Carl has been very energetic these days, which has made him and Alice feel much better when they go to the routine special training. However, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Alice’s flying skills seem to have made another leap forward these days. When she flies, she is just like a flexible bird.

"Sever, why can’t we learn to fly? I almost fell off the broom just now, but Alice pulled me back..." Carl fell on the table like a loser, sighing, "They are all so amazing." Sever was processing herbs next to him, and Carl didn’t know what he was mixing. If he knew, he would not be Carl.

Seeing that Sever didn’t react, Carl sighed again and continued, "Oh, Alice is so amazing~", his blue eyes stared at Sever tightly, revealing a look of desire for praise.

Sever didn’t say anything, but just coaxed Carl a little, "It doesn’t matter, in my heart you are still the best."

After so many years, how could he not know what Carl is like? If he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. Just like he never sighs because the potion is not good, he certainly won't sigh for flying.

All of this is ultimately because he wants to praise.

"Hehehe, Sever still understands me." Carl laughed foolishly and leaned a little closer to Sever, but not too close, because he was afraid of affecting Sever's method of handling herbs.

"Sever, do you think I'm cute?" Carl said while holding his chin beside him, more or less pretending. Sever didn't know what Carl wanted to do, but he must have some purpose.

"Cute." He pretended to be perfunctory in his tone, but in fact he was quietly looking at Carl, thinking about what he wanted to do.

"Sever, do you like potions?" Carl asked another idiotic question, which looked even more suspicious. Sever was really sure this time that Carl must have some special plan.

What exactly is it?

"Like." Sifu said again, and the perfunctory tone in his voice increased, but in his heart, he turned his attention to Carl again...

What does Carl want to do?

"Sifu, Sifu, how is the research on black magic going recently." This is also an idiotic question. Sifu just showed Carl the latest results not long ago. He is innovating new spells.

"It's OK." But in fact, Sifu knows that Carl is the person who knows him best. Isn't it more suspicious to ask this question?

What exactly does Carl want to do?

"Then Sifu, do you like me?" Sifu was processing the latest step when he heard this, but when he heard this, he turned his head abruptly, "What?"

"Does Sifu like me?" Carl asked with a smile, his hands still on the table, looking at him with sparkling eyes, as if he could burst out some light.

He really can capture people's hearts. "Of course." Sever answered and nodded. No matter how long it takes, Carl is still the type that makes people completely irresistible as long as he is sincere...

Sever now feels that no matter what Carl asks him to do, he will agree. Being liked by him is really a very happy thing. As long as he looks at you seriously, you will feel that other things don't seem to matter.

"That's great! Then Sever, you will definitely go to watch Alice's Quidditch game with me, right? You will watch the match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw together, right?



Right!" Carl changed the subject and spoke very quickly, and then put his hands together and looked at Sever with expectation.

Sifu hadn't heard what Carl said clearly yet, because he spoke too fast, and his brain couldn't catch up with his movements. When he reacted, he was nodding...

"Mr. Koster, can't you let me be touched for a while? Even if you have a conspiracy, you should let your poor boyfriend take a break, right?" Sifu's feelings were mixed. He knew it would be like this, but he still fell into Carl's trap.

"Oh my God! Sifu, what conspiracy? I'm asking you questions sincerely, aren't I? It's too much, Sifu, you actually speculated about me like this...", Carl pretended to be sad, picked up a small handkerchief and wiped the non-existent tears from his face.

While wiping, he looked at Sifu's eyes, and the corners of his mouth under the handkerchief rose wildly, as if his plan had succeeded. He was really a very mean person.

So Sifu slapped Carl on the head.

"Don't do this next time. My heart is not very good. I don't want to bear the feeling of my heart beating faster in the last second and then my heart stopping in the next second." This is the truth, I thought it was a heartbeat, but it turned out to be a heart attack.

How many surprises does Carl have that everyone doesn't know?

"Hey, is your heart beating faster? Let me touch it." Carl stretched out a hand with five fingers open, pretending to touch it.

He waited for Sever to hide, so his hand was just raised in the air, without any intention of falling, but Sever just stood there without any intention of hiding.

What's going on?

"Don't you want to touch it? What are you doing with your hand stopped?" Sever smiled. He had already seen that most of Carl's actions or teasing actions were just like a cat blowing up its fur, blowing up its fur to become tall, but in fact, it was a mouthful of fur with no meat at all.

Why did he panic before and didn't see through his true nature?

Sure enough, Carl looked at Sever, who was as still as a mountain, hummed a few times, and then put his hand on his chest without changing his expression, "I'd better touch my own, it's more convenient..."

"What's the reason?", Carl just ran away again, but this didn't stop Sever from saying something next to him.

He was ready for Carl to say some high-sounding nonsense, and then he looked at him to defend himself, but he didn't expect Carl to throw a bomb the next second, "Haven't you heard of it, Sever? People who really love each other will have the same heartbeat, so just touch your own, right?"

Sever digested this sentence a little, looked up at what Carl was about to say, and then he made a quick decision and made a stop gesture.

"Okay, Carl, that's it, I agree to go to the Quidditch game with you, so that my heart won't be tired from beating wildly and stopping later, please don't say anything." Sever agreed to Carl and added many additional conditions.

Yes, that's good, sweet words don't need to be accompanied by a hammer to break sweet words.

"Sever actually thought I was still using rhetoric? Well, that's true~", Carl pretended to be wronged at first, and then changed the subject the next second, with a smile on his face like a cat that stole fish.

Sever looked at Carl and sighed helplessly, and then he heard Carl say again.

"But these rhetoric have only one purpose, I want to watch the game with my boyfriend, I don't want to be separated." Sever didn't know whether this was Carl's sugar-coated bullet or a sincere expression.

He only knew that it was bad, he was really looking forward to the Quidditch game in a few days.


He shouldn't look forward to the Quidditch game...

Sever thought so in his heart, even in such a cold weather with cold wind, Carl could still doze off without paying attention to others.

"Mr. Koster?" This was what Sever called Carl when he started to get a little angry. Carl was a little confused. He seemed to have the spring outing syndrome last night and couldn't sleep.

It was really strange. I could see Siver every day, but I was so excited last night. Yes, yes, after all, it was the first time that Siver formally invited me to a date. Siver was busy at ordinary times, and I was also working non-stop.

"Siver, I'm a little sleepy..." Carl's tone was a little sluggish, yawning, as if he would fall asleep in the next second.

"My head hurts so much..." His tone was even more sluggish, as if he was in some pain.

"You didn't sleep well last night. Isn't your sleep always good?" Siver glanced at Carl and rubbed his temple slightly.

"I went to bed at nine o'clock last night..." Carl said.

"If you go to bed at nine o'clock, you should be able to sleep well." Siver was puzzled.

"Then because I was a little excited, I... lay down until twelve o'clock." Carl remembered clearly, because he was a little irritable and checked the time.

"Then... it took more than an hour before I fell asleep." Carl's tone was a little guilty. It was more than an hour. He didn't know if he slept for an hour last night. He just knew that when he woke up, he saw Nanako start crowing.

He didn't know where this guilt came from. It wasn't his fault! He was very painful for not being able to sleep!

"Are you a child before the spring outing?" Siver was a little helpless. The children before the spring outing were a little better than Carl. He was just a fool. He actually stayed up so late.

"Wrong, other children are not as good as me. Hehehe, they fell asleep quickly when they were tired, but I stayed up until the early morning~", Carl cheered up and retorted, looking a little proud of it instead of ashamed.

"Then do you want to sleep for a while? Just sleep for a while, I can repeat the game to you..." Siver asked with some concern, but didn't hear Carl's answer.Turning around, I found that Carl had already fallen asleep.

I leaned on his arm and dozed off comfortably. She looked like she was sleeping well, falling asleep in a second.

"Okay, have a good sleep. I'll have to give you some dreamless sleeping pills next time. Are you a kid? You're too nervous to sleep." Severus complained, but the corners of his mouth were raised.

He gently pulled Carl towards him to prevent Carl from falling to the side and then tilting.

Finally, he took off his wizard robe and put it on Carl, "Sleep better, good night."

However, he still had to help watch the game that Carl didn't watch. This was Alice's second time on stage, and the game was against Gryffindor. Severus would never come to watch such a thing, but in order to repeat the battle situation to Carl exactly, he still tried to recall the rules of Quidditch and the people present.

Alice clenched her fists over there. Compared to the nervousness at the beginning, she was now more excited and agitated. The smile on her face was also much more confident. She felt that she would definitely succeed this time!

Even if she faced Senior Frank! She would never lose.

"Hahahaha, Alice, your fighting spirit is about to be ignited. Don't be too sad if you lose later." The game has not started yet. Almost all the players playing Quidditch know each other, so they will joke or encourage each other before the game.

At this time, James has begun to shrug and provoke Alice with a bad heart, but he is the kind of friend who teases him in a friendly way. He will also do this when he is training him to be mean.

Alice didn't feel nervous. Instead, after hearing James say this, the last bit of nervousness in her heart was mostly let go.

She replied slowly, "Oh, that's true, James. If I win, don't go back to Lily and cry~", Alice hit back, because she and James had competed several times, and it was almost 50-50, originally it was 40-60, and for some reason she always felt that her body was so light and free these days, a feeling she had never had before.

James did not refute that he would lose, because in his eyes he would definitely win, even though he had lost to Alice several times [actually half], but the second one...

He would really go to Lily and cry! Damn it! How could Alice learn bad things? He became Carl 2.0. He stared at Alice angrily for a while, "Can you cry about the wizard's matter? I am just showing weakness tactically!"

No matter how he looked at it, he felt guilty. Because of his guilty conscience, he amplified his voice several times, so that almost everyone could hear it. After all, everyone was not deaf.

"Oh, tactical weakness~"

"Oh~ tactical weakness~"

"Hahaha, James, you really found an excuse for yourself. Oh, why didn't I think of it when I was with my girlfriend?"

"It has to be you!" The Quidditch tent was instantly filled with back and forth and rippling sounds. Several older seniors who played Quidditch laughed and imitated James' tone just now.

Several newly selected junior sisters also covered their mouths and laughed. The senior sisters pulled them and laughed while looking at James over there, with a gossipy face.

"What are you looking at! What's wrong with what I said! Do you know how much progress I've made recently? Do you know?" James was incredulous. This group of people was simply tasteless.

The player next to him who was a little more familiar with James and played the same position as him bumped James' shoulder, "I know, Miss Lily never wanted to be pursued by you, and she reluctantly accepted your pursuit."

"Hey! Did you call her Lily? You don't know Lily yet, right? I have known Lily for several days before she reluctantly agreed to my change of words!" James said.

The Quidditch tent was immediately filled with a happy atmosphere again.

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