Seeing that Carl's work was getting better and better, Sever was almost done. Sever was doing the work of boiling the potion. They could let Carl practice after they finished the potion required by the professor.

"Give it to me." Sever stretched out his hand. Without too much words, Carl would know what he wanted and help him in time. The two cooperated very well. Carl always felt that this was familiar for many years but he didn't know why he couldn't remember it.

Before Carl could remember it, his thoughts were suddenly disturbed by a gust of cold wind blowing over his head. Most of the thin sweat he had just produced from grinding his snake teeth was blown away by it. Because of the nature of gasification, Carl felt even colder than before.

Sever fiddled with the bottle. Carl deliberately ignored the cold and began to observe Sever boiling the potion. He tried hard to remember the order, so as not to be completely unable to think of it when Sever asked questions later, otherwise he would definitely be scolded to death by Sever.

"Okay." The last step was to remove the fire and add porcupine hair, then stir clockwise and finally filter.

Sever also did these actions in one go without any unnecessary movements. If everyone's movements were as standard as Sever's, Slughorn could save a lot of trouble.

"Remember?" After getting a perfect potion, Sever did not inform the professor at the first time, but glanced at Carl and asked him if he remembered the steps. He hoped that this guy would not only focus on how he made the potion without considering his various details.

"Sure, you can test me after class!" Carl patted his chest and assured Sever. Sever looked at Carl and nodded uncertainly, but finally decided to believe him.

"Then you can show me in the afternoon. I will only help you a little when you don't know how to do it." Sever finished the first half of the sentence, but he was still worried about Carl's promise and immediately added the second half.

"What if I..." Carl rubbed his hands and was about to say that if he didn't know how to do it at all, would he do it again? As a result, Sever saw through his intention the next second and interrupted him immediately.

"There are only three chances to make mistakes. If you don't know how to do it, go and copy it. I'll mark the key points fifty times!!!" Sever announced ruthlessly. Carl pouted his lips and curled his lips, but he was so happy.

Well, Sever is still a sharp tongue but a soft heart. There are only a few knowledge points in this basic potion, but he is willing to remind me three times. He really makes me cry.

If James or Sirius were standing here now, Sever would probably have put the potion on them, and if it was Harry, he would probably have copied the key points a hundred times. I beat 99% of the people in the record of stroking Sever's cat fur, come and beat me!!!

"Okay, I know it, why are you so mean to me, Sever?" His look made Sever feel at a loss. What kind of person would educate such a child? I really want to see what his parents look like.

But there is nothing wrong with Ms. Leah, so everything is Mr. Cece's fault.

"Have you finished? Really fast." Slughorn had just finished coaching a group of young wizards on how to deal with slugs, so he only realized now that Severus had finished brewing the potion. Of course, this was also because Severus and Carl were sitting in the least conspicuous position in the corner.

Professor Slughorn adjusted his glasses and picked up the potion to look at it.

He exclaimed as he looked at it, "I have to say... but who brewed this potion? And you said you brewed it together." Professor Slughorn smiled.

Severus said, "We..." He was interrupted by Carl before he finished speaking. Carl raised his lips and said to the professor, "It was mainly Severus, who finished most of it."

Slughorn looked at Severus with appreciation, "Very powerful, very talented, dear Mr. Snape, even better than I was back then." He patted Severus on the shoulder affectionately.

"Keep it up. If your other potions can maintain this level, then Mr. Snape, I think you will definitely leave your name in history." Slughorn was not stingy with his praise. He liked the little wizard with potion talent.

"Because of this perfect potion, Slytherin gets three points. Of course, Mr. Coster also contributed and was honest, so the other point goes to Ravenclaw." Slughorn announced.

"Thank you, Professor!" The two said in unison. Carl was very happy, but Sever was not too happy about the extra points. His voice was also faint.

One person's success brings success to the whole family. It is indeed right to follow the little potion genius. Although it is shameful to get points in this way, it is very easy. It is really a perfect plan. It is considered that the points I added in other classes. Ravenclaw's house cup is just around the corner. The plan works!

When Slughorn walked away, Sever grabbed Carl and said to Carl in a voice that only they could hear, "Why didn't you say that we did it together?" Although he got extra points, Sever's face was not very good. Carl looked at him and didn't understand how he had angered the snake king. Was it worth getting angry?

"But it's true that most of it was done by you, Sever..." Carl didn't understand, and pointed at his finger out of context, "I don't want to steal your credit." His words were lower and lower until there was almost no sound in the end, because Sever's expression was gloomy again.

"Why is it so clear, yours or mine, why can't it be ours, I don't care about this little credit." Sever still frowned, and his tone was a little irritable, and Carl finally knew what Sever was unhappy about.

"I don't care either, Sever." Carl said innocently, he was even smiling, making Sever think that this man was not reflecting at all.

"..." Sever didn't want to pay attention to him, so Carl continued, "But Sever, they will care." Carl looked around with a hint of meaning, and especially glanced at a few Slytherins who were whispering.

It was obvious that they had slightly changed their attitude because of Sever's talent for potions, from disgust and reluctance to a reserved attitude.

"You are a half-blood, so it must be difficult in Slytherin, but Sever, you are lucky."

"You are more like a natural potion master than anyone else."

"You are a genius."

"So you will definitely be praised and appreciated by everyone."

"Including me."

Carl said these words against the light source, but they were very close, so Sever could clearly see his face, his eyes, and the slightly moving colors in his blue eyes. It must be said that it was very beautiful.

"Okay." Sever was infected and unconsciously raised the corners of his lips with Carl.

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