Carl fed the potion to the unicorn and stroked its fur twice, "But why don't you like to get close to me?"

This is very puzzling. The unicorn made a few empty calls, but unfortunately, Carl didn't get along with animals often, so he didn't quite understand the unicorn's mind.

[0025 Can you give me the animal language? ], Carl said that since I have crystal shoes, why can't I be a Disney princess?

I can understand snakes talking, right?

[That's because snake language has a specific language system. ], In fact, if the host can copy the unicorn's language system, 0025 can translate it, but the host has already relied on it, so why do I need to translate it myself?

This is a false proposition.

"Oh, forget it..." Carl still doesn't know why he is not liked by the unicorn, which is really unfortunate.

"By the way, your baby's blood can also be used to make a lucky charm. I got a bargain this time..." Carl shook the silver-white bottle. The blood could almost reflect mottled light and shadows in the sun.

Should we say it is worthy of being the blood of a unicorn? It is so beautiful. This creature is very beautiful and elegant no matter where it is...

See, I will give it to Siver later to make a lucky charm. However, Siver has a lucky ring and should not need the blessing of the lucky charm.

But by the way, will it be more fortunate if the two are superimposed?




Wait, what was skipped?

Yes, the lucky charm! Isn't it the same as the lucky ring? I failed to draw the pattern because I was forging iron and didn't do anything else, so I failed.

Now that I think about it, if I don't add the right things, it's definitely not possible to forge iron. If I reverse the situation, these things can be used to refine the lucky spirit potion. If I extract a little of these props and attach them to the ring, for example, I can use unicorn blood with magic to draw patterns and inject energy into it. If it's more advanced, the ring body can also be matched with some magic materials.

Carl was thinking about feasible ways in his heart, but protective measures must be taken, otherwise it will explode like last time. Using so many things containing magic power may explode more miserably...



As expected...

With a loud bang, Carl used a universal protection to limit the explosion range to that small part, but the aftermath of the explosion still made Carl tremble slightly, which was expected, so Carl was not afraid.

"Carl, can you stop studying this? I think you will blow up the Chamber of Secrets..." The basilisk coiled in the corner quietly. After another explosion, he finally raised his head and tried to persuade Carl a little...

Then he got Carl's ruthless reply, "Move your head over there, don't look over here, I don't want to die." That's right, Carl is now without sunglasses, which means that if he is not careful, he may die in the Chamber of Secrets, not by the explosion of the experiment, but by being watched by his pet, which is really sad.

"Okay, I won't turn my head." The basilisk certainly knew that he didn't want to accidentally kill the heir, otherwise he would be in big trouble...

"But if you continue to blow it up, the Chamber of Secrets may really collapse..."

This sentence is of course false, not to mention the good things Slytherin put in the Chamber of Secrets [although they were all moved away by Tom].

The secret room itself is a rare good thing. It is not only well-equipped, but also very safe. The magic array inside is surrounded by layers. Not to mention this small explosion, even if it is ten times larger, it is unlikely to collapse the secret room. At most, it will damage the ground.

"Don't lie to me. It's unlikely that this place will collapse even if I die." Carl knew this, so he directly retorted to the basilisk. He didn't have time to explain to the basilisk now.

The main reason is that apart from being with friends and Sif every day, there is too little time for me. Every time I go down to the secret room, I rush and dare not stay too long.

Otherwise, I will get Sif's suspicious eyes. You know, Sif's mind is very delicate. Maybe I will catch him, so I can't let him doubt...

And I can't come down at critical moments like morning and dusk every day. I need to pay attention to chanting spells all the time, adding and subtracting, and I only have a little time left...

But my work these days has been very smooth, mainly because the frequency of explosions is very regular and close to a stable value.

From the beginning, the furnace was blown up at most, to now the furnace is completely blown up. The superposition of power shows that there is no problem with my direction, but there may be a little bit of small mistakes when drawing the lines in the middle.Outside.

Well, in fact, it was a very big surprise...

But now the frequency of explosions has approached the basic value. As long as he fine-tunes the line drawn, maybe it will work...

And his 0025 time 0025 attitude towards this is also supportive, which makes Carl believe that at least the direction is correct, as long as he keeps doing it, there will be results.

Yes, as long as the general direction is right, there will be no problem.

Carl stared at the remains of the ring that had just exploded into pieces. Carl put away these magic wastes with some distress. He felt like a rag picker now...

Not to mention anything else, there were at least seventeen or eighteen furnaces used for ironmaking in the game piled up there. The basilisk's dissatisfaction came from this. His beloved nest was going to become a recycling station! ! !

How can this be? !

It was all done by the heir.

That's fine...

But even if it's the heir, it can't be... What what did you say?

Well... there are delicious things.

Then I'll compromise for the time being.

There were dozens of these ring fragments. Carl carefully put them into the box over there, and then picked up the small bottle on the table with only one bottom left. The small bottle was originally full of unicorn blood, the most precious unicorn blood! Only the last few drops were left...

So doing experiments is the most expensive. Now it seems that it is true. Before any results are obtained, I have used up half of the gold mine on the mountain. What else can't I do?

Carl took a deep breath and looked at the time. It was still a long time before sunset, and he could still make it once. Lucky ring, lucky ring, to make it really depends on unique luck.

Even if 0025 can eliminate most of the wrong options for him, he still has to do it himself to arrange the correct options.

Carl took out half of the gold bar that could barely make a ring. After processing, Carl used the principle of half Muggle and half magic to fuse it with the bird snake eggshell, and then extracted high-purity gold.

Carl found that compared with other materials, the ring is more suitable for gold. If it is used as the main material of the ring, the ring will explode more violently, that is, the magic power is stronger, so the explosion is faster and the effect is wider. It really fits the saying that art is explosion.

Carl took out a drop of unicorn blood, just one drop, and then used the floating spell to let the drop of blood float in the air. Carl called up a very important thing from the system panel.

Sun Essence. In an accident, Carl's drop of unicorn blood inexplicably melted into the sun essence placed next to it, and then the two things merged like a miracle.

Carl thought that it might be that unicorn blood is a relatively bright thing, so the two have similarities. After using it, the explosion effect is indeed a little wider, so he used the combination of the two methods afterwards, but he had very few tools and the fusion was very rough. Maybe next time he has a holiday, he will go to other places to find some alchemical things, and by the way, find some chemistry.

Now I take out the equipment in the game and disassemble and assemble it. Although it can be used barely, it is just barely, and it is impossible to surprise more.

The gold bar in his hand was placed on the furnace. It had gone through several changes, turning black and white, and finally maintained a relatively stable state.

Carl used magic to stretch the sun essence that had just been fused with unicorn blood indefinitely, and finally carved a line on the ring that Carl gave to Sif. Then he injected unicorn blood into the line that had just been carved on the ring, allowing the blood to blend into the ring body little by little.

Carl didn't know what this line was used for. Although he could understand the language roughly, the ancient runes used to make magic arrays were more complicated. Carl could distinguish a magic line because of his talent.

But according to the words that Carl arranged, it should be to increase the luck value? After all, there are some similar words.

But who knows, if the luck is a little worse, maybe it is a hidden magic array, that is, he carved a hidden magic array on an ordinary ring.

It means that Carl spent so much effort to make a Plus max enhanced version of an ordinary ring, which is equivalent to doing nothing.

But even so, Carl was not sad, because if he succeeded, it would be a breakthrough from zero to one. It would be a bad luck or something else, not to mention a hidden magic circle. Carl was also very excited.

At worst, he could use it as a prank prop for the annoying guy. No matter how hard a beginner like him tried, he would not be able to make any particularly powerful props. Even if he succeeded, it would probably be a small bonus.

Carl concentrated on carving the magic circuit on the ring. Several lines in the dark gradually formed a magic circle, emitting a faint sound.Yellow light, its light seems to be emitted from gold.

But gold does not shine by itself, it is the light reflected by magic, Carl swallowed his saliva and continued to carve, the unfamiliar characters looked particularly beautiful, linked together as if they were alive, Carl could feel that they seemed to have life.

Now it was not like Carl was carving the ring, but it was like the ring was guiding him, he was doing it little by little, at a turning point, Carl was possessed by some strange force, and swiped his hand down, completely away from the direction he was supposed to carve.

Just when Carl felt bad and wanted to retreat and dodge with all the protection, the unexpected ring did not move at all, what was going on?

Carl did not know what was going on, but it did not prevent him from continuing to draw, because the previous turning pen, Carl converted the range of some characters, so that the next magic circle could be filled in more reasonably.

He carved a whole ring with dense patterns. Compared with the patterns on Siver's ring, this ring looked rough and wide, and the characters were even several times larger, not so good-looking. There was no way to do it. After all, Carl was a beginner and he could never be so delicate.

Carl sighed, put the ring down, and then just looked at it.

A white light shuttled back and forth in the patterns of the ring, and finally slowly linked together and turned into a line, and finally slowly reduced the brightness. Finally, the silver-white light became stable, but the white light could still be seen flashing.

There was still a little light here, and if it was in the dark, it should be clearer.

Carl held the ring excitedly, and then put it on himself. Although the carving was rough, it felt very smooth when worn, and more importantly, this ring was so shiny that it would definitely not be a hidden magic circle. I just don't know what it is.

"0025, scan it for me, let me see what this is." If it's lucky, it's even better. My luck is really bad. The small guarantee is always wrong, and the big guarantee is always the last one. When I draw the box, I always get a few good things. The others are all weird, either seeds or coal, as if I can kill myself with a little good thing!

But as expected, the goddess of luck will not always favor me. Carl took a close look at the values ​​on the panel and checked it back and forth several times without finding anything wrong. It was not until 0025 reminded him that he found something wrong with the health bar in the corner.

Take off the ring, health -1.

Put on the ring, health +1.

Put it on,

Put it down.

Put it on,

Put it down.






Is there any difference between this essence and the ultimate weakened version of vitality tonic? It really cracked. Although it was not a hidden formation, it gave me a big surprise. Is that right?

Carl took it off and put it on several times in a row, and finally confirmed that it was just a little bit of his blood skin.

"Although it is like this, I am also very satisfied..." Carl looked at the ring, his heart full of hope. A good start is half the success. I will succeed in replicating the lucky ring, and then replicating the immunity ring, and various rings to be the coolest Hogwarts arms dealer.

Carl forgot to take off the ring and put it in the prepared box. Thinking about it, he found that a long time had passed. Estimating the time, he planned to go up.

"Don't touch other things casually, I'm going out first." Carl waved to the basilisk, and then left along the pipe that came in.

Because the sun was about to set, he also needed to go back up immediately.

Back up, Carl looked at the sky and found that he was just in time. He pointed the wand at his heart and recited the spell that he had recited almost countless times in the past.

The ring emitted a bright white light, and Carl seemed to be able to accurately hear another heartbeat, in his body, and it was very strong.

Hmm... 0025 didn't seem to have told Carl that the luck value was not displayed.

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