moment. He took the brown paper from Carl and was even more serious than when he was reading the document just now.

"Oh, don't be nervous, Mr. Koster." As if he noticed Carl's nervousness, Professor Baburin patted Carl's shoulder gently, and then continued to read what Carl wrote.

After reading it, in general...

Bablin's eyes lit up, he was very surprised, because although it was an upside-down fairy tale, there were still many inaccuracies. If you really want to read it correctly,If you turn it over, it won't be the kind of precise story, but it should be the kind of awkward feeling.

Although Carl's translation is still a little inaccurate, he is already one in a million to achieve this level, especially some of his key words, which are quite accurate.

Perhaps... Professor Baburin's eyes are full of excitement and excitement of seeing a treasure.

This is the person who can change the world.


For some reason, Carl came out of the classroom with a lot of papers in his hands. Although Professor Baburin said that these are not very precious, they are not what a third-year student should get.

[Isn't this great? Host, not long ago you were complaining that you couldn't understand the patterns engraved on the soles of the crystal shoes. Now you can study them well. ]

[And Professor Baburin gave you a library book borrowing volume. He said you can get any information about ancient runes. It can be seen that he values ​​you very much. 】, 0025 said, he didn't quite understand Carl's tangled mood now.

"0025 has been surfing for so long, have you seen a meme?" Carl said.

[What? ]

"A meme of a husky mixed in with wolves and taking a photo with wolves, and below it said that you forged your resume but still got the job.JPG." Carl shrugged, with some ridicule, but of course, he was just a little entangled about where to start.

[Does the host have no confidence? ]

"How is it possible? Do I lack such a thing?" Carl replied indifferently.

As for the rest, he didn't think that he couldn't complete the job if he forged his resume. He had confidence in himself. As long as he wanted, there would be nothing difficult.

The confidence brought by long-term family education made him not easily beg for mercy, unless he himself maintained an indifferent attitude.

There is still a big gap between not wanting and not being able to. For him, there is always only not wanting, not being able to.

After a brief estimate of the time, Carl thought he should go to the cafeteria for lunch. There was still a spell class in the afternoon, which was full...

Plus, the hateful rebellious son was still showing his love to him...

This day was really tiring. He hoped that the 24 hours would pass quickly. He didn't really want the love of a rooster.

Well, he really didn't want it...

Carl came to the cafeteria. There were not many people in it. Because he had been in the classroom for a long time, he almost missed the meal time. Now there were only a few people in the cafeteria. He would go to rest for a while later. Carl sat down thinking so. Just as he started to eat and took a bite of food, he was stopped by a female voice.

"Carl! You are here!" Alice felt happy that she had finally found her. She immediately trotted over, "Ah, what's wrong with Alice?" When Carl saw Alice, he immediately remembered what he had promised her in the morning.

That is, to help him make an appointment with Senior Longbottom.

But seeing Alice being a little shy and timid, Carl wanted to tease her. Carl bit his food and asked with a little doubt, "What do you want me to do~", her tone was the same as usual, which made Alice hesitate.

Mainly because of shyness, after all, some words are hard to say, so Alice decided to remind Carl a little, "Ah... Anyway, this, this, that, that... in the morning..."

"There was something special..."

Alice spoke hesitantly, Carl raised his eyebrows, clapped his fists like a palm to make a look of sudden enlightenment, "Oh~ I remember, in the morning..."

Carl pretended to say it, then changed the subject and led the topic to James, "James was scolded by Lily in the morning, it was really funny, this guy is always funny~ Nothing special."

"No, it's... that...", innocent Alice was played around by Carl-san, she really thought Carl had forgotten.

But the next second, Carl looked at Alice and couldn't stop laughing. Now, let alone the slow-witted Alice, even a fool could see that Carl was joking again!

"Carl! You didn't forget, did you? You're too much! You clearly remembered to help me make an appointment with Longbottom..." Alice only said one sentence and immediately realized that she had said something terrible. She immediately lowered her voice and said

"You nasty guy, I must beat you up!" She was like a cat with its fur standing up, waving its wings and punching Carl's body. It was not too heavy, but it was definitely not light, which made Carl have to hold his head.He ran away like a rat, yelling in a teasing tone, "Miss, spare my life."

After a long while, Alice, who was tired of beating him, reluctantly stopped, snorted, and looked at Carl angrily. Carl would help her to make an appointment later, so she really couldn't hit him too hard.

"In short, you should take care of yourself!" Alice said with some dissatisfaction.

"Okay, I know. I will. You don't have to be so angry. You almost beat me to death. In fact, I hope you can say it yourself. You should be more straightforward." Carl pointed to the head and face that had just been hit. He hugged himself, with a shy attitude of a girl. "And how could you bear to hit such a beautiful face?" Although Carl's face is gradually opening up, his upturned eyes and delicate face, half-long black hair tied on the side of his shoulders, a few strands of hair hanging on his cheeks, and sapphire blue eyes are the finishing touches, even if he is so pretentious now, he looks handsome no matter how you look at him. If he were an ordinary girl, he might have forgiven Carl. But Alice is not an ordinary girl. She is very used to being surrounded by handsome men. So, you are beautiful, but not as beautiful as Sirius of Gryffindor, so! Hey, fairy, look at me! Carl got only a heavy punch from Alice on the side of his face. "Ouch——" he cried a little and fell to the ground in grievance, like a bullied girl.

"You did a good job. Don't do it again next time." To be able to anger the most gentle, kind, simple and harmless Alice is also very powerful in a sense.


"Ah... Should I tell Severus about this? After all, he is the future brother-in-law, but Carl and I are brothers..." James didn't eat either. He was struggling while stepping into the cafeteria. He had been struggling for a whole day.

During this period, he thought that maybe he had misunderstood again. After all, he had misunderstood other things before. In the final analysis, it was because he was too dramatic, but what Carl said in the morning...

Should I ask again? James is not such a shy person. After struggling for a whole morning, he finally had an idea that would stop him from struggling. He was going to put it into practice immediately.

That's right, I should ask Carl first. I can't just rely on some words in the morning to restore the truth of the matter. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding? Although what Carl said doesn't seem to be a misunderstanding, of course I have to ask first to get the truth!

Not knowing whether Carl is still in the cafeteria, James pushed the door and walked in without attracting anyone's attention. He looked around and saw Carl and Alice at the Ravenclaw table.

It was easy to get it. James immediately wanted to say hello and came forward, but then the style suddenly changed. Alice didn't know what happened, and immediately waved her fist and hit Carl on the head who was laughing so happily.

The two of them ran away and she chased them. They couldn't fly away, and started a passionate chase. Because of Alice's voice at the beginning, James clearly heard a few big words, [Ask Senior Longbottom].

Well... He took a breath, and then, while everyone's eyes were not on him, he quickly withdrew his legs from the room, and then closed the door and stuck behind it.

Damn, I was sweating profusely, and I was so angry. I saw the wizard and the priest of the protagonist group fighting each other. Frank Longbottom, you are really a sinful man.

No, if it progresses to a fight and the friendship is broken, it is not something he can say or not. He must discuss with everyone what to do about this matter.

Thinking of this, James Dog sneaked out of the cafeteria, and Alice and Carl did not notice this little episode.

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