After class, Alice quickly found Carl. After all, the Gryffindor team was about to start training. She had to rush over with Carl before then, and then let Carl act as her mouthpiece and let him explain for her...

"Got it? Carl, please follow the words I prepared in advance, don't add any more words you like, understand?" Alice put her hands together, looked at Carl as if praying.

"Hey, I'm famous for my high emotional intelligence, you don't let me play by myself, don't trust me?" Carl looked at Alice aggrievedly, looking heartbroken.

However, he stroked Nanako's feathers regularly, and his slow movements didn't make people see his heartbreak.

So Alice was certainly not deceived by the hateful Carl's black forces, but said firmly, "Yes, I don't trust you."

"Ah——", Carl sat down on the ground aggrievedly as if he had been hurt, holding his heart in pain as if he had been pierced by an arrow.

Nanako also ran around Carl in a panic, trying to check on Carl's condition.

"Oh, good Nanako, it's okay, even if I'm misunderstood like this, it doesn't matter, my heart is meant to be hurt." Carl fell to the ground and continued to speak in a pretentious tone.

"Well, it's not that I don't trust you." Alice said coldly, pretending to comfort him. When Carl thought Alice was going to say something nice to comfort his injured little heart, Alice made up the knife again.

"I don't trust you very very very very very much."

"I used four verys at once, you should understand what I mean." Alice smiled and said bluntly.

"Okay, okay, it's so boring, let's go to the stadium now, Alice, you don't have to be so ruthless." Carl didn't care much about Alice's bamboo shoots.

He patted his clothes and got up, planning to follow Alice to the Quidditch stadium now.

Alice walked in front and Carl walked behind.

Although Alice had told Carl several times, she couldn't help but turn back and tell Carl again when she was about to go to the court.

"Please, Carl, please don't... ah ah——", Alice hadn't finished her words when she tripped over a small stone that appeared somewhere on the road.

"Alice! Are you okay?" Carl subconsciously wanted to pull Alice.

He threw Nanako, who was in his arms, out. After all, she was a chicken. He flapped his wings a few times and landed safely.

But Carl didn't seem to be doing well. He obviously underestimated his body shape. Although Alice was not much taller than him, she was taller than him. In addition, as a girl in her puberty period, this would be a burden that Carl's life could not bear.

Carl himself was not a strong type. At this moment, he was not careful and couldn't hold Alice. Although the two of them didn't fall together, he couldn't hold Alice who was about to fall. He just quickly grabbed a handful to change the arc of Alice's fall so that she wouldn't fall to any vulnerable place.

"Hey..." Alice looked at her bloody hand, hissed a few times, and then got up. After all, playing Quidditch, even if she broke a bone, it was just a small injury, which was nothing to her.

Carl wanted to help Alice up, but Nanako over there had come to her senses. She watched Alice and Carl's intimate movements and jumped onto Carl's hand, and then kicked Carl's hand off.

"Okay, okay, I won't help you, okay, sorry, Alice, can you get up by yourself?" Carl looked helplessly at Nanako who was humming and not convinced.

"Fortunately, you can get up by yourself. I thought I was pretty miserable, but now it seems that you are even more miserable." Alice, who had fallen, was gloating over Carl's misfortune at this moment.

Alice took a short break, and then slowly got up. Although it was still a little painful, fortunately it was only a flesh wound, and no bones were hurt.

"Don't be like that, you won't get anything, okay? If you had knocked your head a little more crooked just now, you probably wouldn't have to go on a date with Longbottom..." Carl looked at Alice with a teasing expression and teased back, "But you can..."

Alice smiled, "What do you mean?"

Although Carl was a dog that couldn't spit out ivory most of the time, she was happy to talk to Carl a few more words and even reply to his words, because he was a very interesting person after all.

"You can go on a date with Madam Pomfrey, be careful next time."

"Okay, got it." Alice replied.

They chatted happily and completely forgot about the poor Nanako who had just been abandoned. Nanako was not coaxed at all, this timeAt this moment, she was about to explode.

Poor Nanako, who was abandoned by her lover, was watching Carl and Alice talking happily. She was furious and dared not do anything to Carl, but she could interrupt their conversation.

Nanako screamed angrily, crawled in the dark, and jumped between Carl and Alice. She started to roll on the ground, looking pitiful and bullied.

The feathers that were hit flew everywhere, and the dust raised made Alice and Carl cough.

"Ahem...Karl, I think you should pick him up. It seems that I am regarded as a third party." Alice was helpless.

"...I am sorry, Alice. My son is embarrassed. I will ask him to apologize to you tomorrow." Carl was still used to Nanako's madness today. He even pecked Professor Flitwick's head when Professor Flitwick praised him today...

But there was a slight interruption here, but the overall situation was still happy. However, the situation on the other side of the corner was not very optimistic.



With the superposition of sound effects, four heads emerged from the corner of the wall one after another.

Of course, Alice and Carl did not notice that four furry heads suddenly emerged from the corner of the wall over there.

These four heads were Sirius, Remus, James, and Lily.

They were staring at Alice and Carl here, and when they saw Carl fall to the ground in pain, holding his chest.

"Look, I'm not lying, things are really going in a weird direction!!!", James shouted softly while watching the two people tugging at each other.

But the next second, Sirius covered his mouth, "Hey brother, keep your voice down, are you afraid that if you keep your voice down, you will shout louder and help us get caught?" Sirius said in a low voice with some regret.

Remus felt that things were not that simple, "The relationship between Alice and Carl should not be that bad, right? They have always had a good relationship, could it be that you misunderstood?" Remus's words made sense, in his eyes, Alice and Carl were both kind and friendly friends.

Although Sirius and James did not think of Carl in this way, it was mainly because they often persecuted each other together, and the most gentle and harmless Remus was rarely bullied by any of the three of them.

"You don't understand, that's why it's so scary, I witnessed them fighting with my own eyes this morning, and the battle was particularly fierce!" James said.

"Actually, I think what Remus said makes sense. Maybe you saw it wrong, James. After all, your eyesight is usually not very good." Sirius said.

And Lily nodded and analyzed calmly, "Do you think Carl can't beat Alice? The last time you two teamed up to fight Carl, you didn't get any benefits."

"Or do you think Alice is the Valkyrie who can beat both of you." Lily said.

"That's different. Last time, Carl ran too fast and couldn't be caught like a fish. If we just fight against each other, we will definitely beat him." James defended himself. The fact is that it is unlikely to lose in a two-on-one match, but it is definitely impossible to win, because when Carl is too slippery, his kite-flying style makes it impossible for people to touch him, let alone hit him.

"So? Do you think Alice is a berserker who can catch the slippery Carl?" Lily replied, but it is obvious that Alice is not a berserker. She is also more mobile. After playing Quidditch and becoming a seeker, her movements are more agile. In terms of agility alone, most people may not be as good as her. Of course, she cannot be a power type.

It is really strange for two wizards to fight with their hands. Is it because the wand is not easy to use?

"So I think you must have misunderstood." Lily concluded. Several people expressed their opinions and pulled each other, ignoring the friendly interaction between Carl and Alice.

"Why don't you call Severus as well?" Lily asked after looking at James.

"I'm not a fool. If I call him together, won't the situation be more complicated?" James said. He thought that it would be better not to let the love triangle advance to a love quadrilateral for the time being. It would be better to hide it for a while, right? If he solved everything before things advanced, wouldn't it be beautiful?

"But I think it's better to let Sever come over..." Lily was helpless. James asked curiously, "Do you want to make the love triangle more advanced?"

"Let Sever come over to convince you that this is not a love triangle. I still think you are wrong. Carl should be joking, but Sever knows Carl better. His explanation is more convincing..." Lily was halfway through her words when she was interrupted by Sirius's exclamation, "What?What's the situation?"

"What's wrong, Sirius? Why are you making such a fuss..." Lily leaned over indifferently, and was shocked by the scene in front of her. Alice fell to the ground at some point, and it didn't seem like she was playing around. Her hand was bleeding, and there was a small injury on her knee.

This is definitely not a joke! If it was a joke, it would be too much!

The four of them didn't dare to slack off this time. They watched the two's next actions intently and unintentionally verified this matter.

Carl was far away from Alice. If it was the previous Carl, he would have joked and helped her up, but at this moment, Carl's face was a little cold [annoyed by Nanako's sweeping operation], and his position was also distant [Nanako, do you have any idea?], and he didn't even help her up.

Lily immediately wanted to rush out to help Alice up, but James immediately stopped him, "What are you doing? I'm going to help Alice up. "

"Ah, silly Lily, if you rush out now, it will make them more embarrassed. It's like when I was dueling with Nanako this morning, and you or Sirius caught me." James persuaded Lily with his emotions and reason, and pulled her back.

"Look, isn't this terrible?" James concluded, "and I heard with my own ears that Carl was going to ask Senior Longbottom out."

"I think the situation should be like this. They both fell in love with Frank Longbottom and fought for him."

"What should we do? The protagonists are fighting among themselves. Can we still beat the villain?" James was worried. Although he said something playful, he was really worried that their friendship would break down.

"Is it really not a misunderstanding? ", although the other three were still half-believing and half-doubting, the reliable minor, Remus, still maintained a questioning attitude. As I said before, Carl and Alice were not the type who would fight for the person they liked.

"I think...", Sirius just wanted to say something, and there was movement over there again. Alice slowly got up, and the two of them were silent, just looking at each other in the air filled with the smell of gunpowder [※ But there may be more chicken feathers and dust]

Their voices were too far away to hear clearly, and they could only vaguely infer what they were talking about through some words.

Everyone pricked up their ears and listened attentively.

Finally, everyone listened A very explosive word.

When Alice said the word "third party", everyone was confused. They could say that they had seen it wrong before, but...

"Just now Alice said the word "third party", James said.

"Is it true..." Sirius was not sure. He turned his eyes to Lily, wanting to see if the always reliable Lily heard it.

Lily also nodded, her face full of confusion, "Yes, Alice definitely said this word, Remus..." Lily looked at Remus, Remus didn't say anything but nodded.

"Oh damn, where are they going now? There is so much smoke everywhere. They are not going to have a life-and-death duel!" James watched Alice and Carl walk away, and worriedly squeezed up to see what they were going to do. He was really afraid that Carl and Alice would break up. If friends are no longer friends, it would be a very tricky thing.

"Although I still think it's a bit outrageous, I still have to ask. ", Lily didn't confirm the fact of the love triangle, but she was a little strange about what Carl and Alice said.

"What are we waiting for? Let's follow them and see." Sirius, the dog followed stealthily, then waved his hand, signaling James and the others to follow.

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