"Although you said it nicely, I still need to check your potion." By the afternoon, Sev had already dragged Carl to an empty classroom to start making scabies potion.

"Okay." Carl was sharpening his snake fangs while quietly glancing at Sev. For some reason, after the potion class in the morning, his chest had been a little stuffy. He took a big breath through his mouth and barely resisted the stuffy feeling.

"But why doesn't Lily have to come with us?" Carl's tone was still a little resentful. Lily went to watch the game with Alice again. Is Quidditch so interesting? Is Quidditch so interesting?

[James Potter: Yes, Quidditch is so interesting. 】

"Lily was praised by the professor for her talent in potions on the first day of class. You should take care of yourself." Hearing Carl compare Lily, Severus gritted his teeth and looked at him with regret. Although the spells class and transfiguration class were not taught together, his professors mentioned it and all said that Carl was very spiritual and talented.

"So can you divide some of your talent for spells into potions?"

"So Severus, for your superb talent for potions, are you interested in dividing a little bit into flying?" Carl, who was grinding his snake teeth, poked his little head out. He heard that Severus' flying level was worse than his own.

Carl looked at Severus eagerly, Severus, unable to refute.

"Grind it well for me!" In the end, he could only change the subject.

"Okay, I'll grind it well."

"Focus, I won't help you in advance, ask me when you don't know how to do it, after all, I can't help you make it when you take the exam, understand?" Sever took an old notebook and started to record it according to the book "Thousand Magical Herbs and Tan".

Carl quickly ground the snake's teeth, and then began to make the scabies potion in an orderly manner. Although each of his steps could not be called smooth, he was busy and did not make mistakes. Sever nodded as he watched, which was considered a reluctant approval.

The potion was almost done, and only the last step was left. Watching the white smoke boiling in the crucible, Carl felt that the smoke made him panic and a little dizzy. He held his head, and all the clear steps of the potion in his brain disappeared.

All the work was done, and I seemed to have something left to do. What was it?

Carl wiped it on the table and as expected, he rubbed the porcupine hair. Yes, that's it. He held it tightly in his hand. Carl wanted to throw the porcupine hair into the pot and completely forgot about the process of removing it from the fire.

"Carl!" Siver reacted quickly and stepped forward to knock the porcupine hair out of Carl's hand, and then quickly removed the crucible from the fire and asked him.

"You actually forgot this step. If you really put it in, you might hurt yourself. What do you think?" Siver almost pointed at his nose and scolded him. It didn't matter what else, he could correct it. But if there was a problem with this step, it would hurt him. How could he be so careless about his own safety?

What... Carl panted, he saw Siver's mouth opening and closing but couldn't hear what he was saying at all.

Siver... What is he doing? He wanted to ask, but he couldn't make any sound. His hands and feet slowly lost strength and he fell completely on Siver in a free fall.

"Carl? Carl?" Severus belatedly put his hand on Carl's forehead, only to find that the temperature was terribly high. Now he looked more carefully, and his cheeks were also a little red, but not very obvious.

"You are sick and you don't even know it?" Without caring about the potion, Severus half-supported Carl and planned to send him to the medical wing.

"Am I sick? Am I?" Carl could finally hear Severus' voice clearly. He put his hand on his forehead, then thought about it and finally came to a perfect conclusion, "It's not hot?"

"..." Severus held Carl's arm and trembled slightly. Did this guy want to listen to what he was saying? However, Carl didn't want to listen to what he was saying. Instead, he touched Severus' forehead and flicked his hand away in surprise.

"Sever, your forehead is so cold!" Carl's tone was very surprised, and there was a hint of absurdity. "You are the one who is sick, hahahaha, you actually tried to trick me into thinking that I was sick."

"I'm not stupid!"

Sever stretched out two fingers and gestured in front of Carl. "Really? Mr. Carl, who is so smart, what is this?"

Carl shook his head and looked at Sever's fingers. He also gestured two times. Sever nodded with satisfaction. It seems that he has not been burned stupid yet. Who would have thought that Carl wouldHe gestured with two fingers in the air and shouted excitedly.

"This is... Yeah! Hehehe..."

"Yeah, you big-headed ghost!" Siver didn't knock Carl's little head. He carefully changed his posture, gently helped Carl up, and walked towards the medical wing step by step.

"I really can't do anything with you..."

Siver was not very strong and was still a child, so the two of them stumbled and walked slowly. There were few people in the corridor. It was almost dinner time.

"Sirius, Remus, Peter, wasn't that move I just made very cool? I'll let Carl watch it during our labor activities tonight, and then perform it for Lily, hahaha."

"If you mess up playing Snitch in the showroom, you'll be scolded by him, be careful not to get into trouble, we only have two days left for our labor activities, if you mess up, he'll beat you." At the corner of the corridor, the future robbers took shape, and the four of them had a small meeting in the corridor. James took a Snitch he brought from home and happily showed Sirius his special skills. The Snitch wrapped around James' arm and began to flee, but James could always accurately predict his next running track. He was really suitable for playing Quidditch.

"Do you mean to retreat?" James shook his head and looked at Sirius provocatively. Sirius raised his eyebrows and was not afraid at all.

"No, I mean we can put earplugs in our ears, so we don't have to listen to Carl's voice scolding us."

"Good idea, but what if he hits us?" James began to think, Sirius pursed his lips and made a sneaky cat expression "Then we run, anyway, Carl is not as tall as us, he can't run faster than us."

Sever's ears are very sharp, and he sensitively caught this sound. He remembered that Carl should know these four people, especially the two Potters and Black.

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